Magic? Pt. 2

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          Phil's POV

    He leads me to the woods that was slightly far from our house, by the time we got to the entrance of the woods my hands were numb. He still had his hand wrapped around my wrist loosely, his hand was warm. 

     "Dan my hands are cold..." He turns at me and smiles, taking off his sweater and handing it to me, his black shirt looked very out of place in this scenery. I put on his sweater and put my hands in the pockets and I followed behind Dan as he walked deeper into the woods. I put the hood of the sweater up and continued following him. This seemed so romantic, it made me smile. 

     It was taking so long to get to where he was taking me, I wonder where we are going. When he finally get to where he was taking me I don't know how to feel. A tall tree is in the middle of a large open space. The grass was so green and the sky seemed so bright, light seeping through the spaces between the leaves. It looked so beautiful, I cover my mouth with my hand. Dan looks at me and smiles.

     "Oh my God Dan, this place is beautiful! Why did you take me here?" He smiles, not responding, just smiling. He walks to the tree and sits down, waving me over to him. I walk over and sit next to him, I look over at him and smile. I look slightly behind him and notice a man, probably in his forties, staring at us.

     "Dan? Who's that?" I point to the man. He looks over and sighs. He looks back at me and begins to smile again.

     "Ignore him, he's a dick really. He tried to make me stay away from here." I nod. The old man looked at me disappointingly, and turns away, walking out of sight. I lean against the tree and stare at the sky, the light still spilling down though the spaces between the leaves. I feel eyes still on me, but I ignore the feeling. I felt something grab my hand, I look over to Dan and he is still staring at the sky. I look at  our hands and see that he had my hand in his. 

     He lets go and stands up, I stand up as well. Not even seconds later I felt dizzy and sick, I lean against the tree. Dan's back was turned to me, I tried to regain my balance, but failed. Having to lean against the tree. Oh god, I don't want Dan to see me like this, he brought me here. I didn't want him to think I was sick, but I was so dizzy.

          Dan's POV

     I turn to Phil, thinking he would be right behind me, but he wasn't. Phil is leaning against the tree, his skin turning a sickly green.

     "Are you okay?" He shakes his head, but stops half way. He starts to have a coughing fit and I walk over to him.
     "Ph-Phil? Seriously, are you okay? Are you sick?" He swats me away and looks at me, his eyes watering, his skin still a sickly green.
     "I don't want to get you sick too Dan." He backs up away from me, tripping over a rock and falling. I notice his skin is paler than normal, oh god he was definitely sick.      
     "Phil..." He doesn't respond, "Phil please, stop messing around..." He still doesn't respond and his skin is still paler than normal. Like a brick, the man's words make sense. "Young men like you, should walk alone." He had done it. He had made me walk alone, but he hadn't.

      I sit next to Phil's lifeless body and cry. I cry, and cry, and cry. If Phil was still alive, I wouldn't have been crying. I would have been smiling because he would be next to me. But now my own blood seeps into the grass, everything around me getting stained a dark red. I hadn't even gotten to say I love you like I had planned. I love you Phil Lester. So much.  

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