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     A/N Dedicated to _ERR0R_404_Thank you for letting me borrow your idea friend!

          3rd person POV

     Dan isn't human, his skin is made of metal, his hair is fake. He is a robot, no one knows except for Phil. Phil was human, Dan and Phil loved each other. Dan didn't understand much, he didn't understand sadness,or anger, or intimation, he didn't even understand death. He understood love, and happiness, and caring for others. But what would it hurt to find out what death is?

          Phil's POV

     I sit next to Dan, leaning against the cool metal of his skin. He puts his arm around me, pulling me closer to him. I smile, he was wearing a black shirt and jeans. He puts a small kiss on my head. He was so cute, even for a robot. He didn't have to be perfect to everyone else, he was perfect for me. 

          Dan's POV

     I feel a weight on the sofa next to me, I look over and Phil leans against me. I put my arm around him and pull him close to me. I didn't have a real heart, but I love him. I know I love him, how can I not. I hope that nothing ever happens to him. "I have to go to work Dan" Phil worked a an office job, I smile "Alright! Don't be late though!" He smiles. "I'll try not to." He gets up and lean back into the sofa. 

     Nothing will happen to him, I know nothing will. He will be able to come home at his normal time. If his train gets delayed he would text or call me. 

     When Phil leaves I get up and walk to mine and Phil's room, laying on the bed. Hours are passing, and Phil still isn't home. No texts, no calls, nothing. I go out to the TV room and turn on the news. I never liked the news, but I didn't want to flip through channels. A story comes up that interests me, a train crashed on its way out of the station. I keep watching, nothing about Phil. I go to the front door and open it, walking outside. I walk down to the train station and walk through the alleyways. I see something covered in a blanket in the middle of the alley. I walk up to it and move the blanket.

     Why was the blanket so waxy? And why was it so close to the train station? I push the waxy blanket to the side. It was Phil, his eyes were wide open and his shirt was stained red. "Phil? Are you okay? Why are you sleeping with your eyes open?" I put a hand on his arm and instantly move it back away. "Phil, why are you so cold? Is that what the blanket is for?" I shake him.

     "Why will you not wake up!" I put my jacket over his shoulders. "Are you cold?" I don't know why Phil is sleeping in the middle of an alley. "Why is your shirt red anyway? I thought you had a white shirt on!" I am confused. Why is Phil here, and so cold? "Phil, please wake up... I don't want to leave you here to sleep!" I shake him again. "Please! If this is a joke it's not funny!" I move the blanket off him more. I see why his shirt is red. I see why his eyes are open so wide. I see why he isn't responding... 

     "Phil... Why is there glass in your stomach?" I pick out a large piece of glass from his stomach and examine it. It has a strange red liquid on it. "Phil, what is the red stuff on the glass?" Still no response. I examine his neck, it has a red mark on the back. "Phil... What's wrong? Are you angry at me for something? Why are you not responding?" 

          Phil's POV

     I get on the train after work, I settle into a seat with my bag next to me. A man sits next to me, he is wearing all black and is holding a glass vase. "Hello sir! Those flowers are beautiful!" He smiles and nods. The train starts off and suddenly jerks to a stop. I hit my neck on the seat behind me. I feel the train start to move faster, and suddenly stops. It tips over, the mans vase hits the wall, smashing into pieces. I land on the glass, I feel every piece prick into my stomach. The window smashes, I fall out of the train, it's all a blur, the last thing I see is I'm in an alley, then men putting a black tarp over me. Until everything goes black. 

     I see a light over me, and a blurry image of Dan's face. I can't move, or breath, I want to reach out to him. I hear faint questions, I forgot to tell Dan about death... He didn't know.. I could hear him asking me if I'm sleeping. He puts his jacket around my shoulders, asking me why I'm cold. Please Dan, just leave! I'm dead, I want you to go and live your never ending life! I feel something fall onto my arm and roll off, my vision becomes slightly less blurry. I see tears somehow falling from Dan's eyes, I hear him clearly. "Phil! Wake up! I want you to wake up, I love you too much to leave you!" I feel him fall against my chest.

          Dan's POV

     I feel something fall from my eyes. "Phil! Wake up! I want you to wake up, I love you too much to leave you!" My voice echos through the alley. I lean my forehead in Phil's chest. "I can't just leave you here! Wake up you little shit!" I'm shaking. I don't know what I'm feeling, I don't understand.

I don't understand...

No one will understand me...

I now know.

Phil Lester, my boyfriend, is dead. 

And I couldn't leave him. 


Waiting for the day.

That he would wake up...

But that day never came....

I wish it had come....

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