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The next day.
Stevens POV :
I woke up surrounded by everybody but Blair. I felt like complete and utter shit and massive guilt was rushing over my body.
" where's Blair?" I sat up and threw the blanket to the side.
"Probably in bed ..." slash looked me up and down " and she knows by the way."he looked at Renee this time "come on say what you've got to say."he gave her a mean look and hand gestures to me.
"I'm sorry for making you do heroin last night Steven ." She did not dare look in to my eyes , so instead she looked down.
" it's fine .. anyway , who told her?"
" well she saw us carrying you in to the house and then she over heard us talking about it." Izzy informed me while playing his old stupid game.
" is she mad?" I knew izzy would be the one to know.
" probably. I don't know." He didn't look at me which only annoyed me more. That dude is obsessed with that game thing.
"Dude she's 5 months pregnant you're a fuck up at times." Duff shook his head at me while downing a bottle of whiskey.
The irony, says the guy who drinks all the time .
" I know." I decided to just agree with him instead of starting a pointless argument.

Blairs POV :
I walked in to the house holding a little pug puppy which I decided to go and get for Steven this morning.
I don't want arguments over something stupid that happened last night while I'm pregnant.
" hey guys ." I smiled at everybody as I entered the house.
" Blair I thought you was asleep ." Duff jumped up excitedly, stumbled over Stevens legs and then walked towards me to pet the puppy.
Steven still had his back to me , boy was he scared incase I was angry.
" well I'm not." I giggled at him stumbling and threw the keys to the side .
" aww!" Renee and Erin jumped up too as soon as they saw the new dog and ran towards me " can I hold it?!" Erin had a huge grin on her face.
"Of course ." I gave her the puppy.
" why did you get that ?" Axl asked me.
"For Steven." I walked over to the sofa and sat next to him " hi babe." I took his hand in mine and squeezed it.
He looked at Axl , slash then at me confused " are you not mad?"
" I don't know what you're talking." I decided to avoid the subject " I got you a puppy." I pointed my finger at Erin.
" what ?!" He jumped up faster than the speed of light and looked back at Erin and Renee " dude! Give me my dog !" He looked like a little boy, a grin took over his cute face.
Erin stuck her tongue out and walked over to him " here." She gave him the puppy.
" oh man ." He held the dog in his hands and it gave him more joy than anything else ." Is it a girl?"
" yeah " I nodded my head while smiling at the sight of him, his smile is the best thing I've ever seen.
" can I call it whatever I wanna call it?" He asked me while she licked his face .
" it's yours so ofcourse you can."
" call it Lulu!" Erin squealed.
" I'll call it Erin ." He pulled a funny face at her.
" very Fucking funny." She sighed and Axl couldn't contain his laughter " it's not funny Axl !" She hit his arm but laughed along.
" sorry babe." He covered his face with his hands .
" call it Bella." Slash butted in.
" what do you think?" Steven looked at me and looked for approval even thought she was his.
" sounds good to me." I nodded my head.
" Bella it is then." Slash flagged Erin and laughed at her.
" oh shut up." She rolled her eyes.
"That's like the cutest little thing ever." Izzy took his eyes of the game .
" she is isn't she?" I looked at Bella in owe.
" can we walk her ?" Steven honestly couldn't contain himself .
" yeah the leash and everything are in the car, come on" I patted his leg and stood up.
We linked hands as we walked down the long street ,Steven was holding The Leash and we had to walk really slow because Bella only had little legs.
"Blair ?" At first we were silent until Steven broke that silence .
" yeah?"
" about last night.." here he goes again.
" I'm pregnant, I don't need any stress and I know That Renee made you do it. Izzy told me." That was about all that I had to say to him about it.
" he did?" His thoughts wondered off and I know exactly what he was thinking. He was thinking why didn't izzy make him look bad instead.
" he isn't as bad as you think, he still is your best friend."  I tried to make Steven see that nothing will happen between me and izzy again.
" no, I know that babe." I could feel him smiling to himself.
" it's so cold ." I complained.
Novembers wasn't my favourite month but at least we had Erin's birthday out of the way already . November 8th.
Mine was soon to come too but I wanted to concentrate on Christmas first.
" me too , this isn't my favourite month but at least Erin's spoilt birthday is out of the way."
" that is literally what I was thinking." I was slightly weirded out.
" great minds think alike." He joked .
" Steven?" I stopped walking for a moment.
" what is it?" He stopped and faced me.
" I just .." I sighed and scratched my forehead " it's just that if I ever get mad at you for doing drugs it's because I care about your health, I don't want to live without you and I'm scared you're going to die or something ." I finally let my honest thoughts out at which Steven widened his eyes.
" I .. I didn't think about it that way, I'm sorry babe." He hugged me wrapping only one arm around me because he was holding bellas leash in the other hand.
" it's okay I was just letting you know. I love you okay?" I crooked a smile.
" I love you too." He nodded his head and leaned down for a kiss.
" love birds!" I heard a familiar voice and foot steps walking towards us from behind.
We turned around to see who it was.
" wow!" River jumped back a bit" no fucking way you're pregnant !" He took off his glasses and got closer to us when he saw my bump.
Boy did he look different , his eyes looked tired, his skin was bad, hair was rough and he dressed different.
I looked at Steven from the corner of my eyes knowing that he was thinking the exact same.
" hello, thanks for calling and things." I was kind of pissed at River for not talking to me since the party.
" nice to see you too." He hugged me and gave me a kiss on the cheek.
" hey dude." He shook Stevens hand.
" hey." Steven smiled at him awkwardly and shyly .
" if you want to know.. I rang your old house a few times and Axl said he would let you know. " he licked his lips and put the shades in his pocket.
" that bastard. He probably forgot." I wined." I live back at the house."
" with a baby on the way ?" He sounded confused .
I looked at Steven, after all river was right. I wanted to know what he had to say.
" it's just for now." Steven told him then looked down at me helplessly.

River pulled a face because he could see right through me

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River pulled a face because he could see right through me. He knew I would prefer to live with Steven alone.
" ok.. how far along are you , is it a boy ?" River was getting more excited.
" 5 months and we didn't want to know.. dude I have to ask. What happened to your looks and neat clothes ?" I looked him up and down weirdly .
He chuckled a bit and looked down at himself " drugs, music , flea."
" you mean the guy from that band?" Steven asked him.
" the guy from that band." River nodded his head playfully.
" be careful with that shit river, don't want you ruining your health." I sounded more concerned this time.
God I sound like a fucking mother already .
" don't worry about me." He pulled the glasses out of his pocket and put them back on." I need to go, I have things to do. I'll come see the baby once it's born but let me know when , okay ?" At that point I realised he was probably on coke because he only ever spoke this fast when he did drugs.
" alright ." I sighed.
" cute dog by the way ." He probably winked like he always does but i couldn't tell through his glasses.
" thanks . See ya." I did a little wave .
" yea bye dude." Steven copied me and river walked off after nodding his head.
" god he looks bad, I'm glad drugs haven't ruined your looks." I studied Stevens face properly " actually.." I pretend to cringe.
" shut up." He touched his face nervously .
" sorry babe , I'm only joking. You're perfect." I pulled Him in by the collar of his shirt and kissed him, making him laugh at my spontaneity.
" you know what ?" He looked at me in that way again. As if I was art work.
" what ?"
He opened his mouth and was about to speak, but instead he looked away and let out a nervous laugh.
My eyebrows scrunched together in curiosity as i wondered what exactly he was about to say.
" nothing, just you. You make me happy ." He finally made eye contact with me .
" you make me happy too." I gave him a quick but genuine smile before linking hands with him again .

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