Opposites Attract pt. 2

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          (A/N Fine. I give up brain! Here's your freaking happy ending!)

          Dan's POV

     I run after him, not realizing if this is a mistake or not. What if he is just trying to lead me into trouble? I shake the thought away, continuing to run after him. I don't care if he is leading me into trouble, I need to find out what he was going to say. 

          Phil's POV

     I hear running behind me, why did he have to do this? He just wants me to tell him, to pour out my heart in front of him. I don't want to run away from my problems anymore, I've been doing that forever. I don't want to be the only person who knew my feelings for the brown haired boy, I would scream it from  the rooftops! But I was too much of a coward to tell him face to face. 

     I stop when I get to the front of the school. I should get to my car, drive home away from the one I want to pour my heart out to. I feel a tug on my jacket and turn around, it's Dan, his brown hair falling into his eyes. "What were you going to say?" He wouldn't let go of my jacket. "I... Um..." He looks me in the eyes and it feels like my heart will pour out on its own. "Just say it! I wont say anything rude I promise!" His voice was sweet, like he knew my state of mind was everywhere.

          Dan's POV

     I need to know what he was going to say, it's driving me insane just thinking about it. I hear a crowd of laughter behind me, I look up at Phil and his face says it all. People were staring, thinking I was going to hurt him for something. They were laughing at him thinking he was going to be beat up by the flower boy. I don't even know what I was doing, I grabbed his hand and pulled him back behind the school. He was really tense, I felt bad that I had to drag him away from the crowd. He must be mortified.

     I don't know when it happened but he had his arm around my waist, and I felt like the world was gone. I couldn't hear the laughing of the crowd anymore. I smiled at  him, Phil, the one I have always noticed, but never thought about until now. The letter was something so close to my heart by now, I didn't care if I got into trouble. I was on cloud nine and I was never coming down now. But everything quickly shattered when I felt my back against the wall of the school, cold jagged brick digging into my back. Phil was smiling, I could hear the laughs again, the world felt darker than before. 

     His smile didn't feel threatening, it was a nice smile at least. Maybe if I do get hit I would still remember that smile. He leaned toward me, and I felt my heart speed up. I feel like I'm going to shove him away, I didn't know what he was going to do to me. The thoughts of him hurting me were demolished when he gently placed a paper in my hand and kissed my forehead, looking away from me. I unfold the note.

     "Dan, If you are reading this then I'm such a coward. I love you, please feel free to reject me. It's happened so many times before I lost count at 15 rejections. I just love you. I'm sorry I couldn't say it, I just knew I wouldn't be able to say it. I love you with all my heart since the day I met you. ~Phil"

     I smile, Phil is still looking away from me. I wrap my arms around him, hugging him tightly. I know what I'm feeling, what the feeling is supposed to be. It is love, I do have affection for the punk.

And from then on we were know as the opposites.

But we will never regret that confession..

Because we are living proof that opposites attract.

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