The boy next door

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          Dan's POV

     My parents are going to be working late today, so they have called over a babysitter. It was the older boy who lived next door, his name is Phil Lester. I've only seen him a few times, he seems normal. Little did I know, he knew me too. He had seen and watched me for the year I have lived here. He has looked and admired. 

          Phil's POV

     I thought Dan was beautiful and interesting, I would always see him outside. Always reading or playing on any kind of device. I would admire his tanned skin and brown eyes. The way he always wore black, and how his fringe was always tousled. Whenever he would try to fix his fringe my heart would skip a beat. He was just so perfect.

          Dan's POV

     I hear a knock at the door and I go downstairs and look through the peephole. It was Phil standing with his hands in his pockets looking at the ground. I open the door "Hey..." He looks up and waves at me. "Hi." He said awkwardly. I let him in and show him where he could sit. He sat down and we talked about random things. He would ask me about school and I would say the truth. I didn't want to lie, I felt no need to. 

          Phil's POV

     I felt an urge to move over to his side of the sofa and hug him. He was (I accidentally typed Wasd, I've been watching too much Dan and Phil...) absolutely beautiful this close to him. He was even more beautiful than he is from afar. 

          Dan's POV

     Phil seemed normal from afar, but being this close to him and talking to him. He didn't seem very normal. He was acting very strange. "Are you ok? You are acting strange..." He nodded, "Yeah I just feel slightly... Ill..." He stuttered his sentence. Most likely not knowing how to word the sentence. I nod and lay on my side, I feel like he was lying, but I can't tell. 

          Phil's POV

     "You ok Dan?" He flinched. "Yeah I'm fine, just tired..." I smile, he sounds so cute... "Do you want to go to bed?" I got no answer. I heard light snoring and I looked over at him. He had fallen asleep. I blush, his hair is even more messed up than normal. I shake his arm and he doesn't wake up. I sigh and attempt to pick him up. He is a lot heavier than I thought he was. After a few tries I manage to get him up the stairs. I carry him to his room and put him on his bed. I breath slightly heavily. He was heavy for being three years younger than me. (Phil is 18 and Dan is 15)

     I turn to leave but I feel something grab at my wrist. I turn and see Dan slightly awake holding onto my sleeve. "You ok?" He nods. "Can you stay? I don't like sleeping alone when my parents aren't here..." I nod slowly and sit down next to his bed. "You can sit on the bed you know..." He says barely above a whisper. I hesitantly stand up and sit next to him on the bed. I feel him wrap his arms around my lower torso. I blush. I fell his forehead press into my back, my face is very warm and I expect it to be very red. 

     He tries to pull me onto my back. He must think I'm a teddy bear, he is asleep. I lay down next to him on the bed, and wrap an arm around him. I close my eyes and hear the front door open as I drift off to sleep.

A/N Have a good day after reading my fluffy oneshot! BAIIIIIIIIIII!!!!!!!!!! Also the next one they live on their own in their apartment! Alright? Ok. Have a good damn day!

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