Sweater Weather

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         3rd person POV

     Dan and Phil know their boundaries, but who could it hurt to drop the boundaries? Them. It could only hurt themselves, and people around them. People would harass, leave, kill. And no one wants that. But what if... They break the boundaries set up between them? Every. Thing. Expected. Or maybe not...?

          Phil's POV

     "Why are we even walking? It's the middle of the night Dan!" Dan walks slightly in front of me, walking slowly so we don't trip on the ice. He asked me to come with him on a midnight walk, I said yes. Why did he need a midnight walk anyway? "Because... It's a nice night" It's freezing. "Dan it's snowing! This is not nice weather for a walk!" I hug my arms, I had put on a sweater before we left. I thought he meant it was 10 degrees (Celsius) at least, not snowing! 

     Dan was walking in a black shirt and jeans, not even a sweater. "Dan you're going to get sick! You should have put a sweater on at least!" I hear him laugh slightly. "Since when were you my mother?" I sigh. "Dan I'm serious! I'm not going to take care of you if you get sick!" He stops. 

     "Do you know why I brought you outside after midnight in the snow?" He turns around and looks at me. "No?" I'm still hugging my arms, and I see my breath swirl out in clouds now that I'm still. "It's because I wanted you to know something. I needed you to know that I.. I..." He stares at the ground. "Only think of you as a friend..." I feel my heart break. Why did my heart hurt so much? "It's fine! I only think of you as a friend as well!" I hear my heart being ripped to shreds. 

     He smiles, and hugs me. "At least you understand Phil, and you didn't run away like everyone else..." My heart is being mutilated. "Well I'm not like everyone else." I smile on the outside, but on the inside I felt nothing. I felt like an empty shell with a heart in pain. "Let's go home before you get sick! It's freezing!" He laughs. "Alright, let's go." I start to walk back, the snow covered my footprints. "Um Dan, where is home?" He laughs again, and grabs the sleeve of my sweater, pulling me behind him. My heart is nothing but dust. I follow him anyway. 

          Dan's POV

     I feel tears prick at my eyes, I was lieing to myself and Phil. I did love him, and my heart was being slowly torn apart. I could still hear the words lingering in the air. I feel myself get tugged back, and I'm suddenly on the ground, my head pressed to something warm. "Ow!" It was Phil, he had slipped, and pulled me with him. I sit up, "You okay?" He sits up as well, I feel my face heat up, his hair had held on to some of the snowflakes falling, and his hair was roughed up from the wind. 

     We both stand up, I was colder now than I was. The snow falling from the sky didn't matter until Phil slipped and pulled me down with him. I couldn't feel anything, not even the soft fabric of Phil's sweater. The only thing I feel is the aching in my heart of telling Phil a lie. I hate lieing to him, and I always come clean when I feel too guilty. Maybe I would accidentally slip up on this lie. 

     I feel a tug on my arm and look up from the ground. "Well we're home!" He pulls me forward. "Lets get you inside, you probably are going to get sick. I'l take care of you anyway" I smile. I want to say something. Something about the lie. Something to make him say he loves me back. I can see the hurt in his eyes. I don't want Phil to hurt... I'm telling myself not to slip up, but my heart is telling me to pour out all my feelings. Phil pulls me inside, it was warm. Phil looks at me, his eyes are still full of hurt, I feel horrible. I feel the tension in the air. 

     "I'm going to bed! Good night Dan!" And with that he walked back to his room, and closed the door behind him. 

          Phil's POV

     I close the door, and sit on my bed. I stare at the floor, I feel tears start to fall down my face. I hear a door open and close, things fall, and then another door is opened and slammed closed. I stand up and look out my bedroom door. The front door is wide open, and Dan is gone. I run out and close the front door behind me. I see Dan running across the street with a black sweater on. I run after him.

     "Dan! Dan come back!" He doesn't turn around, he doesn't seem to notice me. "Dan!!" I try to run faster, but can't. Dan stops and turns. "Phil, just go back home! I'm not worth it." I run to him. "Dan yes you are! You are worth the world to me!" I feel tears fall down my face again. "Phil... I'm sorry... I" I silence him by wrapping my arms around him. He buries his face in the crook of my neck. "Lets get back to the house you're already going to be sick.." He nods and lets go of me, wiping his eyes with the back of his sleeve. 

     I take his hand and walk back home, his hands are freezing. "Hey Phil..." His voice was small. "Yes?" He sighs, "I lied about the friend thing... I.. I didn't mean to hurt you.." Those were the only words I needed, my heart stopped hurting. I start running back to our apartment. He almost trips but I keep him stood up. We get back home, I close the door and turn around to face him. "Dan, I lied too" He looked like he was about to say something, but I cut him off. I kiss him, not even waiting for a response.

     "Phil Lester, I love you with all my heart." I wrap my arms around him. "I love you too Dan Howell." 

     Running after Dan was the best thing I could have done...

     I could have stayed and left him to die...


     But he meant too much to me to leave behind...

     A year later I was saying my vows to Dan Lester...


     My perfect husband.

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