Net Neutrality

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     This is not a chapter, but I felt the need to share this.

Right now, there are laws for the internet about the information we can and can't see. Of course there are some things we shouldn't and don't need to see (things such as the deep web), and things we should and want to see (things such as Wattpad and YouTube).

But, there are sick fucks out there in parts of the government who want to take away those rights. Being from the USA that would affect me BADLY. And I'm taking a wild guess here and saying that a lot of you are also from the USA.

Markiplier has made a video about this with resources for you to use if you are old enough to do that kind of thing. (I'm only a teenager so it's possibly not that good of an idea on my part.) If you can do something to help, I suggest that you please help because net neutrality is a serious thing to me as a person who was saved by the internet.

(Sorry this was a quite serious thing but I felt like I needed to spread the word to all of you guys who are most likely using the internet right now. So thank you for putting up with my worry/slight rant. Bye!)

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