The Christmas kiss

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Dan's POV

Phil has been asking me for the past week if we could host a Christmas party. I keep telling him "I'll think about it" But he doesn't believe me. Today he left notes around the house asking if we could host the party. I sigh and take them down one by one. He is sitting on the couch not doing anything, just staring at the wall. "Fine! We can host a Christmas party Phil!" I laugh slightly when he turns around with the goofiest smile ever.

"Yes!!" He says and stands up. He runs around the couch and hugs me. I smile, he has my arms pinned to my sides. He lets go and runs to one of the closets where we keep all the Christmas decorations. He grabs two boxes and tries to carry both at the same times. I laugh and walk over to him, taking one of the boxes he was holding. He smiles, "Thanks..." he looked kinda cute and strong. I took the lighter box full of tinsel and he was carrying the tree. Well, trying. He had it sat on the ground. He picked up some tinsel and draped it on my shoulder.

He giggled because I didn't bother to get rid of it. I shrug and put the box down on the couch. I look at Phil and he is hunched over digging through the closet. He backs up with a shocked expression and holds something in his hand. "Why do we have mistletoe? Did you buy this to get Chris and Pj to kiss?" I laughed. "Yes actually!" He threw it to me and I hung it up above the kitchen door frame, almost walking into the glass door. "I hate this door.." Phil laughs and puts a box on the couch. (I call it a sofa irl XD -Geeky)

"Same, we should probably turn on a lamp." It was almost night and the light that had spilled into the room just a few hours earlier had faded, making the room a beautiful dark blue and white tint. Phil turns the lamp in the corner on and the room fills with a golden light. Phil smiles and his smile seems brighter. His blue eyes seemed to shine, and his pale skin seeming to glow. I smile at him. He walks to the closet and starts throwing Christmas decorations out. A reef hit me in the leg, snapping me out of my thoughts. "Phil! You're going to break everything!" He looked at me and blushed slightly, "Sorry. I'm just excited!!!" I smiled. He looked so cute with the blush spread across his cheeks.

I wanted to hug him, tell him he didn't have to be sorry. "Dan? Why are you staring at me?" I snap out of my thoughts. I sink to the floor and pretend to have an existential crisis. "Oh god! Dan! Snap out of it!" I feel him shake me,trying to get me up. I don't move, "Dan!! Are you ok?!" I respond. "I don't even know anymooore..." He sighs. "Dan! Come on! We have to get ready for the party!" I smile. "Fine..." I sit up and look at him. He smiles and helps me up. We finish decoration and just look around, it was beautiful.

~~Time skip to party~~

Me and Phil were talking just hanging out, and we were walking around. We stopped in the kitchen door way and I could feel the mood in the apartment completely stop. Everyone stopped talking, and all were staring at me and Phil. "Ummm... Why are you staring at us?" We heard nothing. "Um... I think you guys should look up before you ask stupid questions." It was Louise. I look up and stand completely still, I had completely forgoten about the misltoe. I felt something on my waist and I look at Phil, he was so close to me. I feel my face heat up as he leans closer. His lips lock with mine, and it takes me less than a minute to realize what was happening. Phil Lester, was kissing me. I kiss back at the moment of realization, and hear people coo at it.

This has officially been, the best Christmas ever.


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