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          Dan's POV

     Phil has been acting strange all week, he's been keeping secrets, hiding in his room, and recording videos at late hours. One night I opened the door to his room to check on him and he was huddled in the corner drawing something "Phil?". He looked up and saw me, He stood up holding what he was drawing behind his back. He ran forward and slammed the door shut. "D-Don't bother me right now!" I could hear his voice sounded slightly light and happy. 

     I walked back to my room and sat on my bed. Knowing that he was ok was all I needed at the moment. An hour later I feel asleep while I was browsing on Twitter, answering tweets and reminding people who ask that I'm "not gay" which is a lie. I hear the door open and I don't move, I'm still half asleep. I feel something make the bed dip down slightly. I look over and see Phil, he places something on my bed next to me not noticing that I was looking at him and he left. 

     I turn away from the paper, I smile. He was smiling when he left, I sigh. I sit up and grab the paper, it was in a black envelope. I opened it and saw a white paper. I take the paper and on the front it said, "Sorry to wake you, please wait until tomorrow to read the other letter I hid somewhere in your room! -Phil" Phil's name had a small heart next to it. It made me smile brighter and laugh a small bit at the silliness of the statement. I put the paper back into the envelope and put it on my bedside table. I smile and drift off to sleep.

          ~~Time skip to tomorrow morning~~

     I wake up and yawn. I sit up and get out of bed and remember the card Phil left me. He hid something around my room. I laugh a bit and start to look. Under my desk?  No. Under my bed?  No. I looked everywhere he could have hid the damn thing and it wasn't anywhere. I hear a small laugh behind me and see Phil standing in the doorway. He holds up a black envelope. "I guess I forgot to hide it!" He smiles. I roll my eyes and stand up, taking the envelope from him.

     "Dear Dan, You are perfect, please don't hate me forever for this. I promise you wouldn't be able to. Please look at me now? -Phil" I am confused. "Phil why would I ha-" I am cut off by him wrapping his arms around me. I hug back, he hugs me often and I like his hugs. I could feel his heart start to speed up, "Dan... Will you please be my boyfriend?" I feel my face get warm at the question. "...Yes..." He looks up at me with the biggest, dorkiest smile. I smile back. He plants a small his on my cheek. "Thank you... I love you..." He says. He leaves the room and I hear him collapse on his bed. I smile knowing that he will be the best boyfriend ever.

A/N AWWWWW FLUFFY AND CUTE! Have a good damn day and bye!

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