A Concert Kiss

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Dan's POV

I lay on my bed lazily, trying to fall back asleep (it's almost noon) .I hear knocking on my door and Phil runs in excitedly runs into my room, carrying his laptop. He jumps onto my bed, sitting next to me.

"Dan! I got tickets to a Muse concert!" His eyes were bright and his smile was bold, I smile too. "How?" I sit up to look at him.

"Pj had extra tickets, and he gave me the other two!" He was barely sitting on the bed, he must be so excited about this, and so was I.

"That's awesome!" He stands up, closing his laptop and waving at me.

"Get something to wear, it's tonight." And he runs out of my room. I stand up and walk to my closet, moving stuff around and grabbing (of course) a black shirt that was lazily thrown on a hanger, I grab black jeans from my dresser and throw them on my bed. I get dressed for the day and go out of my room to the kitchen.

Phil stands at the counter, eating my cereal. I smile and take out my phone, hiding behind the doorway, and take a few pictures of him. He's wearing his Papyrus shirt that he must have just thrown on and black jeans. Oh crap he saw me, I take a picture of him before he covers my camera with him hand.

"How did you catch me?!" I laugh, he sounds so embarrassed. It was so adorable, him in general was adorable.

"You were standing in the middle of the kitchen!" A smile is plastered on my face, he was too adorable. "Plus I was going to get some." I take my box away from him and walk to the cupboard. I feel a hand barely touch my arm, and look over at Phil who was standing next to me.

"Can I have some?" I smile again, "You already did." His face flushes pink.

"Shush, I didn't think you would catch me!" I laugh, "Alright get a bowl you can have some of my cereal." He smiles and grabs a bowl from the cupboard, setting it on the counter. I pour cereal in his, then mine.

"Milk? Or no." Well that's my answer, he was already walking to the TV room. I shrug and walk out with him, sitting in my normal sofa crease. He sits on the other side of the couch and we talk about random bullshit like normal. After what seemed like not even thirty minutes it was four PM and we had to get ready for the concert.

I stand up and set my bowl on the coffee table, walking to my room and shoving through my closet, finding a black Muse shirt and changing into it. I walk out into the TV room and Phil is still wearing a blue flannel and jeans. I smile and out my hands in my pockets, he looks up at me.

"Are you ready to go?" I nod, "Yeah, are you ready to go?" He nods and smiles. We walk down the stairs after he grabs his phone, and we head out the door.


We make it to where the concert is held and walk in, looking for Pj. Unsurprisingly we find him, with his hand intertwined with Chris'.

"You guys are so lovey-dovey I swear." I laugh, and they just smile and look at me and Phil who were standing exactly next to each other.

"Speak for yourself, you're the ones who are standing shoulder-to-shoulder." Chris was just pointing out the obvious. I have always liked Phil, but I never showed it or pointed it out to anyone other than Chris.

"It's just really packed in here." He smiles and raises and eyebrow. I look over to Phil and he looks confused

"Okay, never mind, lets just get to our seats! We're in the third row in the middle." We all nod and start walking to our seats, when we get there we sit down, me in between Phil and Chris. I feel Chris tap my shoulder and I turn and look at him.

"What?" He smiles and nods his head over to Phil, "What does that mean?" He rolls his eyes and sighs, and leans in to whisper.

"Are you going to try to kiss Phil? Do you think he'll try to kiss you?" I roll my eyes as he moves away smiling. I lean in and whisper to him.

"Are you fucking crazy? That'll never happen." He raises his eyebrow, he does that to often, especially when it's pointed toward me. He rolls his eyes and looks at the stage, right as Muse walks out. People start screaming, shouting, and cheering. I smile, it was so nice to be in a place where I could hear people shouting, I couldn't hear the whirring thoughts in my head about what Chris had said. Would Phil kiss me? Does he feel the same way about me as how I feel about him?

Ugh, I'm dreaming about what it could be again. I know it'll never happen, I should just stop dreaming about it, but I can't. Why does my mind have to be like this?


The last song is being sang, I smile as they finish the song, it was such a nice concert. Until I heard someone shout near us, "Hey look, there's a kiss cam!" I looked at the stage and sure enough a large screen had a black screen and a pink border around it. Chris and Pj just go for it, they kiss and I stand there awkwardly like I normally do. I feel someone grab my hand, who? I turn and see Phil smiling, he leans forward and before I can think anything his lips are on mine. I give in.

"I knew it would work." Chris says, his voice sounded like he was smiling too wide to talk. He just didn't believe me." I hear Pj laughing, he was in on this? I'm going to get them back for this! I hear them gasping in surprise.

"They're on the kiss cam as well" Pj points out, I didn't care. I finally got the kiss from Phil I had always dreamed of, and it felt right. We didn't even have to make a video about it. Because someone had taken pictures and put them everywhere.

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