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Soooooo ummmm I just looked at the reads on this book, and HOLY FUCK. MY HEART. WAS NOT PREPARED FOR THIS. 1.4 FUCKING K?!??!?!?!??! YOU PEOPLE ARE CRAZY! I never expected to get anywhere with this shitty account, but apparently you people are like "Nahhhhh nah nah nah nah. We're going to just, shove a load of reads in your face until you almost have a heart attack." YOU ALL ARE SO AMAZING!!! And I could totally cover up how grateful I am for you guys with jokes, but I've decided to instead say it like Thomas Sanders and say, YOU ARE ALL SO AMAZING AND I LOVE YOU SO MUCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 

Anyway enough rambling out of me, you guys probably are sleeping or actually doing something with your lives (Unlike, me. hehehehehe...) But anyway, haha, I'm going to just go back to stalking Twitter until I get bored. Bye bye now!!

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