Finally Home

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          Dan's POV

     I sit on mine and Phil's bed with Grace, our daughter. I hand her the paper I was carrying, and some crayons, she told me she was trying to draw the perfect picture. She was creative, I never want her to grow up. She's seven, and her birthday is in three days, I bought her a gift already, a pastel blue sweater and a bright pink picture frame. I planned on giving her the picture I kept of me and Phil holding her when she was only two years old.

     She draws three circles at different points on the paper and then goes off, drawing people; one wearing a black shirt, me, one in a blue sun dress, her, and someone next to me, holding my hand wearing a camouflage shirt and pants. Phil. It seemed like forever ago Phil was drafted into the military. He would try to email us every week, or whenever he got a chance. It seemed like heaven's gates were opened when we received two emails from him; one for me and one for Grace. 

     Grace is still drawing, but then a small tap from across the room was heard. I look over at the source of the sound and see a crayon, I look at Grace who had her drawing in her hands.

     "Grace? Why'd you throw a crayon across the room sweetie?" She throws her picture down, standing up and walking to the crayon, picking it up and walking back to the bed and sitting down.

     "My drawing wasn't good enough." Her voice sounded like whining, but she was probably just sad that the picture was wrong in some way. I look down at it.

     "Grace, it looks beautiful! Why would you say it looks bad?" She looks away from me and crosses her arms. "Because it is." Was all she said before picking up a new sheet of paper and starting over again.  I watch her drawing, almost the same thing as before, except with minor details. She seemed happy with this one. Then folded it neatly and said,

     "I like this one, I want to give this one to Pappy" I smiled at the name she gave Phil, she hands me the drawing and I stand up, setting it on the dresser. Suddenly the phone starts ringing, funny we never get calls to our home phone. I walk to the TV room where the phone was, and pick it up. I immediately hear a deep voice on the other end of the line.

     "Hello, is this Daniel Lester?" I say yes.  and he continues talking. "I am here to inform you that.. Your husband was shot in the leg. He is being hospitalized as we speak." I almost drop the phone. I feel weak, like my heart was slowing down.

     "W-will he be okay..." My voice was strained, attempting to come out of my mouth but struggling. I was heart broken.

    "He will be okay, scarred, but okay. There is good news." What could possibly good about this. I stay silent, and my question is answered.

     "He will be coming home in three days." I felt tears fill my eyes, my heart almost stopped, he will be here for his daughter's birthday. 

     "Well, I guess it can be a surprise for Grace, her birthday is in three days." I could hear his smile as he said, "You have a child?" 

     "Yes, we have a daughter. This will be the first birthday he will be here for in two years." 

     "Well, I should probably let you go back to your daughter, have a nice day." I smile, I will have a good day, just knowing that Phil will be coming home.


     It's been three days, it's Grace's birthday now. She was excited to be older, I smiled after she bounced around when I gave her my gifts. I heard a knock at the door, and I walk over to it.

     "One second Grace, I have to answer the door." I open the door, two soldiers standing there, smiling. 

     "Mr. Daniel Lester?" I nod. They step aside, standing behind them was Phil. who was smiling. I smile, and hug him.

     "Phil! Oh my god! Grace is going to be so happy to see you." I hear a shriek from inside. I  move away from Phil, looking behind me. Grace is standing in the light blue sweater, her drawing in her hand. 

     "Pappy!!!" She pushes passed me and hugs Phil, looking like she will never let go. "Pappy you're home!!!" He laughs softly, the same laugh I always knew. 

     "Yes, I'm home Gracie" She really wasn't going to let him go. I had to practically pry her off of him so he could come inside. I'm just glad that he was finally home.

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