Magic? Pt. 1

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          Dan's POV

     I want to take Phil to a nice place, I was going to ask him to date me.  I love him so much. Ugh I should just say it, but I can't, he would hate me forever. I didn't want to hurt him, so I would find a place in the forest away from people. I tell him I'll be back in little while and walk out the door, running to the forest. It wasn't that far of a run.

     When I get to the woods I lean against a tree, the same tree I have always known. "P x D" was carved over my head, I remember carving that last year. God I'm sickly in love. When I catch my breath I continue my way into the woods. I go passed the trees I knew so well, following the path I had made by walking though. It suddenly stops at a tree, this is usually when I would turn back, but I swerve around the tree and continue walking.

     I continue walking and walking until I realize I can't see the light. I'm glad I came prepared, I take a flashlight out of my bag and continue walking. Small splashes of light spill through the trees as the trees start to thin. I start running forward, swerving passed trees and making it to a clearing in the trees. I slump over against an unfamiliar tree, out of breath. I stand and see a man, standing before me. He looks at me, his skin tan and his dark hair shabby. He puts a hand out for me to shake and I take it, shaking his hand and standing up straight. 

     "Ah, it's nice to see a young face around here. Where do you come from?" I don't know what to make of this man, or that statement. How long has it been since he's seen a person?

     "Um.. Yeah. I came from out of the woods. I was looking for a clearing..." I stop there, I don't even know this man! I'm not going to just tell him I'm going to try to tell someone I love them here! 

     "Why do you need a clearing?" Oh god, now he's asking about it. How do I even respond? I don't feel comfortable telling him this but, I guess I have to.

     "I um.. I was going to tell someone I love them here.." He frowned, his frown creating deep creases in his face. Why was he frowning? Should I find a different place to tell Phil I love him, or should I just tell him off? My thoughts were interrupted when he coughed and started to speak again.

     "Young men like you, should walk alone. You seem strong enough to not need anyone." I see now, he was a fool. An old man thinking that he knows everything about everyone. I was not strong, I needed Phil. And I would do anything to have him.

          Phil's POV

     It's been almost an hour and Dan's not home, I'm starting to get worried. It never took him this long to do anything, I look over at my phone and am tempted to call him. But then I remember he was probably in a place were he couldn't receive calls. I sigh and sit at the top of the stairs leading to the doorway. Why is it taking so long for him to get back? 

     It was almost twenty minutes later when the door opened and Dan walked in with a bag over his shoulder and his hair messed up. A few small twigs stick in his hair and he smiles when he sees me.

     "Where have you been??" His smile only grows bigger. "I went to the woods to find something." I cock my head to the side confused. 

     "Find what?" He just smiles more and nods his head toward the door. I stand up, did he want me to follow him? He puts a hand on the door nob and turns it, opening the door slightly.

     "I'll show you what I was looking for. Come on." I walk down the stairs and follow him out the door, the Autumn air hitting me as I continue to follow Dan.  

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