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     A/N I DID NOT COME UP WITH THIS AT ALL. My friend gave me the idea when she let me read her oneshot about soulmates. So I'm using her idea but twisting it so it's more fitting in my style (And more mediocre because seriously her's could be turned into an actual fucking book) Anyway! Also it's short, deal with my laziness.

          Dan's POV

     People say soulmates make the world colorful, I've never seen color. Color is one of the things I have never been able to have, but my friends see color. They've seen color for years. It started at first when they met, the color yellow, they saw that first. Then years later shades of red were brought into their world when they realized they couldn't live without each other. Another year later they were together, and shades of green and blue were blossoming in their vision.

     But me, my life was plain and white. No color, just black and white, like a blank coloring book that is waiting for someone to color it in. It was just another colorless day, blank people walked passed, talking about random things. I walk silently, watching blank people walking and talking. I walk in the building, then to my classroom, normal routine, sitting in my desk. Pj and Chris sit in the two seats to my left, they are basically inseparable. 

     I set my hands on my desk, I overhear Chris say something about Pj's 'yellow' sweater. But to me, it is just white. People flood into the room, minutes before the bell rings. The teacher walks in and sits at his desk in the front.

     "Alright class. We have a new student today. Come in Lester." The door creaks open and a boy walks into the room. He walks into the room and the teacher points to the seat next to me. I decide I won't ignore him, when he sits down I lean over and start to speak.

     "Hi, I'm Dan, What's your na-" Whap. Pain shoots through my head and I close my eyes. 

     "Ow.." The so called Lester said. I opened my eyes and look at Lester, he still had his eyes closed, his hands placed on his temples. I look at Pj and almost fall out of my chair.

     "Dan, are you okay?" I shake my head, I really didn't know if I was okay.

     "I don't think so. Why is your sweater yellow?!" My mind was running in circles, and I hear Pj gasp and Chris stomping his feet with excitement. Oh god they were making a scene about this. I open my eyes the rest of the way and look around, I see the color of peoples skin, dark and light and in the middle of both. Why am I seeing color? Then it hits me, I sit up straight and tap Lester on the shoulder. 

     "Open your eyes." He does as said and jerks away from me, just as shocked as I was. I could see his eyes were not completely yellow, but had sparks of gold in them. Could he really be my soulmate? It wasn't hard to believe, I couldn't see color before him. 


     That was years ago, now that we're older, we are still together. My world has spilled with color since then, so has his. Sometime I still call him Lester, but I call him by his first name mostly. Phil, I love you, I know that soulmates, are real. They always have been.

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