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Blairs POV:
It' was almost 1 in the morning and I couldn't sleep again, my body was slowly shutting down but my brain wouldn't stop thinking.
I heard Slash cussing to himself "this damn fucking sofa " his groaning and complains nearly made me crack up but I didn't want him to know I wasn't sleeping well. After another few minutes I heard a sigh and his footsteps getting closer , I quickly shut my eyes and pretended to be asleep.

He cracked the door open and tip toed over to my bed, I could feel him trying to move the covers and in the end he succeeded .

After a minute of adjusting himself he finally got comfortable on his back. I rolled myself around and rested my head on his chest , wrapping one arm around him " mmhm"I mumbled under my breath to make it seem legitimate.
This motherfucker really got in my bed.
" Blair ?" He whispered but I ignored him " Blair ?!" He whisper-shouted this time.
" what !" I raised my voice .
" are you awake ?" He spoke calmly in a raspy voice.
" well no , you're talking to a Fucking ghost" I groaned.
" what are you doing?" He asked as if he was offended by my actions.
" what am I doing? You're in my bed so I can do what I want." I informed him before adjusting my head on his chest and gripping him tighter.
He sighed again to see if I would do anything but I didn't move, he finally gave in and wrapped his arm around me.

It was only after just a minute that he decided to start tickling and scratching my back. I moaned a non sexual moan and moved even closer to him wrapping my leg around him.
He let out a heavy breath and his strokes got more "feelable."
I lifted my head up to look at him, the moonlight shined through the cracks of my window blinds so I could see his dark eyes glowing.
Stop this Fucking feeling before it goes too far.
He stopped stroking my arm when he realised I was staring " what is it Blair?" He whispered calmly this time.
I didn't even know what to tell him. What was I supposed to tell him? Hey slash you're beautiful ? No.
I decided to not answer his question and I put my head back on his chest.

He put his hand in my hair and started playing with that instead and it felt god damn good. I felt close to somebody in a good way for the first time in forever.
I nervously put my hand on his belly and began tickling it, he grabbed my hand and stopped me " uh, I wouldn't do that if I was you" he seemed nervous so I clicked on right away.
" you mean this?" I moved my hand down a bit lower.
" stop fucking with me it's not funny " he almost moved my hand away but I grabbed his crotch unexpectedly and he let out a small moan.
Men are rediciolous, he was already hard.
" or this?" I moved my hand up and down which only made him let out a big but good breath .
" Blair " he tried telling me to stop but it wouldn't work. I took my hand off his crotch and moved myself to sit on top of him, I took off my shirt and was now only in my underwear , no bra.
" what are you doing to me?" He almost complained. I grabbed his hands and put them on my bare chest and grinded on him. I leaned down when he smirked and kissed him, after 4 minutes of passionate kissing he spoke some sense " take off your shirt baby."
The next morning I woke up naked and ashamed. Slash wasn't by my side anymore but at least I slept well.
I quickly jumped in the shower and put on some fresh clothes.

I entered my living room and he wasn't there, my kitchen; not there. He was however in my other room, the empty room, playing riffs on his guitar.
I never even knew he could sing fine "hey" I leaned on the door frame.
"Shit Blair " he quickly put his guitar down " you scared me."
" well thanks " I joked and went over to him and sat down on the floor " about last night..." I started uncomfortably.

He smirked " it's all good."
"It's all good?" I asked him confused .
He got up and walked over to the door"yeah you're a good fuck, didn't know little Blair had that in her ." He gave me a wink before leaving me in the empty room all clueless as to what he meant.
Little Blair? Had that in her?... what?
" are you still with Reene?" I got up and followed him in to the kitchen.
" nope" he threw the magazine to the side and began making coffe.
" that's good." I nodded to myself.
He snorted " pfft." I could only see the back of his head but I still sensed the sarcasm.
" what?" I shot back.
" how is that good ?" He spun around to face me" you're married to my so called best friend." He pouted and rolled his eyes sarcastically.AGAIN.
" legally, on papers, not literally . Me and him are technically over." I started defending myself .
" it's cool B." He tutted:
"you're right it was only a fuck anyway ." I also rolled my eyes and faked a smile but his smile disappeared"what is it Slash ?"'I quickly wiped my stupid smile off my face.
He turned his back to me and poured the water from the kettle in to his cup."nothing."
When slash says nothing , it means something "oh come on" I pestered him wondering what it could be.
" I said " he spun around with his cup of coffee " nothing ." He raised an eyebrows nastily, cocked his jaw to the side sasilly then left me again.


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