Happy Valentines Day Phil

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          Dan's POV

     It was another Valentines day, I hate Valentines day. I've never had a Valentine, I've never had a letter written for me. I've opened my locker on Valentines Day, and while around me girls were giddy they got a card, nothing would fall from mine. The boys would come back the next day with their arm wrapped around a girls torso, but my arms would be at my sides. I don't think I'll ever get a note, and even if I did, it would probably be from a girl anyway. 

     I would walk around the halls every Valentines day, with no one. All alone, and I was fine with it. But this Valentines day was different, I opened my locker and a folded paper was taped on the inside of the door. As the girls around me awed I took down the paper and closed my locker, walking to the bathroom so I could read it without people reading over my shoulder. 

     I close the bathroom door behind me and unfold the note. A few pieces of glitter fall to the ground as I open it, I open it the rest of the way. It is decorated with heart like splotches of blue and green glitter. I read the letter, it was written in a very neat cursive.

     "Dear Daniel, Please meat me at the park on Cane Bridge Ln. I hope you can make it after school. From your secret admirer."

     I decide to meet them, my parents won't get mad if I meet a girl at the park. It was near my house after all, I could just let her down nicely and go home. The bell rings for us to go home, and I go out of the bathroom, folding and putting the note in my pocket. I grab my bag and coat from my locker and walk start making my way to the park. 

     During the walk my mind kept thinking about the valentine, who could it be from? No guys at my school knew cursive did they? I don't pay attention to that. I continue walking until I see a small paper with my name written on it in capital letters. I take it off the tree it was taped on and unfold it, black glitter spilled from the paper, and I smile. Black is my favorite color. I read the note.

     "I know Valentines day isn't your 'thing' but I can't believe you actually came to the park! Unless you're someone else reading this, then PUT IT DOWN IT'S FOR DAN HOWELL. From Your Secret admirer"

     I smile, I fold it up and put it in my pocket with the other letter. I continue walking toward the middle of the park. I saw girls around me with boys, the boys had tight holds on the girls waist when I would walk passed. I see another note taped to a swing set, I run over to it. It is titled in the beautiful cursive "Daniel". I open it, no glitter this time, and begin reading.

     " I can't believe it! You are actually trying to come to me? At this point anyone else would have quit! Daniel you really are a special boy! From your Secret Admirer."

     I smile, why would people quit looking for this girl? She sounded wonderful! But I still wish that it was a boy putting up these letters. I continue walking, I see a boy taping a small paper onto a tree. He looks at me and runs away, dropping the note. I walk over and pick it up, looking at the writing. It was a boy putting them up? I could only catch black hair when he turned and ran away. I open the note, again glitter poured out, it was purple this time. I read the note.

     "You found my favorite tree! Who says things are impossible? Not you! It's hard to find this tree!"

     I look around, it was slightly heavily wooded around me. I hear a rustling behind a few trees, I walk towards the noise. I walk through some bushes and see a small open patch of grass. The boy from earlier was standing at the other end with a note that reads "Daniel". It is a larger note than the ones taped on trees. He motions for me to take the note. I walk forward, it is envelope with my name under a pink heart. It looks like something straight out of a TV show. I take the envelope and open it, pulling out a note. I open it, no glitter falls out, but it is still written in the beautiful cursive.

     "Oh! I guess you found me... My name is Phil! I go to your school (Hopefully you presumed that) And I know you think you wasted your time trying to find someone but just listen to me for a moment! Give me a chance? Please?"  

     I look up and h is looking at the floor, his face bright red. I take his hand in mine, "I will give you a chance. Phil." He looked up at me, surprised I called him by his first name. He wraps his arms around me. 

I remember all of this was years ago.

On a Valentines day I thought that would be another bitter year.

Oh how I was wrong.

Because that's the day I met the love of my life.

Philip Micheal Howell.

Happy Valentines day Phil.

I love you.

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