Stormy nights

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          Phil's POV

     I pull the blanket over my head, why thunder storms? I hear another crash of thunder, my heart speeds up. I get out of bed and walk to Dan's room, I hope he'll let me sleep with his for the night. I open the door and he's sat up on his laptop. "Dan, I can't sleep" He looks up from whatever he was browsing (most likely Tumblr). "Why? What's wro-" His sentence was cut off by another crash of thunder. I feel tears prick at my eyes, I hate thunder storms. He sighs, "Fine come on you can sleep here I guess." I smile and walk over to him. He puts his laptop down and sinks lower under the blankets. I get under the blanket with him, he rolls over so he's facing away from me.

     I fall asleep before Dan but still feel him roll over again, was he looking at me sleeping? Whatever, I don't mind. I wake up to light spilling into the room, I didn't realize the window curtains were open. I go to move  but feel something around my waist. I look at Dan, his arms were wrapped around my waist tightly. I feel my face heat up slightly, why was he hugging me. I feel him move slightly and feel his forehead press into my stomach. He must have thought he was hugging a pillow or something. 

          Dan's POV

     I open my eyes slightly, I'm pressed against something, my arms are wrapped around it. I don't remember anything being next to me, what am I hugging? I press my forehead into it, I remember. Oh shit.. I'm hugging Phil... How did I forget that I let him sleep with me last night?! I feel my face heat up and I don't move. I feel frozen, my heart beats fast. "Dan? Are you awake?" I internally punch myself, how the hell did I wake did I manage to get into this situation? "No." He laughs lightly. "Why are you hugging me?" 

     And I don't answer. I feel my face heat up, oh god what am I doing?! "Are you going to answer?" I don't say anything. I slowly move away from Phil and stand up. I lay on the floor to avoid that happening again. I fall back asleep.

     I wake up with my blanket over me, and Phil in a different room, being loud as always. I sit up, "Phil?" I hear the door open. "Yeah?" I wave slightly. "Morning..." He smiles. "Morning Sleeping Beauty!" I look at my clock. "How is it noon!?" I hear Phil laugh from the door. "Because you fell back asleep at seven am!" I sigh, it's hard to fight with him. I stand up and throw my blanket back on the bed, following him out to the lounge. 

     He sits on the couch and plays the anime he was watching. "Is that why it was so loud?" He nods and continues watching. I sit on the other side of the couch, still feeling embarrassed by this morning. He looks over at me and smiles. He slightly moves closer to me. I don;t even try to move away, I'm pressed against the arm of the sofa. 

     I can feel my heart beat quicken slightly every time he moves closer to me. He is directly next to me. He leans close to me, close enough I feel his breath sweep against my neck. I don't feel uncomfortable, I feel slightly embarrassed that he was so close. I feel my back suddenly press against the arm of the sofa. I feel something warm press against my lips, my mind is in shambles, the only thought I can really think is that this is Phil. Phil is kissing me, I give in, kissing him back. 

     My eyes flutter shut, the feeling of Phil's lips against mine is taking over my entire body. It's controlling, my mind is everywhere, not knowing if this kiss is supposed to feel this good. I decide, yes, it is supposed to feel this good. It feels like my breath was being pulled away, Phil pulls away and I breath. I can feel my face heat up, not knowing if it was warm this whole time. I open my eyes, Phil is looking down on me smiling. "Did you enjoy kissing me?" My face gets warmer. "Maybe" His smile gets bigger, "You know you enjoyed it Dan." I said nothing, and just smiled.

     I'm so happy that Phil came to me

On that stormy night...

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