An Angel and a Demon

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          3rd person view

     It has been twenty minutes since poor Dan and Phil committed suicide together. They had been dating for years, keeping it a secret until two days ago. They made an emotional, deep, video explaining their relationship. But alas, not everyone liked it- actually, most people were disgusted. Together they had lost almost seven million subscribers. People have hounded them with comments about how 'disgusting' it is to be gay. It had drove them to this, fallen on he bathroom floor, hands held together, dead. 

     There spirits tried to stay together, but alas, the gods had other plans. 

          Dan's POV

     I wake up and look around, I see black walls that have a red tint. I sit up, my left hand is clenched in a fist. I look around, "Phil?" I shout aloud. "Phil!?" I stand up and my heart is racing. I hear a deep chuckle from behind me. "Your Philip isn't here." I spin around on my heels. I see a young man in a dark suit with dark red hair. He smiles, his smile doesn't seem friendly or genuine. It seems evil, menacing even. 

     "Wh-who are you?" I am slightly scared. "I am the one, true, devil." His voice is deep and raspy. My heart almost stopped. "Th-the devil? Where am I?!" He smiled and laughed his deep raspy laugh. "You, Daniel, are in hell." My heart, dropped. I had joked about going to hell, but I never thought it would actually happen.

          Phil's POV

     I wake up to a bright light, I look around and see white. It is very bright and beautiful. I sit up and notice my right hand clenched in a fist. "Dan?" I say aloud. "Dan where are you?! Seriously! This isn't funny!!" I hear a small laugh behind me, it sounds female. I turn around, it was a young woman in a white gown. "Hello?" I say standing up. She smiles politely, "I am sorry to say that Daniel is not here!" My heart sinks. "Th-then where is he?" She smiles politely again, "Your Daniel was not welcomed here. He, unfortunately, is in hell..." 

     I feel tears start to fall down my cheeks, and my heart falls. I feel a tentative hand on my shoulder and I look up. "It will be ok! You don't need him." now I don't feel sad, I feel angry. "It will not be ok!" I push her away from me slightly, a sharp pain runs through my heart. "He is just a boy!" Her face is slightly frustrated. My heart is filled with rage, and the pain gets stronger. "He is not just a boy. He is beautiful. And I will fight to see him." She looks up at me. "Let me make a deal with you," her voice is sweet. "if you can stay up for seven days and six nights, I will let you see Daniel." I feel my heart race, and entire week of no sleep? Is that possible? I hold my breath and nod. "I'll do it." I hold my hand out and she shakes it. All the pain from my heart fades away.

          Dan's POV

     My chest feels like a weight had been pressed against it. I feel tears spill out of my eyes, leaving streaks down my face. "You will never see your precious Philip again! What a pity!"  His voice sounded like Phil's, as if he was mocking me. I feel my heart start to race and the tears weld in my eyes. "Your poor Philip is gone forever! You poor fool." The tears spill out, and I crumple to the floor. "Your life is over! Now you know that Philip," The lights go out "had never loved you." I look up at the man. He was lying. "You.. You're a lair. He loves me. I know he does." I hear Phil's adorable laugh. "Did he really? I could, make you a deal, so you can see him again. To find out." His voice was tentative. I glare, "How do I know you are telling the truth." He smiles, baring his sharp teeth. 

     "Just make a deal with me, and I will show you!" He puts his hand out for me to shake it. "What kind of deal?" He laughs slightly. "If you can stay awake for seven days and six nights, I will let you see your Philip." I feel a sudden pain through my heart. "Well what is your choice?" The pain in my heart grows stronger. I take a deep breath and put my hand out. He grabs it and shakes it. The pain falls away and I stand up. He smiles, "If you complete this, you can see your Philip again. But since he is in heaven, unlike you, it will be challenging." I look him in the eyes.

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