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1 Day later
Axls POV:

"Steven!" We're at the recording studio and the cunt hasn't been responding in over half an hour

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"Steven!" We're at the recording studio and the cunt hasn't been responding in over half an hour . " I'm recording your stupid ass for Blair to see." I let out a laugh as the other guys joined in and leaned over my shoulder to look at the camera.
"Fucker." Slash added, still nothing.
I put the camera down and took a sip of my water." He's  fucked we may as well go home."
" we're gonna have to fire him if he continues.." izzy was unfortunately right.
" yeah let's just talk to him when he comes around." I threw my water bottle in the bin ." Help me carry him to the limo" . We all sighed and slash helped me carry him outside.

Blairs POV :
The door swung open, me and Erin jumped up and saw something slightly unusual. Axl and slash carrying Steven in to the house.
" Lover boys home bitchhhhes!" Axl spared no jokes . " come to me baby" he wiggled his eyebrows.
" shut up Axl! " I rolled my eyes.
They threw him on the floor and all of the guys stepped over him.
" classy" I rolled my eyes and went back to reading my magazine.
Me and Steven haven't made up, he slept in his own Room last night and locked him self in there.
They ran to the sofa and fell back on to it.
" arghh, good to be home" izzy stretched out his legs.
" you were only gone for an hour, how can you possibly be tired?" I put the magazine down and gave him a questioning look.
"Well we've only been gone an hour thanks to Steven, his vodka and the heroin ." He stuck his tongue out.
" tut, that's not my problem." I clicked my tongue.
I got up and walked over to the kitchen ignoring Steven who was passed out on the floor. I poured my self a glass of juice and looked in the fridge.
" there's fuck all to eat." I complained , my top skill.
" ooo she's eating!" Axl joked.
" shut up asshole ." Erin smacked him playfully then decided to get up and come to me.
She had to step over Steven but when she looked at him her eyes widened and she froze.
'Erm guys...' she looked at the group sat on sofa ." Guys his sweating and his not fucking breathing!" She bent down to check his pulse.
I ran over to him and saw that he was really pale.
" call an ambulance now!" Erin screamed .
Axl ran over to the telephone" I need an ambulance !!  Now! My friends over dosing! ... mill road ,hollywood! Thanks" he slammed the phone down and ran over to Steven.
"How the fuck do you do cpr?" He started panicking.
" help him!" I started crying.
"I don't know how to" he yelled out.
Within seconds the ambulance got there, they started doing cpr on him and I couldn't help but cry.
" fucking help him!" I was crying hysterically at this point.
"Were doing our best m'aam."
They decided that nothing was working and to take him to hospital.
My breathing got heavier and more rapid, until I forgot how to breath at all.
" Blair calm down! He will be fine!"
Slash came over to me and shook me.
" breathe Blair! Breathe!"
I fell in to a panic attack and tried my best to calm it down. I followed slash's instructions and breathed in an out.
" better?"
I nodded my head and he wrapped his arms around me hugging me tight.
" shh" now all I had to do was stop crying.
" alright anybody coming with us?" One of the doctors asked.
" me!" Axl jumped up and they left.
An hour later we got a call from the hospital . I ran to the phone and answered it.
" hello?!"
" hello , Blair Miller ?"
"Yes! How is he?!" I needed to know now.
"He's a lot better. His awake and everything seems to be fine, he took heroin and cocaine together, we call it a speed all. Are you familiar with this?"
" no." I lied.
" okay well.. we're going to let him go home soon. He should be home tonight." I could feel the doctor smiling.
" okay thank you."
I put the phone down and froze for a second .
"How is he?" I could hear Duff but I couldn't acknowledge him.
"Huh?" I was lost in my own thoughts.
His first over dose.. what if this ended up a different way?
" I asked how he was?" Duff walked over to me and looked at me confused.
"Erm, he should be home tonight" I bit my nails , one hand on my hip and the other in my moth I was staring at the floor.
Why didn't I go over to him as soon as they threw him on the floor ?
" are you ok?" He started walking towards me again.
" sure . I'm just tired. Good night." I snapped out of my thoughts, crossed my arms and walked to my room.
I got undressed to just my underwear and I threw on one of Stevens shirts.
I smelt it and got took aback to when we first told eachother we loved one another , to when we first slept together , to when he proposed to me and so on. All the memories came flooding back. I laid in my bed and cried my self to sleep.
A few hours later I woke up to the sound of somebody moving in my bed.
I slowly opened my eyes and sat up,
12 o'clock .
Fuck time flies fast. I must have slept most of the day away.
I looked over to my side and Steven was looking at me.
" Steven!" I gasped ." Your here! In my bed!" I got on top of him and laid down on his chest .
" I'm here" he stroked my hair.
" your so stupid" I quickly leaned in for a kiss " don't do this to me again, please" I kissed him again" I can't lose you" and again ." I love you!" I leaned in for another kiss and we started making out. He rolled me off and laid on top of me.
" I would never leave you." He stroked my cheek and then leaned in for another kiss." I love you too much" he gave me a heart warming smile.
" I'm so sorry Steven. I just wanted you to be the dad. I couldn't risk it" he rolled off me and wrapped me in his arms instead, I laid my head on his shoulder .
" I know babe. Don't worry about it" he whispered." Goodnight" he shut his eyes and fell asleep.
" good night" I whispered back.

