Are we still recording?

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          Warning: Slightly smutty

          Dan's POV

     We finish recording an Undertale video, Phil is still trying to perfect his Papyrus voice. I am sitting in front of the camera, leaning back in my chair. I tap a random song on the table "Stop tapping!" I smile. He always gets annoyed at me tapping on the tables. "No." I continue tapping. Phil pokes my arm, "Stop!" I stop. "Fine, if you say so." I start tapping my foot. "Are you being serious right now." I nod. He reaches back behind me and grabs a pillow.

     He smacks me in the arm with the pillow, "Stop tapping!" I smile and stop tapping. "Why? It's fun to see you angry!" His face goes from slightly angry to mostly pouty. I smile and poke him. "Are you okay?" He doesn't respond. "Your face is bright red." He looks away from me and touches his face. 

     I smile, he was so cute. I lean back on the chair, "Are you okay?" He nods slightly. I don't want to ask if he was telling the truth. I feel my heart jerk when he looks over at me, face still pink. I just want to hold him, hold him and claim him as mine. He keeps eye contact and I feel my face get warmer. He smiles, "You okay Dan? Now your face is red" He teases. I frown, "Hey don't do that you twat!" He smiles again, "I'm not doing anything!" I sigh. "Don't play the innocent card!" 

     I smile and stand up, "I'm sorry! Don't leave me please!" I laugh. "Why shouldn't I?" He looks around the room. "Because Uh!" He stands up and wraps his arm around me. "Hugs?" I laugh, I could tell my face was red. He rests his chin in the crook of my neck. I sigh and wrap my arms around him. He moves his hand and I feel him touch my neck. I shiver, I hated when people touched my neck. I feel him press his lips against the crook of my neck. My face heats up, what was he trying to do to me? I smile, and don't try to stop him. I act like I don't notice it. He looks up at me, I lean towards him, closing the gap between us. 

          Phil's POV

     I kiss Dan's neck softly, hoping he wouldn't notice. I look up at him, his face was red. I look into his eyes and he leans toward me, kissing me, closing the gap between us. He moves his hands to the sides of my neck and sets them there, pulling me closer to him. I feel his heart beat, it is quicker than normal. I put a hand on his waist, and pulled him closer. We pull away to breath, still holding each other close. I smile, Dan looks over at the computer. "Phil... Are we still recording?" I look over at the webcam. The light was green, it recorded us. 

     "We could edit it out" I suggest. Dan smirks "Or keep it in, and make them freak out." I smile. "You are so evil... Let's do it." I kiss him again, and almost want the webcam to record it. He gives in pretty quick, I tug at the end of his shirt. He pulls away and pulls his shirt up, and off. He puts his hands on the curve of my back and pulls me towards him. He kisses me softly, moving one of his hand up to my shoulder blade, pulling my shirt up. 

     I pull away and slowly take off my shirt and smile. I wrap my arms around his waist, and kiss him. He places his hands on the sides of my neck, pulling me closer. I move one hand to his waist, digging my nails into his side.  I can still feel his heartbeat, it was slowing down, but still quite fast.I feel my back press against something, the wall. This was something, and I was loving it. The wall felt slightly cold against my back, Dan presses his bare chest against mine, pinning me in place. He breaks the kiss and we both try to catch our breath. 

     Who would have known, that kissing my best friend...

     Could feel so right...

     Even if it was on camera.

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