Coming Out

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     A/N Credit for this chapter is from my friend partyanimal402, she's awesome. (Go check out her book. It's great. Also yes, I'm giving her a shameless promo.)

          Dan's POV

     "I don't want to do this Phil.." Phil is trying to hand me my phone, my mother's contact pulled up on the screen. He was trying to get me to tell her that I was dating him, but it felt off.

     "Come on Dan, she can't kill you, she's in America! When are you ever going to get another chance to do this?" Phil was really trying, he really wanted me to do this. He had told his mother earlier today, and she was fine with it. But my mother was different, she hated gay relationships.

    "She won't kill me, you're right. She'll send a priest to give me an exorcism!" Phil shakes his head and forces the phone into my hand. Pressing call and holding it to my ear for me. 

     "Just tell her, and hang up if her reaction starts to get bad." He continues holding the phone to my ear as my mom picks up.

     "Hello Daniel! How are you?" I take a deep breath.

     "I'm good, how are you?" I could hear her smile, I haven't called her in almost a month.

     "I've never been better! How's your friend Phil?" I feel Phil rest his head on my shoulder, away from the phone.

     "He's, um, good. About him actually..." I could almost see her frowning.

     "What happened to him? Is he hurt?" I hear Phil trying to not laugh, he could clearly hear what my mom was saying.

     "No uh, he's taking a shower right now." I could sense she was smiling again, she always had a smile on, except for when she saw a homosexual couple.

     "Oh alright, what'd you want to say about him?" I take a deep breath.

     "Me and him are um... Dating." I could feel her frowning, and sense her growing hate. Just like when I was a teenager living with her, her hatred of 'homosexual agenda' is what she called it. 

     "Oh. I'm very disappointed in you Daniel Howell." I choked back tears. 

     "I kno-" I was cut off by her screaming.

    "Why didn't you tell me earlier?! I expected this phone call for years!" I stayed quiet, Phil walked away and I could hear him laughing in a different room.

     "Wait, you knew?" She laughed. "I didn't know, but I suspected it since day one!" I felt somewhat relieved, and somewhat embarrassed. But at least I know she was fine with everything, and with that I heard a click, and the call ended. 

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