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"I'm going to kill him and that little demon. I swear I will. I help her out and this- THIS is how she repays me," I screamed taking my anger out on a jagger.

"Aniel, for the love of God, please dick her down," Hades said staring at the pulp that was no longer a jagger.

I cut my eyes at Aniel before he could say it, but he didn't care and said it anyway. "She told her mom she would take a break."

"Why would you do that to yourself?" Raelyn asked me almost disgusted. "You know how you are," she muttered under her breath.

"You know, why would you let things happen to Makenna," I snapped. "Don't know, don't start."

Yeah I know its rude but, I'm just so very tired of her side comments. Because of course this is all my fault. I need them to just get off my back. I thought I was just helping a kid out, but this is what I get for being nice. So if Rae could shut it while I think about how to get out since no one else is, that would be nice.

Either way she looked hurt, going away from the group. "At least I know who my child's father is."

I was going to go after her, but Death pulled me back before I could get ahold of her. I heated up in his grip making him quickly rethink what he wanted to do next. Rae was gone and her existence was spared.

I needed to calm down. Killing her won't help us get out of this place. We'll need all the power we can get... But once we get back on Earth we are definitely fighting. She has pissed me off for far too long in here. She will pay.

"Why do you both keep bringing you're kids up," Hades shouted as if he couldn't be more annoyed. "Yeah shit happened to Makenna that's why we're here. And okay so what if you don't know who Uri's dad is-"

"He is Aniel's child," I screamed. "I'm sick and tired of everyone doubting that."

"No one is really doubting it. It's just that you had a tendency to-"

I snapped and had his throat. Nobody stopped me. They wouldn't, especially since I was in no mood to be played with. Being here reminds me of Lucifer, so I'm more effected than the rest.

"Get her," Hades yelled trying to fight me off.

"Come on, babe. He's had enough," Aniel said pulling me away from everyone.  

I've gotten so used to his presence all these years that my body temp automatically cools from his touch. Hades is lucky that he's here.

"You know?" He nodded.

"And that's all that matters," he said going in to kiss me. "Wish you didn't tell your mom you were going to chill."

"Well I don't need any more babies."

"You have to admit though, we make some pretty cute babies," he said still holding me close. I was about to agree, but a pain tugged at my chest, leaving me immediately weak. "What's wrong?"

I stepped away before I burned up. Something is wrong. Something is extremely wrong and it involves my kids. I can feel it happening to all of them at once. It's like they're having at me now, trying to gain all of my attention at once. This is bad.

"Amia," I gritted out in pain.

Limbo tore open for a second to have a little FaceTime. She looked freighted as she should be. "Yes?"

Born In Hell (Book II)Where stories live. Discover now