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Blairs POV :

I opened the door slowly and stared at the man in front of me from top to bottom, he had his back to me but when he realised I opened up the door he spun around and faced me.

It's Steven , Steven fucking Adler himself on my front porch with that contagious cute smile of his on his face " hey." He continues smiling as he gives me a small wave with his right hand.

As usual, my heart sank at the sight of him, I stared at him for a few long seconds in terror being unable to move.
2 years, two fucking years man, and within the whole 7 I only saw him once for a short time. Not even an hour.

" Blair ?" His smile disappeared when my face expression didn't change .

I opened my mouth but no words came out so I stepped out and fell straight in to his arms giving him the biggest and longest hug possible. He sighed loudly in what seemed like relief and wrapped his arms around me really tight with his chin resting on my head. A weight has been lifted off our shoulders, a weight we carried for too many years.

" oh Blair ." He whispered softly before pulling away " I've missed you so much."

I pulled him back in to the hug, I never even wanted to let go but I knew I would have to eventually do that so this time I pulled away " Steven . " I looked him up and down once again, my heart raced 375858 beats per seconds at the least " I've missed you all too much , come in." I guided him through my door and to my living room .

He looked around " it's a nice house you have here, it's homely." He sat down on my big sofa. "Im a fan of that lately but I just can't seem to make it that 100% homely ." He scrunched up his face at his own words.

" yeah ," I giggled fakely and put my hands in to my pickets " so, how have you been?" I sat down next to him and looked around the room avoiding eye contact, I was scared to look in to his beautiful blue eyes. Scared of feeling that same love and feeling that connection again .

" fine." He nodded his head awkwardly "you?" His eyes burnt through the side of my face.

I nodded my head " me too, you live around the corner ?"

" yeeee." He smiled " do you know what happened to our old house ?" He asked.

" Axl said some big family moved in, right ?" I wasn't sure if he knew.

" yeah , that's what happened." He agreed ." I heard that Angeline is in a happy family , I had a call"

" thought we agreed on no calls?" I looked at him confused but still not in the eyes.

" yeah but they just thought they would let me know" Steven explained and fiddled with a tissue before stuffing it in his pocket .

" oh good." I bluntly said " Fabio is a big fella now, he's 4" I smiled at the thought .

" oh great ." He smiled back.

" yeah .."

He sighed and turned his face to me "Blair I'm not here for small talk ."

I also turned to him at last " then why are you here Steven ?" I hoped for the best answer .

" because" he started " we belong together Blair." He linked our hands like he always does "I need to have you back . Nothing will ever feel right without you ." He smiled " not a thing and you know that."

I smiled as tears filled my eyes " I've missed you Steven ." I moved closer to him and he wrapped his arms around me " I think about you everyday, about the band, just everything ."

" Blair but do you want me back?" He kissed the top of my head " because I need you ."

A tear escaped my eyes " yes. I miss you, more than I've ever missed anybody ." I looked up at him and unfortunately made eye contact , and there it was... that same feeling of love and a huge rush of sadness yet excitement running through my body.
" I think we do belong together, it has to be that ." I looked away for not longer than a second "other wise we wouldn't be here right now."

Huge grin took over my face"would you like to give things another go? I mean, were almost 40, well .." he stopped smiling for a second " kind of."

I laughed at his goofiness "I think that we can start seeing eachother, take things slow, would you like that?"

He smiled one of them ofcourse smiles as he stroked my hair behind my ear "yes I would love that."

I bit my lip , hinting for him to kiss me, before I knew it our lips were connected and we shared the best kiss of my entire life. It was a kiss the both of us have longed for and the touch our lips have missed for years.

" I still love you baby ." I planted a kiss on his cheek.

" you don't understand how happy this makes me ." His voice sounded positive.

"Beyond compare I'm guessin" I joked as I rolled my eyes .

" you bet" we both laughed.
1 month later.

" I moved houses more than I changed my pants this year." I complained as I carried all of my things to Stevens big/now homely house.

" that's grim Blair!" Duff scrunched his face up in disgust.

Tracy rolled her eyes at him as she helped me sort all the things out. "I think we should put this here" she took one of my biggest paint like picture frames with a picture of Fabio in it.
She picked a spot in the living room.

I looked at Duff, Izzy and Steven who were sat on the sofa with their faces like slapped arses scrunched up.

" I guess not then ." She frowned and dirty looked the 3 of them " Amy can you carry this to the hall?" She shoved the rather large picture frame in Amy's arms.

" sure ." Amy sighed and stomped away.

I looked over at the guys who couldn't contain their loud laughter" you got your way" Duff high fived Steven.

" excuse me " Tracy faced them "you assholes wana help or are you just going to sit there all day? Don't try me Duff." She warned him.

By this point I had to cover my mouth with my hand to stop my self from giggling too loud. The boys saw me and cracked out laughing again .She spun around and my face turned all serious again. " alright now, let's just do this" I said to change the subject .

" I'm back" amy wiped the sweat off her head.

" you can take these upstairs to our room if you'd like?" I pointed at my bags of clothes.

She smiled in agreement.

" is my girl your slave?" Izzy joked.

" fuck you!" She stuck her tongue out at him and flagged him with her middle finger which made us all laugh.

Izzy picked up a bottle of beer and looked at Duff and Steven from the top of his eyes " women" he rolled them back and took a sip.

Assholes . *rolls eyes*



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