The End

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Hey y'all!

I am here to say thank you for reading my trashy oneshots. I started this book a long ass time ago and haven't updated in forever. so im either just really bad at updating, or im just too lazy. (hint hint, it's both of those lmaoo)

and, to be fair, i had a lot of fun writing it. and i had a lot of fun reading all the feedback from you guys. but of course, all "good" things must come to an end sooner or later.

so i have decided to end writing these oneshots.

tbh ive stopped shipping phan for the most part and have moved on to other ships from other fandoms. (not that im not still a phanboy, because i am. i just don't ship it as much as i used to ashhdksja)

I will still be writing, but ill most likely be doing more original work than anything. (you can check that out on my page whenever i decide to start that lmao)


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