Phil is not on fire

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         Dan's POV

     It was a few days after me and Phil met, he was setting up a video camera so we could record a Q and A we would call 'Phil is not on fire'.  I was smiling because he kept making stupid jokes about lions. He turns on the camera and sits down on the floor next to me. We started the video and I said the first question. "Why do you always make cat whiskers on your face?". He drew cat whiskers on my face and my heart was pounding. I draw cat whiskers on him and we turn back to the camera.

          ~~Time skip to end of video~~

     I was in the middle of a sentence and I see in the viewfinder that he smirks. He turns and hugs me, causing me to fall on my back. I laugh a bit and blush. His hair tickles my neck and I squirm slightly. He stops hugging me and laughs a bit. "People are going to start shipping us together..." I laughs and nod. He was right, fangirls and fanboys will think we are dating. They always assume people are if they hug. Even though I wish that would be true. I have been in love with him since I had watched his first video. So that hug meant all sorts of things to me. But to him it was probably just a friend thing...

          Phil's POV

     I have always liked Dan, ever since he first messaged me. He was kind, silly, and charming. He was beautiful, I hugged him on camera just to hug him. I hope he doesn't think it was just a thing friends do... Because I really do like him.. He was beautiful, and I just want to hold him. Hug him and say he's mine, but  that's just a daydream that will never happen. "Hey Phil?" Dan's voice cut my train of thought short. "Yeah?" He looks at the ground shyly. "Can I stay here tonight?" He said basically above whisper. I smile and nod "Of course! What kind of friend would I be if I don't let you stay over?" He smiled.  

     We recorded the video late at night so we would probably fall asleep sooner or later. I feel something fall against my shoulder. I look over and see Dan, asleep, leaning on my shoulder. I smile and blush, he was so cute when he is sleeping. I snap out of my thoughts when he wakes up slightly. He looks at me and freezes. He knows he was so close to me and probably got  scared that he did something wrong. I wrap an arm around him and he starts to relax. "Sorry..."

     I smile, he's so shy and precious. "It's fine." He smiles at my reassuring voice. 

          Dan's POV

     He really is beautiful when he smiles. I can't imagine his beautiful blue eyes with tears in them. I can't imagine him crying, he seems so happy. I lean on him again knowing now that it's fine. I smile because he hugs me just a small bit tighter. I lean my head in the crook of his neck and I can tell he blushed. We look at each other and he kisses my forehead. "We should get to bed..." I smile. "Yeah.." I look at my phone. It was ten PM and we have to edit the video together tomorrow. I stand up and he stands up next to me. 

          Phil's POV

     I smile and get into bed, not bothering to change into pajamas. Dan lays down next to me laying on the covers. "Do you not want a blanket?" He shakes his head. "I'm good." He laughs a bit. I smile, his laugh was so cute. I wrap my arms around him and pull him close to me.

          Dan's POV

     He pulls me close and I smile, I know now that I can cuddle with Phil Lester. The boy I have a crush on. "Goodnight Dan." He whispers. "Goodnight." I whisper back, and smile, drifting off to sleep.

     A/N Omg I fell asleep in science class O-o Thaaat's no good... He must have just thought I had my head down because he never came over to wake me up.


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