A love that cuts like a knife (2009)

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          3rd person view

     Phil was sitting in his bed, not paying attention to his surroundings. He had his headphones on and was listening to Muse. He would think he would hear light crying, but assumed it was the music. Oh was he wrong...

          Phil's POV

     The crying was slightly louder now. I took off my headphones expecting there to be nothing. But I could still hear the crying. I stand up and open the door, expecting Dan to be crying on the floor. But he was nowhere. "Dan?" I go to his room and slowly open the door nothing. The crying became stronger the closer I get to the bathroom.

     I didn't want to look, what was even happening in there? Why was Dan crying in there and not in his room? Sure he was 19 but he is always crying in his room or on the floor, not in the bathroom. I knock on the door, "Dan? Are you okay?" I heard a crash. Signals, open the door NOW. But I just couldn't, I was hesitating. How am I hesitating? He is so important to me... I have enough courage, and open the door. 

     I wish I had been there sooner...

    I run over to Dan, he was laying on the floor with pools of blood around his wrists. He was still crying and he was still breathing. I'm thankful for that. I hug him, hold him in my arms. I could feel the blood from his wrists seep through my shirt. I didn't care. He is almost gone, I can feel his heart beat slowing with every minute the cuts bleed. I don't know what to do. I feel his heart still beating... But it's not as strong as before. I hear him breathing... But his breaths are shallow. So I just hold him, hold him and cry into his shoulder. Knowing I could do something but not knowing what. 

     What have I done...? All I hear is self blame. I wish I could at least say goodbye, I feel his use all his strength left to grip at my shirt like it was his last grip on life. I'm still holding him, I don't want to ever let go. "Phil... I made a bad choice..." His voice was almost gone, I wanted to do something. I did. His breathing got very uneven and his heart slowed. I could barely feel his heart anymore. I cry, and cry. I don't know what to do. Then I felt it happen, his heart got slowly faster.

     He was going to survive. I could feel my heart lift with hope. He got some strength back and pulled me slightly closer to him. With ever minute his heart got faster and faster. Until it was at a normal pace. I was still crying and almost collapse. Dan means so much to me, and I never wanted anything like this to happen. But it did. Dan slowly moves his arms from around me. I slowly take my arms away. He is looking at the ground, I can tell he feels guilty. "Dan... Are you okay...?" My voice is slightly torn because of my crying. He shakes his head and I see tears fall down his face. 

     I out a hand on his shoulder, "I'm to blame aren't I?" I feel tears prick at my eyes again. He looks up slightly horrified by my words. "No! I was alone for too long... That's all.." I feel tears pour out of my eyes and I hug him, holding him closer than before. Holding him gently, as if hugging him too forcefully would make him shatter. He let me hold him, hold him close to me. He had his forehead pressed against my shoulder. He was so precious. He put's a light kiss on my cheek and I smile. He seems so fragile and broken. I lift his face away from my shoulder.

     I lean forward and kiss him, it was perfect. He didn't pull away, instead he kissed back. I pulled away and smiled. This might have never happened. If I had ignored him on social media, if I hadn't asked him to move in with me, if I hadn't found him laying there. I hold him closer, not wanting to ever let go.

     And I never will. He is too precious to let go of...

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