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Blairs POV :" I swear this is the last god damn photo I'm taking guys!"'I screamed through the loud music "fuck YOU!"I slapped somebody's hand as they ruined the picture

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Blairs POV :
" I swear this is the last god damn photo I'm taking guys!"'I screamed through the loud music "fuck YOU!"
I slapped somebody's hand as they ruined the picture." I give up." I sighed.
The picture came out and i gave it to duff.
" oh Jesus, " he cringed and gave it to slash .
" oh my god " slash studied the picture then gave it back to me. I put the camera and the picture in my bag and crossed my arms. If I'm being honest, I miss Erin. Being with 4 guys is never that good. Plus I'm starting to feel bad about how I acted and we have been here for hours and nothing interesting has happened.
" you ok?" I felt somebody's arms touch my back." Not enjoying the party?" It was izzy .
" I don't know dude ." I unfolded my arms and put them on my hips" I think I'm going for a smoke ." I looked around to see who else was there, but it was too packed for me to find any familiar faces. I was bad when it came to big crowds.
" I'm coming ." Izzy was about to put his drink down but i stopped him.
" no ." I waved my hand " I need to go on my own." I didn't, but i wanted to.
"Okay I'll tell Steven." He disappeared and I began walking outside.
I saw the big exit door and swung it open.
"Phew , fresh fucking air." I let out a big sigh and leaned against the wall.
To my surprise no one was outside.
Then I realised I entered some sort of isolation or something the space was 4 by 4, enough for a small dog. I tried getting back inside but the door wouldn't open.
" fuck" I started panicking and pushing and pulling on the fence ." Somebody Fucking let me out!" I didn't want to cry because I would make my self look like a twat , but then again I already looked like one." Help !" I screamed as loud as I could.
Then out of all people. River Phoenix walks around the corner.
" wow." I let go off the fence and took a step back.
" what happened are you ok? What's wrong with your eye?"He looked at me with a lot of worry in his eyes. I forgot about my black eye. I changed the subject.
" ah yeah, just went out for a smoke and i don't know why I'm here." I crossed my arms " aren't you river?" He was even more good looking in real life.
" yeah that's me." He smiled gently " come on climb over to the fence."
I looked him up and down" yea right."
" no I'm being serious you'll have to, it will take a long time for me to get through the people and let you out through the door." He tried to reassure me it would be ok.
" fine." I climbed the fence and stopped half way." I can't do it."
" what's your name?"
" Blair " I looked down at him.
" then Blair you can do it. Come on." He reassured me once again and I don't know what it was but it helped.
Once I was at the top of the fence it was time to climb over, i took a big breath in and pulled my leg over the fence. When I tried to do the same with the other leg I slipped and fell right on to River.
" I'm so sorry." I panicked . I was now laid on top of him , face to face on the ground. I was so shocked I couldn't move.
" I made you do this. It's okay." He grinned. Then I realised i was still on top of him.
"What's going on?" Shit, Steven out of all, had to come out at this exact moment.
He walked over to us and pulled me off of River.
" I got stuck in there ." I pointed at the fence and 4x4 space. He looked at it then back at me." River helped me, I climbed over , slipped and fell on him." Steven looked at river.
" erm , anyway thankyou river it was nice meeting you." I smiled at him and shook his hand , he was tall as shit and made me look about 12.
"No worries." He smiled at me one more time then left.
" Steven ?" I turned to him because he still hadn't said anything.
"Mhm?" He mumbled still clearly lost in his thoughts .
I jumped up on him and wrapped my legs around him. He quickly reacted and caught me just in time.
" b!" He complained.
" shut up ." I smirked and gave him a big kiss which caught him off guard."I love you."
"I love you" he bit his lip and put me down." You wana go for a 'walk'" he smirked at me. Which only meant two things, 1- his drunk as fuck and 2- sex.
" you bet." I took his hand in mine and we left .
Slash's POV:
" where are they ?" It's been an hour since they left and we still can't find them.
" I looked everywhere man" izzy looked at me .
" same " Duff replied and shrugged his shoulders.
" great." I rolled my eyes " Axl and Erin will be back soon, we need to get home." I looked around one more time.
" here they fucking go." Duff was tall so he could see them approaching.
" thank god." I let out a sigh.
" hey hoe bags" Steven had a grin on his face which only meant one thing. They had sex and i wasn't about to question where they have been.
" you disgust me." I let out a laugh and Steven wiggled his eyebrows .
" limos waiting for us outside." I pointed at the door.
"Let's go hoes." Steven slapped izzys arse and licked his face .
That guys fucked.
" give me more baby." Izzy joked around and licked Stevens face back.
I looked at duff and cringed but we all laughed it off.

Blairs POV:
" come on let's just go" I couldn't look at Steven and izzy anymore. It made me cringe but it was funny at the same time.
" okay boss." Steven wrapped his arm around me and we walked out."bitches first ." He opened the door for me.
" whatever you hoe."I stuck my tongue out and got in the limo.
Minutes had passed and after multiple jokes, laughs and a lot of sarcasm we were finally at home.
"Right , Axl and Erin should be back at any minute so let's just act happy for them. " slash sounded very serious "Even if we think this was a dumb idea and Axl crying was funny as fuck." He started laughing which made the rest of us laugh .
" what's funny ?" We heard Axl , he kicked the door open and carried Erin in bridal style .
" nothing and you're fucking back, congratulations from all of us." Slash went over to them and hugged them. Everyone did the same, except from me. I still felt bad about my behaviour.
" what about my best friend, won't you hug me?" Axl sounded genuine and opened his Arms to embrace me in a hug. I felt relief in my body and I ran in for the hug. " don't worry we've heard about the acid trip." He pulled away from the hug smiling until he noticed my eye. " fuck." His smile disappeared and he stroked my eyes with his thumb, his eyes turned huge and his touch softer." Blair I'm sorry ."
"It's okay." I smiled and pulled his hand away " I was a bitch.." I turned to Erin this time " I'm sorry."
She smiled and opened her arms for me to hug her. And i did.
"Congratulations " I whispered to her and looked at her ring.
We both started tearing up.
At that moment i realised I wanted to be married to Steven more than anything .
" thankyou . Stop making me cry." She wiped her tear away.
"I don't mean to." I smiled at her .
" come on we need to have a drink." Axl told us all .
We all looked at eachother , we were already fucked but tried to contain it.
"Fine by me!"ofcourse it was fine by Duff he loved drinking .
" okay." I agreed.
The night went on until 4 in the morning. We celebrated Erin and Axls marriage, the fact Steven didn't have heroin all night and other dumb shit and most importantly we were all in good moods and happy with eachothers company.


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