After a good few minutes of tossing and turning , I decided I couldn't sleep no more. I got out of the bed and went downstairs.
There's fuck all to do.
I slugged around the rooms and halls of our big house trying to find something to do. I looked over to the door of our music room . Well the guys music room. I decided to go in and look around.
News flash; I'm pretty good at drums but no body knows this.
Seen as no body was awake I looked in Stevens notebook and found the drums tab, I could read music too so that wasn't a problem to me.
"Don't cry should be easy" I read through it and quickly understood what I had to do. I started playing away , the walls were soundproof so I hoped I wouldn't wake anybody up.
November rain doesn't seem too hard.
I began drumming away again and then the door swung open.
" wow.. I thought I would find Steven in here" Axl widened his eyes and walked over to me. " since when can you play drums ?" He asked curiously.
" since forever.. I'm not too bad, I thought maybe I could help you? Fill in for Steven.." I was scared to ask, I mean no body had to know, no one can see the recorded versions, Steven would only have to get his shit together for tours.
" Blair thankyou , but we decided to start recording next year instead. We're just going to relax this year. We want Steven to take it easy ." He began massaging my shoulders .
"Thanks man I need this." I told him and shut my eyes." Well what are you going to do instead?" I asked him.
He continued massaging me " well not much, paradise city became the top ten in the U.K. Did You know?"
"No !" I gasped " that's great!"
" there's a premiere I'm going to next month as well, patience will be realised in the U.K. In may." He continued.
I looked up at him ." How come I never know these things ?"
He stopped massaging me and sat on the chair behind me. I spun my chair round and faced him.
" I don't know B. I guess we're not that close. You've always been closest with slash and izzy, well and now Steven ." He rolled his eyes back.
" that's true, I'm not even that close with slash anymore. Don't even get me started on Duff " I sighed and suddenly sadness rushed over my mind." That kind of sucks actually ." I began thinking.
" I love Erin and you guys. All of you" he smiled.
" we love you too man." I smiled back.
"Why are you here?" I suddenly realised everyone was asleep, but Axl.
" we just got back from the hospital. I've been snorting , what about you?" He asked me.
" I slept all day and now I can't sleep."
" do you want some cocaine?"
" no thanks Axl , I don't wana do that shit tonight." I shook my head.
"Suit yourself " his eyes started wandering around the room."I'm bored. Wanna do something B?"
"Like what?" I was bored my self so I was ready to do anything.
"Let's go to the movie room and watch a film." He suggested .
" okay" we got up and went over to the movie room.

" I'm taking the sofa!" I ran over and threw my self on it

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" I'm taking the sofa!" I ran over and threw my self on it.
" whatever B , I'll take the god damn chair ." He laughed.
"What are we watching?" I asked him.
" I don't know, what do we even have ? I feel like we're hardly ever in here."
" I don't know, we have the hammer house of horror collection." I pointed at one of the shelves.
Axl walked over to it and started looking through them.
" does it matter which one I pick?" He wondered.
" no they're all good."
2 minutes later he put one of the video tapes in the player and then came and sat down .
" hey B?" He looked at me.
"Yeah?" I looked back at him.
" it's nice to spend some time together." He smiled genuinely. I smiled back at him and blew him a kiss.
" flirt ." He joked .
" shut up rose, you ruin every nice moment ." I returned the jokes."shh, let's just watch this."
" okay" he smiled again and looked away.

"" okay" he smiled again and looked away

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