Suicidal love

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          3rd person view

   Dan and Phil have always been those kids in school with no friends. The ones who always had scars across their wrists, and no one to talk to about it. Their parents wouldn't ever listen to them, and the councilors would push them away. Not even the principle would do anything about them. The kids at their schools would push them around, and shove them against lockers. 

       One day their parents finally cared enough to take them to therapy. They were both 18 and Phil lived with his parents because no one would hire him for work. The only money they made was from YouTube. They sat in the waiting room looking away from each other, not even noticing one another. 

          Phil's POV

     I look up from my phone and look around the room, I spot a boy my age sitting in the corner. He was beautiful, I couldn't help but stare at him. He looks up and sees me staring, I look back down at my phone. Trying to forget that happened was near impossible, I feel a presence next to me. I look up and see the boy was sitting next to me. He looked slightly awkward and smiled slightly. "I, um, noticed you staring at me... Are you ok? Your face is turning red..." I could tell. I was blushing, he was so nice and beautiful. "Um.. Yeah, I'm ok I think... I don't know..." 

     He looked slightly sympathetic of me, "I know how you feel..." I smiles slightly. "My name's Phil by the way!" He looked up and smiled. "I'm Dan..." he was taking barely above a whisper. "Daniel Howell?" The therapist called. Dan stood up and walked timidly to the room. He glanced back at me, I couldn't help but feel sorry for him. 

          ~~Time skip to when Dan walks out of the room~~

     I look up as the door opens and Dan walks out. He looks like he had been crying, and that he was scared. The therapist came out with a slightly frustrated look on  his face. I felt a chill go up my spine when Dan tapped me. "He is not a therapist." He said in a whisper. I feel my whole body go numb when I hear "Philip Lester?" I stood up and wearily made my way to the room. He ushered me in and closed the door. I looked around and saw a normal office. I looked everywhere in the room. I hear a lock click into place and understand what Dan was talking about. Momentarily I see Dan's pale face and fearful eyes. I feel a shiver go up my spine and I turn around. The man was standing at the door with his back against it, the door locked. I finally notice his pockets, he had a needle. I felt the color drain from my skin.  

     He moves closer to me and I back up, unable to scream as he takes the needle out of his pocket. He is trying to corner me, I duck down and run to the door. I try to open the door, and I can tell people only think I'm crazy. I try to unlock the door but my hands are shaking too badly. I could hear his footsteps coming closer, I start to cry. I bang on the door, the whole door shakes. "Stop moving kid!" I hear him say. I run to the other side of the room, only looking back to see he is waking towards me. I don't know what to do, this man was crazy. 

     I am shaking so much and I run around him. I fumble with the lock as he gets closer. I unlock the door and push it open, breaking the door as a whole. I run over to my seat and grab my things. Dan stands and puts a hand on my arm and walked out with me. I walked down the street with Dan next to me. "I told you... He is a crazy man and not a therapist..." I nodded. "I should have listened and not went with him..." He smiled.

     He followed me, he told me how he lived alone because his parents forced him to move out. I couldn't relate, my parents are making me stay with them. I told him how I couldn't get a job so I worked on YouTube to get some money to one day move out. I didn't even know where I was going, I looked up when I heard the sound a screeching metal. I see an old abandoned park, the swings where rusted, the slide had fallen apart. The swing was moving back and forth because of the soft wind. I walk over to the swing and sit, Dan sits next to me. 

     We slightly swing our legs, trying to block out the thoughts about the psycho man. I hear Dan stand up, and I look at him. He smiles and motions for me to follow him, I stand up and walk slightly behind him. He leads me to a small apartment building, he climbs the stairs, and I follow him. He unlocks a door on the top floor, and shows me the inside. It was very bright, with every surface covered in some kind of game plush. "This is my place..." I smile. "It's really nice." He nods slightly and I hear footsteps running up the stairs. 

     I look and see a frantic girl. "Dan! Dan! My brother just fell out of a tree! Can you help pleeeease?!" I look at the tree just outside and see an older boy under it trying to rub blood off of his knees and hands. I look at Dan, but he was inside his apartment. He comes back out with bandages and hands them to the little girl. She thanks him and runs off to her brother. "Tell him to stop climbing trees!" Dan yells after her. She turns around and gives him a thumbs up, and I hear him laugh a bit. I smile, "That was nice of you. Does she come to you often?" He nods. "Her brother has an obsession with climbing trees and always falls, so I always keep bandages on hand." I nod. "Why doesn't she just go to her mother?" Her smiles. "Her mother lives across the street, and she is always afraid she wont make it across the street in time, so she runs to me." 

     "She is very caring of her brother..." He smiles and nods. "She really does, I wish I had someone who cared about me that much..." I looked at him with a sympathetic face, knowing that feeling all too well. "Yeah... Same... I want to show you something." He looks up and nods. "Lead the way Phil..." He closed and locked his apartment door, and followed me. I make many sharp turns, away from the tall buildings of London. We end up at a cliff over a stream of rushing water. "I was going to commit suicide today. But then I met you." He looked up and reached for my hand, and I let him grab my hand. "I was going to as well. I brought paper and everything." He reached into his bag and pulled out two pieces of paper and five pencils. 

     He still hadn't let go of my hand, and I didn't want him to. He handed me a pencil and some paper. I take it and smile sadly, I sit on the rock ground and write out a letter to my family. Dan is sitting next to me doing the same. We put them on top of each other and put a rock on top of them. We smile and I grab his hand, we walk to the ledge and jump.

          3rd person POV

     Dan and Phil were submerged in the water, holding their breath, making the torcher five times as long. The water was freezing, the boys lungs started to ache, begging for air. The boys would not come up for air. Under the water the boys had each other in a tight hug, not daring to let go for even a second. Dan tries to take in a breath but is only met with a mouth full of water. Phil tries to breath in but starts to cough, water starts to fill the boys lungs. Their chests are burning and the boys hug each other tighter. After less than half an hour both of them had sunk to the bottom, no longer breathing, no longer moving. But still holding on to each other, and not daring to let go.

          A/N Mwahaha! Did I make you cry StraightIsTotallyEmo? I hope I did! This took me three fucking days!!! Baiii!

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