A prince and a knight Pt. 2

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          Prince Daniel's POV

     I had been out of the castle for some time, and thankfully these guards were nice. When I told them I had to go back to the castle, they offered to escort me. But I had to decline, as I has to go in through the window again if I don't want to be caught. But Philip said that he had to escort me, as there were many guards that were ordered to shoot anyone outside after curfew. I was stunned into almost silence, and he lightly put his hand on my arm. 

     I had no choice but to let him escort me, so we both stood up. Philip walked ahead of me, leading me to the front doors of the castle. I felt my heart speed up as I reached out and grabbed his arm, leading him to the other side of the castle. I stop and look back at him, he looks slightly confused.

     "I got out through my window, I might as well go back in through my window." He smiles and laughs softly, oh my was his laugh so adorable.

     "A risk taking prince? I've never seen anything like that." I look at the ground, I might as well tell him why I had tried to sneak out.

     "Well, I don't like being a prince anyway, so at least I have the risk taking thing..." I look up, and he looked slightly confused, but then he smiled wide.

     "I've never heard of a prince, that hated being a prince." I smile slightly, his voice was soft. It almost made my heart melt, he was just so perfect in every way. But this couldn't ever happen, he was a knight. The town would have our heads if they found out had fallen for someone, especially another man.

     "I guess I'm just a very different prince than people's expectations." He laughed softly, the sound rang in my ears and made my heart melt into a puddle. I tried to keep my voice from shaking as I spoke. How could I have so easily fallen for this knight? Was it because I had never had a first love, and my heart was trying to force me into falling for someone? That couldn't have been the case, right?

     "Well, it looks like the sun is going to rise in about an hour. You should get back inside Daniel." I felt my breathing begin to be hindered, his voice just made me want to melt. It was so perfect, everything about him was perfect.

     "You're right, I should probably go back inside. Have a good night Phil." I turned around, but I felt a hand on my shoulder. It was so surprising, because it was so gentle. I turn around and look at Phil, he was smiling.

     "If you want, I'm stationed closer to your window tomorrow night. We could meet again." The way he said it made it seem as if it was a marriage proposal. He still had a smile on his face.

     "Alright. I will meet you under my window tomorrow night." I smile, and he smiles wider than before. I turned around and walked toward the rope that was still hanging out of my window. I take a peek over my shoulder, and was almost sad to see that he was already walking back to his post in the market. 

          Knight Philip's POV 

     Me, Chris, and Pj all insist on escorting Daniel. There were so many guards around here, that were ordered by the king and queen to shoot at anyone who is outside after curfew, unless they were being escorted by a guard. We kept telling him one of us should escort him, until it just came out of my mouth, and I just hope I didn't sound like a babbling idiot.

     "Daniel if you are seen without an escort guards will try to shoot at you, it's what we are ordered to do." Everyone fell silent and Daniel sat completely still. I felt bad for saying that, even if it was true. I just wanted to reach into the air and take the words back. I gently put a hand on his arm, and he stood up, I stood up with him.

     "Alright, Phil, will you be my escort?" I nod, putting a hand on his arm and start walking. He follows shortly after me, and I can barely hear his footsteps. I walk toward the front doors of the castle, until I feel a small tug on my arm, and am being led to the back of the castle.

     I felt confused, until I realized that he had probably climbed out of the window, especially if he had gotten Pj and Chris to see him. If he had gone out of the front gates I would have seen him first, and they probably wouldn't have seen him at all. 

     "I got out through my window, I might as well go back in through my window." He said in a quiet voice. His voice was so small, I smile and laugh.

     "A risk taking prince? I've never seen anything like that." He looks at the ground, I wonder what he was thinking about.

      "Well, I don't like being a prince anyway, so at least I have the risk taking thing..." I felt so confused, I had never heard of a prince that didn't like being a prince. It was almost surprising to hear it coming from Daniel, Prince Daniel. He was one of the most respected princes known around the area. He looks up and I smile.

      "I've never heard of a prince, that hated being a prince." He smiled slightly, he looked like he was about to fall over onto the ground. I decide to ignore it, and he starts to speak, his voice slightly shaky.

     "I guess I'm just a very different prince than people's expectations." I laugh, indeed he was. When I saw him, I expected when he spoke he would sound like any other prince I've met. But he didn't, he had beaten my expectations greatly. I look at the sky, the moon was extremely low in the sky.

     "Well, it looks like the sun is going to rise in about an hour. You should get back inside Daniel."   I heard his breath be hindered, he was probably scared that he would get caught by the king and queen. 

    "You're right, I should probably go back inside. Have a good night Phil." He turns away from me, his head slightly lowered. I think for a second but decide to do it. I reach my arm out and place my hand gently on his shoulder. I smile as he turns around.

    "If you want, I'm stationed closer to your window tomorrow night. We could meet again." Oh no, that came out wrong. My voice sounded very gentle, a little too gentle. I should have just left my mouth shut. But, I keep the smile on my face.

     "Alright. I will meet you under my window tomorrow night." he smiles, I smile more than before. He turns around and starts walking to the rope that was hanging from his window. I turn to go back to the market. I feel eyes burning into me, was he looking back at me? I look over my shoulder, no he wasn't. He was already climbing up the rope, I watched him as he climbed onto his window, pulling the rope up before closing the window. I smile and continue my walk, thinking of him the whole way.

     A/N Oh shit, I need to do a part three. Well that's a first, I hope you guys don't mind that this is taking me so long to update. School is going to start soon, and guess what. I'm getting a teal Dan and Phil backpack. Never been happier with my life choices. Also, next time, ready your heart, and bring popcorn. Trst me, you're going to need it. It's going to be a long ass chapter.

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