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Blairs POV:A few days later we were already on our way to Oceania

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Blairs POV:
A few days later we were already on our way to Oceania. I was so happy to leave Hollywood. I could picture my self on the hot island , drinking and relaxing. Away from all this bullshit. But I knew we'd have to spend 90% of the time at shows or at vickys appartment she rented out for us.
" you ok Blair ?" Erin asked .
" yeah just enjoying the view." I lied , I was thinking.
" well B, you have at least another 10 hours to enjoy it." Izzy wiggled his eyebrows .
Duh, I know. The flight was going to be long and painstaking.
" shut up izzy." I hit him.
" damn ." Steven laughed as he came to sit with us.
We all exchanged looks of boredom.
Then we heared Duff laughing.
" what is it this time ?" Steven sighed.
"Do you guys remember April,1986?" He asked us but we all pulled a wtf face.
" when Steven was 'cleaning up' the bottles but really he was throwing them at me?" Axl rolled his eyes.
" fucking hell. I remember now" I yelled out in excitement.
" the fight was rediciolous"Steven sighed.
" yeah right" Erin pulled a face.
" remember when Axl punched that security guard for hitting his friend and they stopped the show?" I was still excited . I loved talking about the past and with the guys we rarely ever did.
" yeah" he smirked and shook his head.
" my favourite is when a fan told Axl he looked like Bon Jovi and Axl hit him." Duff went on.
" what ?! you did that?" Erin was shocked , Axl nodded.
" babe you don't just punch your fans!"
" he said I looked like Bon jovi!" Axl argued in a funny voice.
Erin shook her head and we all laughed.
I saw that Steven wasn't really laughing or talking much so I was worried, I immediately knew it was due to lack of drugs, we all stopped after izzys and my little incident.
"I don't feel very well, Steven can you come to the toilet with me?" I asked him while rubbing my belly, pretending that it was hurting.
" mhm " he mumbled.
We both got up and went to the toilet.
When We got in and locked the door I sat on the toilet and Steven was looking down on me. I immediately grinned at him.
" you liar." He whispered while grinning back.
I stood up and kissed him." You know me all too well babe" I kissed him again and this time he kissed me back.
" I hope this cheers you up." I started pulling off our clothes.
Let's just say we joined the mile high club that day ;)
We finally left the toilets after 20 minutes. We walked over to sit with everybody and they eyed us up and down.
" feeling better B?" Izzy smirked.
" yeah thankyou ."
Fuck he knows, that's just embarrassing.
" Steven looks a lot happier too." Slash announced in a cheeky voice.
" yeah, something just feels different doesn't it?" Erin smirked as well.
" alright! I know you know." Steven rolled his eyes. " so what though? Don't act like you guys haven't done it!"
" we have" they all said at the same time.
" we do this too often " Axl said.
" what ,fuck on planes?" Erin raised an eyebrow.
" no we say words at the same time."
"Oh" she sounded relieved.
" that's true actually" I butted in and Axl smiled at me.
" this flight sucks, it's so boring"he complained.
" for some" I muttered under my breath. Everyone' heard and mocked me.
" you're fucking stupid, all of you"
I shook my head and then cuddled up to Steven.
Before I knew it we were in the beautiful region Oceania. Not sure which country to contribute it to but yeah. We were somewhere on an island and I couldn't complain.

Nothing interesting happened on this tour therefore guns 'n roses finished off pretty quick and once again, before I knew it , it was time to go home.
"Since it's our last day here do you want to go on a walk?" Steven asked.
" sure babe." I took my bag and we left the appartment.
We walked along the beach enjoying the hot weather, by far it was the most relaxing thing we had ever done together.
" it's beautiful here." I mesmerised.
" not my thing but it is beautiful"
We linked hands and finally decided to sit down once we found a spot away from everybody.
" B?" His voice shook.
" yeah?" I asked nervously.
He wrapped his arm around and we leaned our backs against a palm tree.
" I've been doing drugs here." My heart skipped a beat As he said that.
"I know.. we promised not to, but I just couldn't stop and I'm not going to hide it from you." He had tears in his eyes.
Yeah but so did I . Fuck him.
I got up and stormed off back to the appartment leaving him on his own.
" Vicky !" I shouted as soon as I swung the door open." Can we get the plane home ? Now!" I shouted again.
The whole group looked me up and down.
" sure, not a problem " her voice was trembling.
Our bags were already packed so it wasn't a problem.
" great." I spat out and went in to mine and dickheads bedroom. I took my bag and placed it infront of the front door.I sat on it and waited.
" Blair ?" Duff finally collected the confidence to say.
" not now!" I was so pissed, I couldn't even find the energy to talk to anybody without going crazy .
The door swung open , I fell of my suitcase and landed on my arse .
Great , dickheads back.
Everyone widened their eyes.
" Blair I'm so sorry" he kneeled down to me and tried helping me up.
"Don't Fucking touch me!" I yelled.
He got up and walked away to our bedroom slamming the door.
" somebody go tell him we're leaving" I demanded.
5 minutes later slash came out of the room and walked over to me.
"Don't you think you're being too harsh on him?" He asked picking up my suitcase and walking out of the door.
" I'll take that down my self !"
He just rolled his eyes and told me to get a grip leaving me speechless.
I hate being in love.
I walked out after him and within minutes we were all on the plane ready to go home. I sat on the isolated seat and listened to music through my earphones.
I don't need anybody right now.
They knew not to bother me. I was listening to welcome to the jungle and then a 'bright' idea came in to my head when I remembered I still had something izzy gave me a long time ago.
I'm gonna have to make up with Steven eventually and this seemed like the best idea .
" Oh my god" I whispered to myself .
I jumped up off the seat and walked over to everyone.
" can we talk for a minute ." I looked at Steven and wiggled my eyebrows.
He looked at Slash who gave him an approving look.
He followed me.
"Sit down" I pointed at the isolated chair which was actualy pretty big.
He did as I told him and I sat on top of him.
" let's say I may have something for you, but don't tell the others."
He listened to me then raised his eyebrow. I got up , linked our hands and pulled him over to the other part of the plane .
He watched me pull out heroin.
"Arm" I demanded.
" your not serious are you? You never injected this before. You only snort it. How can you know what it's going to do to you?" He asked .
"Let's just say me and izzy shared a handful of good times together away from the rest of the group . Now pass me your arm. " he was the only person I was going to tell, about me doing heroin this way before . He eyed me up
And down clearly hurt but I was glad . Now he knows how I feel when he does this shit.
"I don't want to do it." He shook his head.
Hit a nerve.
" okay suit yourself." I got up and shouted Duff over , he came in the other part of the plane" what's up?" He sat down oposite from me.
" thanks Adler you can go now." I put on the nastiest voice . He got up and walked away.
" do you want the rest of this duff?" I passed him the heroin. His eyes lit up.
" sure. Thanks B" he took it and stuffed it in his pocket . I winked at him and did our secret-hand shake.
We returned to the group and didn't speak another word about it.
" how do you feel?" Erin asked me.
"Okay" I smiled and sat on Stevens lap.
" I'm sorry" I whispered in his ear, he smiled and gave me a kiss.
"Finally" Vicky rolled her eyes and sighed in relief .


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