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          A/N  Based on a scene from the book Cinder

          Dan's POV

     I stepped into the elevator behind him, the doors shutting. "What the hell was that about?" I was glad I couldn't blush in that moment. He stepped toward me, and I took a step back.

     "I had to keep your attention somehow." He kept stepping closer until my back touched the wall. He took one more step toward me, getting so close I could feel his breath against my face. He was quite cute this close, and from afar. My mind was going crazy, and I was burning up inside to close the gap between us. But I kept myself still, the metal of the wall cold against my back. 

     "This seems like a bad way to get my attention." He laughed quietly, staying close to me. Why was he so hung up on taking me to the stupid ball? 

     "It worked at least." I squinted at him. Of course he would think this was working on me. I told myself, I wouldn't go to the ball, and I was sticking to that.

     "It's really not, and we should get out of here because people might be getting suspicious." He didn't move, just leaned closer to me. I tried to retract, get away from him but hit my head against the wall instead. I nervously tugged at my glove, feeling the clod metal of my palm through it. 

     "Please Dan, just go to the ball with me." I closed my eyes, he couldn't be serious. I hope he was joking. 

     "You must be joking. I can't go to the ball with you." I opened my eyes and he was slightly closer to me, and I couldn't move my head back any further.

     "Dan, I'm not joking. I'm serious, I want you to go with the ball with me." I waited for the orange light to start blinking, but it never came. I was hoping it would come, wishing this was a joke. But it never did, and we were left in an awkward silence. 

     "A-are you sure you want me to go to the ball with you? Why not any other person?" He kept his eyes on me, a grin spreading across his face. 

     "Because, you seem special." No orange light. Fuck, I'm stuck in this mess. This can't be good. I sigh, and accept whatever my fate should be. 

     "Alright, I'll go to the ball with you." A thought stung the back of my head. I don't have a thing to wear to the stupid ball. A smile appeared on his face. "But, I don't have anything to wear. I'm just a mechanic after all." His smile didn't falter.

     "I'll help you there, thank you for going with me." He kissed my cheek and left. Thank god I can't blush. 

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