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There were several knocks on the door. I didn't want to answer alone, but it wouldn't stop. I went out back to get the two, I just couldn't end the little moment they were having together. So I answered alone.

Ty was there and he was holding Jamie by the back of her neck. He looked annoyed and pissed, something I don't need right now.

"May we come in," he asked in a forced polite tone.

"Not my house."

I went to close the door but he stuck his foot there. "I need to see Makenna." All I did was stare, which caused him to tighten his grip on Jamie. "Tell him."

Jamie grimaced in pain." Okay, okay. Please let go now. I'll talk." He did and still I was waiting. "I lied about everything."

That was it. She didn't say anything else and neither did I. I did close the door again. I'm not dealing with them by myself they have too much going on. I got the two and if I wasn't a somewhat stable person I would've blacked out from all the anger. Mom gave me a little something to help with that, but I don't want to turn into Makenna.

Speaking of her she was very very upset about this all. I didn't know the girl swore up until recently. Now this was just a string of words.

"Pussy bitch ass fuckboy cunt dickhead asshole," she said walking up to the door. I guess she didn't care that it was slightly cracked. But she swung the door open glaring at him. "What do you want?"

He was red in the face, but offered a weak smile, pushing Jamie away. "Can I talk to you, please?"

"In private?" He nodded. "Last time someone talked to me in private I was choked."

He let out a deep sigh. "Fine, but I'm not going to have Jamie around you if that's what you think-"

"Yeah let's just forget I'm still here," she said sarcastically.

A tick started in his jaw like he was physically holding himself back. He was pissed to a point where I was close to blocking out. I'm not sure who's going to notice this first, but I can't trust my voice right now to say it.

"Okay, let's go," Makenna said after glancing my way. "Noah, come with. Uri, just stay with that."

Makenna vanished before Jamie could get in a comeback. Slowly the anger started to fade and I was somewhat normal. Nervous but normal. Me nervous? No.

"So are we still playing man of few words," Jamie asked. All I did was look at her. "Alright an indication of a yes or a no would be nice."

Why does she deserve it? All she'll do is be nice to me but rude to Makenna as soon as she sees her. Right now I care more about a family friend's daughter than some girl who has no relations to me. Why should I bother talking to her?

She nodded like she understood. "I get it. I messed up. I'm trying to make it better. Can we please just talk."

I started walking away and she appeared in front of me pressing her hand on me. "Don't touch me," I said pushing her away.

"Uri, please."I kept walking. "I talked to your mom."

That gave me pause. "When?"

"She told me not to say."

"Then how do I know if you're not lying?"

She shut her eyes hard like she was trying so desperately hard to remember. "Because I know why you don't talk to many people." I stared at her skeptically. "Kids used to only tease you and pick on you for fun. When you started fighting back it started becoming more of a challenge so you avoided people. She told me that."

Born In Hell (Book II)Where stories live. Discover now