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"Because that's just-ugh. No! I refuse to cater to someone else," Belle yelled.

"You're not catering to anyone," Aniel yelled back. "We came here to work things out have you forgot?!"

She grounded her teeth. "No," she muttered under her breath.

"Then be nice," he said cautiously putting a hand on her. "Be the bigger person and apologize."

"I can't do that. You don't know what I'd be apologizing for," she said shakingly.

Now I know what you're wondering. Why are they having this kind of "talk" in front of me and well everyone? Well apparently they have to. The adults don't 100% trust Belle's willpower to restrain from hurting Aniel. It's just a good thing they hardly argue.

Aniel sighed closing his eyes like he would be the one to actually snap first. "Kids go upstairs."

We grumbled but left anyway. We sat in my room still sorta listening but not quite. Makenna kept to herself like she was better than us all. Uri did too but he was lost in his own world. Charming and Chance though looked like they were up to something. Chance leaned over to his brother said something and stared at me.

"Do you want to listen or do you want to listen?"

"Don't," Makenna warned them but they didn't listen to her.

Chance closed his eyes and Charming did the same. On my wall looked like a projected screen of downstairs. We could hear them more with the door cracked so that's what I did.

"Just tell me!" Aniel yelled. "It's not like anyone is going to look at you differently."

Belle knitted her brows like it pained her to try and remember. She also held the look of frustration from trying to convince him. Belle glanced at Raelyn and she gave her a sad nod.

Belle sighed, balling her fist at her side. "Fine. When I left, you know it was because I was pregnant." She took a deep breath. "That's when I suggested we tell your parents about me. You remember how scared and cruel they were? One day I went there when you weren't home. I was drunk and scared and angry. I didn't know how to work this all out. I told your mother first that I was pregnant. She was completely horrified and out of fear, she came at me. There were three different occasions with that. The first time she "warned" me to get rid of it," she said with her accent growing heavier and heavier.

"The second time she told me to stay away or else. It was the last time that sent me over the edge and that's when I left. I had to. You needed to finish school and I had to get my life in check. I needed Uri to help me with that. Don't you get it?"

Aniel just eyed her for a moment thinking. "What happened the third time?"

Flames danced at her finger tips and the others slowly moved close. The flames carefully made its way up to her hands then arms. Her eyes rolled back, turning black. Raelyn moved closer, but Aniel told her to wait.

"Let her get it out," he told her.

She slowly came back to them until there were no longer any trace of flames. Her eyes watered up a little and she balled her hands into tighter fists that she was basically shaking.

"I tried working things out. I was nothing but cool with her. I made her food. I helped clean. I did everything she could possibly ask for... that wasn't enough. I told her that I could never get rid of my baby. So she said she'd do it for me. I didn't want to hurt her. I didn't fight back, but that was until she actually cut my stomach. I was so close to losing Uri that day. I was scared, but I wasn't going to let anyone take him from me. She tried that and...I'm the reason she will never where a tank top," she said in shyly. "I burned her pretty badly. When I realized how far everything went, I left. So there it is. That's why she is so afraid and angry with me. I've tried, but I can't make it better if she doesn't let me."

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