Opposites attract

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          3rd person view

     Dan has always been a fan of bright colors, pastels exactly. But Phil was the opposite, he would never go near a bright color. He hated them, but couldn't help but have feelings for Dan. Dan was always perfect, he admired that. His hair was always curly, and he was just perfect. Phil loved this boy, but had no idea if he loved him back.

          Dan's POV

     Oh no, that boy is staring at me again, I can feel his eyes burning into the back of my head. The bell rings and I stand, and grab my bag, putting it over my shoulder. I walk out of the door and not even five steps away from the door and get hit with something. This wasn't new, but I still hate it. People know me as weak, so they harass me. 

     I am greeted with the face of the school bully, Brian, I know I don't stand a chance. I shouldn't even try, he pulls his hand back to slap me. Instead of grabbing at my flower crown when he moves his hand forward, I put up a hand. He doesn't even hit me, people around me gasped. It wasn't normal for people to not get hit by this guy, but when they didn't, we all know what happens.

     I want to run away, but I don't even get a chance. I'm thrown against a locker, my back slamming into the metal. I don't mean to reach out, I didn't even try. I head a pop noise and open my eyes, and Brian is holding his jaw. I'm going to die, I know I am, I look around at everyone. They are deathly pale, and shocked senseless. I hear walking away and look at where Brian once was. He walked away, I move slowly away from the locker. I feel everyone's eyes on me, I don't know if I should be worried or not. 

     People can barely look at me for the rest of the day, I, the student considered weak, had taken out the school bully. The only person who would make eye contact with me is Phil, the boy from homeroom. I would see him stare at me and smile in every class we have together. I didn't know how to feel about it. But deep down, I can feel an unfamiliar pain, like I want to hug him for no reason. What even is this feeling... He was so dark, but he was beautiful. 

          Phil's POV

     He was so brave, how did he do that? He swung a punch, and broke  Brian's jaw. He is stronger than I thought, I thought his tactic of defense was run. But he mindlessly swung a punch. He didn't even notice his light blue flower crown fall to the floor. I had picked it up after he ran away, and it's still in my bag. I walk by his locker, should I? Yes. 

     I write a small note asking him to meet me behind the school. I sigh, and draw a small heart in the corner, signing the card with 'Anonymous'. I put the note in Dan's locker and run, not caring how many people look at me weird. I make it to behind the school, and lean slightly against the wall. I forgot how much running it is from the front of the school to the back. 

      Then the thought hits me. What if he doesn't come. My heart aches just thinking about it, but it is put back together when I hear footsteps on the dry leaves. The autumn was the perfect season to confess. If he said no, there was always a way to kick up the leaves and run. The weather is slightly cold, but not cold enough to not want to be outside. 

          Dan's POV

     I open my locker, and a piece of paper falls to the floor. I pick it up and unfold it, I read over it. Who wrote this? The handwriting was very neat. I wonder what girl in the school would write like this. I shrug and fold the paper again, putting it in my bag. I walk down the stairs and out the front door, slowly making my way to behind the school. I hug my arms, it's autumn but it's quite cold. I stop and pick up a red flower. "How are you still alive flower?" I smile and continue walking. 

     I round the corner and freeze, I see the dark haired boy. Now he was out in the open, his black shirt stands out more against his pale skin. He looks up at me and I could see something recollect in his eyes. "I didn't think you would actually come..." His voice was shaking. "Why wouldn't I? There's no use in not." He looks away for a moment, then looks back. "There was probably no use in coming here either... So why did you come?" I smiled. "Because I wanted to see what this was about." 

          Phil's POV

     I feel my heart quicken, he actually came here. Why am I even questioning it?! I feel myself go numb, he is staring at me. Those brown eyes that could tear a heart apart. I feel weak, powerless, his eyes have a hold on me that is hard to break. "Um.. What did you want to tell me?" My thoughts snap together and I hug my arms, can I do this? My face feels warm, and I don't know if it's red or not. 

     "I... Um... I don't know how to word it..." He slowly walks toward me and my face gets warmer. "It's okay! I won't laugh!" His voice is soft and his smile is beautiful. "I, uh.." I can't form the words to say. Just tell him!  My mind is trying to tell me what to say. But I just can't listen to it. My mind goes blank. I can only see him, "Are you okay?" I snap out and thoughts flood back. I nod. "I um.. I'm sorry I-I can't..." And I run away...

     I don't even look back...

     I'm Sorry....

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