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3 months later
The past 3 months have been a pain in the arse, Steven isn't off drugs, he talks to me like Shit, duff drinks a lot, the guys are cunts, Axl and Erin are on the verge of a breakup, the recordings going .. well a bit shit too and everyone's miserable.

Blairs POV :
We were sat on the sofas enjoying the peace and quiet one morning.
Erin and Axl cuddled up asleep in one corner, duff in one of the chairs playing some game he got, Steven on heroin of course asleep on one of the other chairs, me sat in between izzy who was playing the same game as duff and slash who had his arm around me and played with my hair while I read some book he gave me.
* phone rings *
I didn't look up, because of course I knew I would have to answer it but I felt all the eyes on me anyway so I sighed and slowly got up.
" I hate you all." I joked.
" you love us" Steven mumbled under his breath kind of unaware of what was happening but he could hear me. He threw his arm in the air before it flopped back down.
Me and slash exchanged looks of disgust and shame, I decided to ignore Steven as he was fucked anyway.
I walked out of the room and in to the office.
" hello, this is Blair Adler , guns n roses secretary " I answered the phone as if I was expecting a phone call off somebody important. No body else ever called.
" shut up." I heard a gay voice on the other end.
"Brad is that you?!" I squealed.
Brad was my childhood best friend who moved away when we were 12 which broke my heart.
" hello Hun. " he's voice hasn't even changed one bit which I find odd.
" brad what the fuck? Why haven't you called before ?!" I was still super excited so my tone of voice didn't change.
" bitch , do you know how hard it is to like find people's numbers, I heard about you and Steven though , he's fucking gorgeous." Okay so brad was right, he moved away years ago and how exactly was he supposed to know my number.
" hah" I faked a laugh " he is but... drugs are ruining him" I whispered the last part.
" hmm, you don't sound too happy." Wow well thanks for pointing out the obvious .
" I know, it's the drugs." I sighed.
"Do you want to maybe meet or something ? I live near Hollywood just on the other side." Brads voice turned a bit deeper and he sounded more concerned now.
" I will do soon, just ring me some time
Next week." I didn't want to talk about Steven or his addiction over the phone.

Izzys POV:
" who is she talking to?" Slash asked me.
" well let me check ." I got up and went over to the office. I gently pushed the door open, Blair had a fake smile on her face.
" yes, that's fine, thankyou for calling, love you." She put down the phone and smiled to her self.
" what are we so happy about?" I shut the door behind me and slowly walked over to her.
" oh it's nothing, my best friend ,the gay one I was always on about, he rang to see how I was doing ." Her smiled disappeared and she started shaking.
" what is it Blair?" She scares me with her mood swings.
" I don't know " she managed to mumble out, still shaking.
" calm down , Blair calm down" I grabbed her by her wrist and shook her a little.
She took two breaths in and looked around the room then in to my eyes. They were huge and she looked like she was about to cry so I loosened my grip on her wrists.
Before I knew it she grabbed my face and kissed me. I couldn't pull away, we were making out now and I didn't know how to stop my self. I'm one of the worst friends ever.
Stevens going to kill me.
I pushed her back a little while still kissing her. She ended up sat on the desk with her legs wrapped around me. I couldn't help but touch her .
" izzy." She pulled away a little.
" I'm sorry." I pulled away too.
" no.." she looked me in the eyes again and smiled a little. " god I feel happy when I look at you." She unwrapped her legs from me and got up.
" what?" I didn't know what was wrong with her.
" it's Steven and the drugs... I just I don't feel that warmth anymore." She adjusted her skirt and her top. " I feel it when I'm with you, you're my best friend izzy, me and you are so alike." She started walking over to the door.
" say something ." She looked at me one more time before walking out.
" I... I." Yeah okay I love her but I can't tell her that. It's fucked up.
" I know you do." She smirked and then left the room.
Now I'm left here feeling like a dickhead, I know I love her but she loves Steven, and that's how its going to stay.

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