Cancelled plans

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          Dan's POV

     I wake up early in the morning to a thud in the kitchen. "Phil why are you up this early?" The noise stops and the door slowly creeks open. "Because I couldn't sleep.." I look at him and sigh. "Just go back to bed!" I lay back down and shove the blanket over my head. "I already had coffee..." I sigh. "If you knew it was three am, Why the fuck did you get coffee." I move the blanket and look at his. He stares at the floor embarrassed. "I don't know.. I just wanted to get a coffee." A light pink spreads across his face and smile. "You need to stop this early coffee shit or you'll never get sleep." He smiles slightly. 

     I sit up and move the hair out of my face, and look at Phil. He is leaning against the doorway, he looks adorable. I can only think about how cute he looks, I try to shake the thoughts. Phil is my friend, and it's not right to think he is absolutely adorable. I was snapped out of my thoughts when I heard an audible cough from the doorway. I looked up and Phil smiled slightly, "There's a carnival going on in town today, want to come with me?" His question sends my mind into millions of directions. "Okay, but first sleep." I pulled the blanket over my head and tried to go back to sleep. I felt a weight on the other side of my bed. "I can't sleep.. Can I sleep here?" I roll over so I'm facing Phil. His face is painted pink. "Sure"

     He smiles "Thanks." He lays down and closes his eyes I push off the blanket and throw it on top of him. His eyes open, "Aren't you cold?" I shrugged slightly, "Not really. Now go to bed." I close my eyes and try to get my mind to wander to sleep. But I can't help but feel something staring at me, I don't think to much of it. I feel Phil move around I feel the duvet over me. I open my eyes, Phil is still under the duvet. I can feel my face start to heat up. I sigh to myself and close my eyes, slowly drifting off to sleep.


     I wake up with someones arms around me, and something pressed to my back. I don't want to wake them up so I stay still. Then I remember, it was Phil. My face heats up at the thought, why was Phil sleeping with me? I don't remember. I'll just wait for him to wake up. I feel him shift slightly and stay completely still, not wanting to check if he woke up.

          Phil's POV

     I wake up with my arms around someone. I open my eyes the rest of the way and see half tanned skin. My face heats up, my did I ask to sleep with Dan? How did I end up hugging him in the middle of the night? I don't even care at the moment, who would it hurt? I pull him closer, I can feel his heart beat. His heart is beating quickly. I smile slightly, I decide not to say anything. "Phil? Are you awake?" He whispers. "Yeah." He shifts slightly. "Why are you cuddling me?" I didn't actually know, "I don't know, but it happened." I  hear him laugh slightly and feel his lightly lean into my touch. I smile, he didn't swat me away like I thought he would. 

          Dan's POV

     (Rip me I had writers block trying to think of this paragraph -Geeky) I smile, Phil was warmer than I thought. The blanket was still on us, but it was messed up and was barely of my waist. I lean into his touch. I feel a small kiss placed on my neck, causing me to shiver. Phil was testing my niceness already. He knows I hate anything near my neck.

          Phil's POV

     I know I'm pushing the line, but I just couldn't help it. I wrap a leg around his and I can feel his heart beat quicken. I place a small kiss on his shoulder. I feel him freeze completely. I reach up and rub my thumb on the spot I kissed. I feel Dan shiver slightly. I think I was crossing the line but I couldn't tell. He seemed like he was fine with it. "Phil, if we stay in bed forever we'll never make it to the carnival." I smile against his skin. "Alright." I don't want to move though. I feel him move closer to me, it seems he doesn't want to move either. I wanted to stay like this forever, but knew we would eventually have to move anyway. "You're warmer than I thought." I light blush spreads across my face and I smile against his skin. "Thanks." I didn't know it was a compliment or not. 

     Dan turns around to face me, his eyes seemed to shine brighter in the morning light coming through his window. I lightly kissed his cheek, he smiled. "You tease." He smirks and locks his lips with mine. I give in quickly, I had wanted to kiss him like this for years, ever since we met in 2009. He pulled away for air, smiling. I smiled back, he looked adorable. His eyes were bright, now the light was spilling into the room by now, making his eyes brighter. Dan warped his arms around my waist. "I just want to stay here now, cuddled up with you." I smiled. "Well, we don't have to go." He smiled. "Okay. Lets stay here. I don't want to leave." 

     I pull Dan closer to me, he puts his head in the crook of my neck. I smile, this is what I've wanted since 2009, just to hold him close to me. I feel him place a small kiss on my neck, and I smile. 

          ...We could stay like this forever. 

          ...And never want to leave each other.


          ...Us and our cancelled plans.

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