Honestly I don't understand it. How does one get a figure like that? It's impossible. Belle just had twins. I shouldn't envy a lady who just had twins this morning like this. I want that body. If twins give me curves in just the right places, please somebody sign me up.

And she has four kids, like not fair. And she eats a lot. And she doesn't do much. And she still looks good. I applaud her because yas queen.

"Okay, but that's not the point. But that's not the point. But that's not the- But that's not the point! The point is-" Kali breathed heavy growing frustrated with her sister. "The point is! I should've still been there when they were delivered."

Sometimes I forget Belle is from somewhere else. She'll swear up and down that she's seriously from Nevada, but obviously that isn't a Nevada accent. Anyways Kali's accent is much stronger than Belle's. I think her's has gotten a little watered down, but it's still there.

"I'm sorry, I didn't know you wanted to see babies shoot out of the meat curtains. If by some messed up reason I become pregnant again and hopefully not, because this was painfully, I will call as soon as I piss my pants sound like a deal."

Kali rolled her eyes and sighed. "Yeah whatever. Where are they?"

"At there grandparents'," Belle said annoyed with the situation. "The only one here is Nasima and she's taking a nap right now."

"So they're still upset about that." Belle nodded. "I just think if you explained to everyone why or what led up to that they'll understand. We all would."

Belle just shook her head and glanced over at me, then said something in a language that probably doesn't exist. Another reason why I don't believe the whole Nevada thing. But Kali responded, sneaking a look at me.

"Wowie I wish I understood. I suppose I'll just go and be on my little lonesome. Not that I wanted to spend time with my aunt or anything."

"It's not that I don't want to spend time with you Makenna, you just wouldn't understand right now."

I huffed getting up to leave. I hate when people say that. I get it I'm young, but I understand some things even if I haven't gone through it.

"Wait," Kali called. "How pissed do you think she'll be?"

"A lot," Belle said. "I mean if Lucero shows up maybe she'll relax for a second, but after that second you should be gone."

I just kind of stood there trying to figure out what they were talking about. I have a feeling they're talking about my mom, but I don't know who Lucero is.

"I'm fine with it. Anyways," Kali turned back to me. "There's not really an easy way to say this but you're kinda sorta a demon. Your mother is one and you father is too. She is part of the horsemen you hear about in the end times. Your mother is war, Belle leads, Damon is death and Hades is famine."

They couldn't be serious right now. All I wanted to know was what they were talking about, not this. This is crazy talk. I'm not a demon and neither are my parents. I think I would know that. So I started laughing.

"She's not joking," Belle said seriously, but I couldn't stop.

"So are you telling me you're both demons too?" Belle rolled her eyes, staring at me blankly. "If we're all demons, where's our little horns and tails?" I continued laughing, heading to the door. "I'll go if you want, but you don't have to make things up."

"Makenna," Kali said. "Turn around."

I did and jumped back in surprise. She had wings on her back. Kali literally had wings coming from her body. Not the fleshy weird looking ones, but legit wings and they are massive. They were golden, but not in a flashy kind of way.

Born In Hell (Book II)Where stories live. Discover now