I will court you.

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          Dan's POV

     Me and Phil like to throw around the statement "I will court you" whenever we are angry at each other. We have been married for three years, and don't fight that often. We mostly just say it sarcastically. But I'd never thought that it would actually happen.

     If you were wondering, "I will court you" basically means "I will divorce you" to me and Phil. One day, me and Phil were fighting over something stupid, but.. It got out of hand. There was shouting and the tension in the room was thicker than smoke. But my whole world crashed down when Phil shouted;

     "I will court you Dan! This is not a joke!" I stopped fighting, that night I stayed at Pj's house. The next day Phil handed me a stack of papers. He had up and done it. He had courted me. I don't know what to do, so I just don't do anything. I can't do anything, I'm trapped. I love Phil, and I can't live without him. It was the night two days later, I was still at Pj's house. Pj found me first, not knowing what to do, he called an ambulance, and then called Phil. I wish he didn't do that... He knew about the fight.

     I didn't survive the night. Good bye Phil, I hope you're happy that you courted me.

     I loved you.    

     I thought you loved me,

     But I guess I was wrong. 

           A/N Oh my god I've been gone for so long. I'm sorry about that haha, I'm working on something that's very important to me. So please forgive me for the late, and terrible post. And please forgive me for not updating sooner. 

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