Best Friends?

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          A/N This is set in the no homo Howell era of 2012. Because it was a sad time for us. Also, sorry for not posting a chapter in a while, I was being a lazy shit and spent my time on YouTube and at school.  Also a new format because I wanted to try a different format.

          Phil's POV

     It was an unseasonably cold spring, usually things were quite warm by now, but it was currently very cold. I lay on my bed, still in pajamas (It was too cold for normal clothes) my covers drawn to my chin. I hear moving around in the apartment, Dan was probably awake. He always got up before me. I get out of bed after a long moment of laying there being warm. It was very cold outside of my comfy cocoon of warmth. 

     I go out to the kitchen and momentarily watch Dan pour a bowl of cereal. I walk over and grab my cereal from the cupboard.

      "Morning Dan" He looks over at me and smiles. "Good morning sleeping beauty." I look at the clock, "It's only eight AM!" He laughs and grabs the milk from the fridge. I pour myself a bowl of cereal and grab the milk and pour some in my bowl when Dan sets it on the counter. Dan stands and eats at the counter, I stand next to him and eat my cereal. He grabs the milk and puts it away. 

     "Are you avoiding me?" He looks over at me from the fridge, "No, why?" I smile awkwardly, trying to make it not seem like I actually wanted him to be next to me. 

     "Because whenever I go near you, you move away from me..." I look at the counter, I hear the fridge close and feel arms around my waist. I feel my face heat up, what was Dan doing?

     "This better?" He presses his forehead into my back and tightens his grip on my waist. I fix my glasses, and clear my throat.

     "I didn't mean that you had to cuddle your way out of this situation Dan." He laughs slightly, and sighs.

     "Damn, I guess I'm going to cuddle my way out of this situation anyway." I smile, he sounded slightly tired, when did he go to sleep? I push the question out my mind and just let him hug me, there's no way out of it anyway. He lets go of me after a few minutes of just standing there in silence, he stands next to me with his cereal.

     "What was that for?" I smile and laugh lightly. He smiles, his smile was adorable. "Just because." His answer was simple, too simple. "You can tell me if something's wrong Dan." He sighs.

     "You know how everyone says we act gay? I decided to hug you one last time so we didn't appear as gay as people say I do..." I look over at him, his face was flushed pink. I put a hand on his arm that was resting on the counter.

     "I didn't know that people saying that would affect you so much," I smile slightly, "They're just joking you know..." He nods.

     "I know... But it makes me question myself..." He sighs, picking up his bowl and rinsing it in the sink and putting it in the dishwasher. He walks back to his room, shutting the door and leaving me standing in the kitchen. I don't chase him I just finish my cereal, rinse my bowl and put it in the dishwasher and go back to my room, leaving the door open.

     I sit on my bed and go on my laptop, logging into Tumblr and scrolling through my home page. I yawn, closing my laptop, setting it on my bedside table. I pull my blanket up to my shoulders, turning on my side. Listening to the quiet of the apartment.

          Dan's POV

     I sit on my bed and stare at the wall, I didn't mean that... I don't mind that people call me gay do I? I don't even know what I'm thinking anymore. I lay on my back and sigh for what seems like the thousandth time this morning. Everything is so quiet I can hear your breathing through the wall. I remember I would fall asleep to your breathing back in 2009, pain shoots through my heart thinking of 2009. I stand up and go to your room, you left your door open? That's not normal, are you inviting me in? I walk inside, and look at you sleeping, even after three years you still look so peaceful when you sleep.

     I stand there looking at you, I should walk away, but I walk forward, sitting next to your bed. Your bed creeks, and I look at you, your eyes open and look at me. I just want to stare at your eyes forever, and I would have.

     "Dan? Why are you sitting by my bed?" I feel panic rush through me, I didn't plan for you to wake up.

     "I.. Um.. Sorry." I stand up and start walking back to my room, I didn't even get a foot away from your bed, I feel your hand wrap around my arm.

     "It's okay, come lay with me, friends lay together right?" You laugh slightly I hate that your laugh is so cute. I sit on your bed and lay down facing you.

      "They do, best friends do  at least." You smile at me, ugh! Your smile is so cute! I hate it, but love it at the same time. I put a hand on your arm, and close my eyes. 'Best friends' That's what we are... I think, I don't know, it's hard to be just your best friend when all I can think of is kissing you! I mindlessly pull you closer to me, and wrap my arm around your waist, pressing my forehead to your chest. I feel you put your arm on my waist, and I smile. I don't want to be just your best friend...

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