A prince and a knight (Pt. 1)

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          3rd Person View

     Daniel Howell was a rebellious prince, he hated being royalty. Philip Lester was a knight who fought for the royal family, but Daniel had befriended the knight. Nobody was to know about their friendship, as it was forbidden by the kingdom. If their friendship was to be discovered by the kingdom , they would have Philip be executed. 

     If the kingdom were to find out what was to happen next, they would not only have him executed, he would be tortured to death. No one saw it coming, no one expected the wounded knight and the rebellious prince to fall deeply in love. A story of Prince Daniel running away from his royal duties. It was then that their friendship started to blossom...

          Prince Daniel's POV

     I look out the window, my god it's such a long fall... I don't know if anyone could survive this, how in the world was I supposed to get down there alive? I turn swiftly as the door opens, to see my brother standing the doorway.

      "Hello, what do you want?" I asked, pulling myself into a sitting position on the windowsill. 

      "You look uncomfortable Daniel. What's wrong?" I stare at him, I didn't feel like I put across the look of being uncomfortable. I couldn't trust him with any of my plans, I loved him, but I could never tell him. It would get both of us in trouble. 

     "I'm not, why would you say that?" He shook his head slightly.

     "You just seemed tense. That's all" He turned and left, closing the door behind him. I wait a few seconds before turning to face the window, pushing it open and putting my legs outside. I look over the vast land, staring at the few scattered houses. I take a deep breath before pulling my legs back inside and closing the window. I get up and walk to my bed, kneeling down and taking out a box of rope. 

     "I know how I'm getting out of here" I whisper to myself, taking the rope out and putting it on my bed. 

          (Time Skip)

     "Good night Daniel, sleep well." My mother says and turns off the lamp on my bedside table and leaves the room. I wait a minute of two before getting up out of bed and kneeling beside it, grabbing the rope and standing up, going to the window and pushing it open. I take a deep breath and tie the rope the the bedpost and tying the other end to my waist. 

     Thankfully, the rope was long, hopefully long enough that I can make it close enough to the ground to escape. I pick up the small crown that I am forced to wear, and look at it for a second. Reflecting on all the unwanted attention I have gotten over the years, I look at my clothes, informal and boring. I smile and set the crown down, walking to the window and getting up onto the windowsill. 

     I draw in a breath, is this really what I want? I look at my reflection in the window, staring at my average looking pair of jeans and shirt. I nod, smiling at how much I looked like anyone else from the kingdom. I sit on the windowsill, my legs dangling out like they always did when I sat up here, only dreaming of escape. I push my foot hard into the outside wall, grabbing the rope and slowly lowering myself out of the window, my heart was racing, I had always been fine with heights, but climbing down the side of the castle made me terrified.

     I shake my head and slowly lower my foot down, my other foot following it as I held on tight to the rope. Eventually I make it close to the ground, and I was out of rope. I take a deep breath and untie the rope around my waist, quickly grabbing the rope when it's untied. I jump away from the wall, letting my breath out and turning around, looking at the vast field in front of me.

     I hadn't planned this far, but I didn't care. I was out for the moment and I was going to enjoy it. I looked to my right, and saw a guard about 100 meters away, I look to my left and there was no guard. I start running to my left, toward the rest of the kingdom. It only takes a few minutes for me to make it to the entrance of the kingdom, I walk into the kingdom, looking around at all the houses that had once looked so small from the windows. 

     I hear a shout and I look to my left, damn it. A guard saw me, I start running, I run until I get to the market, and I hide in between two of the shops. I hear footsteps approach me, but I don't know which side they were coming from. I look to my left, and to my right, and gasp when I see a guard with black hair looking at me. He smiles, he was so pale, and I was entranced by his eyes. 

     "What are you doing out after curfew?" I snap to attention when the guard speaks. I bite my lip, I shouldn't speak, everyone knows my voice. I'm surprised that he didn't recognize me by my face.

     "Do you speak?" I think fast, shaking my head in response. "So you're a mute? In this kingdom? I'm surprised at you Prince Daniel. Lying to your own guards." He smiles widely. I tense, he did know me by my face. Oh god, I knew I would be caught, I just didn't think it would be this soon. 

     "No use in lying anymore is there?" He shakes his head. I sigh, I didn't want to be caught. But at least I was being caught by someone who smiled. I look at the ground in front of me, my expression grim. I hear a shout, and the sound of a bow being drawn back. I heard a metal cling next to me and am suddenly covered in a strange shadow. I hear the sound of stone hitting off metal and look at the guard next to me. He was leaning over me, his shield covering both of us. He looks at me and smiles before moving his shield away.

          Knight Philip's POV

     I hear a guard shout at someone to stop where they are, I could tell by the voice that it was Pj. I look toward where he was stationed and see a young boy running to my station in the market. He hides between two of the shops, obviously shaken and scared. I stare for a second as Pj and Chris both start walking toward the town from their stations. I walk to where the boy is crouched down, and he looks up at me, his eyes filled with dread and fear. He gasped, and I smile.

     I look him in the eyes, he seemed so familiar, but I just couldn't put my finger on where I knew him from. He stares me in the eye, obviously frozen in fear. He was quite attractive, if I were to say. 

     "What are you doing out after curfew?" he blinks when I speak, he bites his lip as if thinking of an excuse. That's when my brain snaps to full attention and I realize that this was Prince Daniel. 

     "Do you speak?" I almost ask how he escaped the palace, but I wanted to hear his excuse. He tenses and shakes his head, "So you're a mute? In this kingdom? I'm surprised at you Prince Daniel. Lying to your own guards." I smile widely, colour drains slightly from his face. 

     "No use lying anymore is there?" I shake my head and he sighs, looking at the ground by his feet. He had a grim look on his face. I hear Pj and Chris shout and I look up. Pj has his bow drawn back and had it pointed at the prince.

     I think fast, grabbing my shield with a loud clang. I lean over the prince, ducking slightly so we would both be protected from the arrow. I hear the clang of the arrow being deflected off the shield. I look at the prince and smile, moving my shield away and putting it next to me where I had set it down moments earlier. 

     "I'm surprised at you two! Firing arrows at the prince!" Chris looks shocked as Prince Daniel looks at them, and Pj drops his bow. He looked as if he regretted firing the arrow. I smile at them, and they just continue staring until Chris breaks the silence.

     "We are so sorry your highness," I watched as the prince slightly cringed back at the words your highness "Will you forgive us?" He nods, his expression blank. Pj and Chris thank him for forgiving them. I tap the prince on the shoulder and he looks over to me.

     "Um, my name is Philip, but I prefer to be called Phil, this is Pj," I point to the guard with curly hair, "and this is Chris" I say pointing to the guard with straighter hair. Prince Daniel nods.

     "Thank you for explaining that," he pauses for a second, "Phil. May I call you that?" I nod, and he shows a small hint of a smile.

     "Prince, if I may ask," Pj says "how did you manage to escape the castle?" He looks Pj dead in the eye and responds.

     "I climbed out the window." 

     A/N Eyyyyyyyy Sorry for the cliff hanger. I promise I won't make you wait that long for part 2. I promise! Okay, enough babbling out of me. Bye bye!

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