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3 months later
Blairs POV :
" how did it go?" I asked the guys when they returned from the recording studio.
"Been better" Steven sat down on the chair.
"Yup" the rest did the same.
I looked at Erin and she shrugged her shoulders .
" that bad?" I placed the food on the table while Erin did the same.
" let me not comment ." Axl sighed.
" what is it?" I sat down in between Steven and slash.
"That would be me." Steven started playing with his food .
" stop that, and why?" I asked .
He stopped playing with the food and threw the fork on the table." I suck." He spat out.
" what the fuck?" Erin sat down next to Axl and gave Steven a questioning look.
" you don't suck! How many times " Duff said annoyed.
" will someone explain?" Erin looked at Axl as did I.
" I play off beat." He looked at Erin.
" it's the heroin dude." Axl wasn't scared to tell Steven straight.
I rubbed Stevens arm and gave him a comforting look.
" maybe just practise more ?" I didn't want to sound too rude but he hasn't exactly been doing that alately .
" okay," he picked his fork up and began eating.
" alright, other than that ?" Erin asked them.
" were good." Izzy told her.

Half way through eating, I felt my stomach drop.
" uh oh." They all looked at me before I ran to the bathroom.
I threw up 3 times and frankly felt like Shit.
" Blair , can I come in?"
I heard Erin's voice.
"Yeah." I had my head over the toilet.
" what happened ?" She shut the door behind her then came over to me and took the hair out of my face .
" I think Kurt's love buzz got me pregnant." I didn't think twice before I spoke.
" huh?" She let go off my hair.
" nevermind, it's an inside joke, between me and izzy" I looked down at the toilet and flushed it.
" you mean... you might be pregnant with izzys baby ?" Worry contaminating her face.
" or Stevens.. I may not be pregnant." I told her.
" wait here" she stood up and left .

Erin's POV :
I had a spare pregnancy test in mine and Axls room.
I walked out of the bathroom and shut the door .
"What's up with her?" Steven asked me.
Uh oh.
" nothing don't go in there please, I'll be right back."
He gave me a look before I left .
" don't look at me" I heard Axl." That's girls for you"
I rolled my eyes when I heard him.
2 minutes later I was downstairs again.
" what's that ?" Duff pointed at the pregnancy test.
" god! Nothing!" I spat out and stuffed it in my pocket .
" jeez. Okay" he went back to eating his food.

Blairs POV:
" okay I'm back" she locked the door this time." Pee on the stick."
" gross" I stood up and took it from her.
" but Fucking two guys in the same night isn't?" She raised an eyebrow.
" okay , I get the point." I rolled my eyes and told her to turn around, she did as I told her and I peed on the stick.
"Okay what now?" I zipped my pants up.
" we wait, put it on the side" she told me.
I put it on the sink and sat down on the toilet seat, my legs shaking.
" stop that." I could tell she was just as scared though.
" sorry I'm just scared." I got up and started walking in circles." Did the guys say anything ?"
She looked me in the eyes and told me "no" but I could tell she was lying .
" whatever."
After another 4 minutes of silence Erin looked at me again" look at it."
I went over and picked it up.
"2 lines?" I told her. Her eyes widened.
" no..." her voice shook." Your Fucking pregnant."
I threw the pregnancy test in the bin and walked out of the bathroom.She followed me and we both sat back down and began eating .
" well..?" Slash looked as us both confused.
" I'm pregnant" I did not dare to look up from my plate and continued eating.
Steven and izzy choked on their food, Duffs mouth dropped, slash and Axl
Spat out their food.
I threw my fork on the table and exchanged a look of disgust with Erin.
" what?" Izzy spat out.
" you've heard daddy number 2." I got up , pushed the chair in and leaned over it.
" I guess we're done eating" I started collecting the plates together.
" Blair .. you've got to be kidding."slash mumbled.
" yup. That would be a funny joke right?" I faked a big smile .
" your fucking with us." Axl laughed and rolled his eyes.
" it's not fucking funny!" I stopped and smashed the plates on the floor.
" Axl it's not a joke " Erin half whispered .
I put my hands over my head.
" phew." I sighed really loud.
Steven got up and moved me away from the shattered plates.
" how far along are you?" He asked me.
Izzy eyed me up and down.
I threw my arms in the air" what?!" I flagged him.
" sorry , how The fuck did this happen?" He put his hand over his forehead.
" you stuck your dick in my vagina and came inside me." I looked him dead in the eyes.
" alright that's enough !" Slash got pissed off.
" sorry ." I sighed again and looked at Steven." I think I will be around.. 10 weeks. I missed two periods ."
He hugged me tight and let go.
" I'll still be here, I'm more than happy to be a dad, if I am ." He told me.
" and if I'm the dad, I'll be here for the kid" izzy added.
I looked at them both gone out and gave them a what the fuck look.
Do they even know what they're saying.
" whatever" I walked over to the door and slipped my shoes on.
" where are you going?" Izzy asked confused.
" out" I grabbed my bag and slammed the door.
Okay so there's two problems .
1- my kid will have to call their uncle dad or vice verse . That's fucked up.
2- Stevens so fucked on drugs he doesn't even know what's happening half of the time. Izzy is never here because his always hanging out with dealers.
There's only one way to sort this out. Abartion.
I walked to my doctors clinic and signed in all the details.
" what are you here for sweetly?" She was a nice woman around her early 60s.
" an abortion ." I chewed my gum and looked around the room sat with my legs crossed.Avoiding eye contact. My attitude stunk.
"Any particular reason?" She asked.
I blew a bubble and it popped as she asked the question, I looked away from the wall and looked at her.
I uncrossed my legs and took the gum out of my mouth.
" here love. " she passed me a napkin to put my chewing gum in.
I wrapped the gum in it and stuffed it in my pocket .
" I had sex with two guys. I'm not ready for a baby and adoption is not an option." I let out a big sigh and my attitude changed back to normal.
" any way I can talk you out of it?" She asked but I shook my head.
" okay are you ready ?"
" what now ?" I was shocked.
" only if your ready"she offered me a sad smile.
"I am"
I stood up and she lead me to an operating room. I was nervous as hell and scared at the same time.
" just sign this." She gave me the abortion papers, I sceemed through them and signed at the bottom.
2 hours later I was released and felt like shit. On my way home I sat down on a rock and started crying.
" you okay ?" I heard a familiar voice.
I looked up and couldn't believe my eyes. Kurt cobain was standing next to me. I stood up and wiped my tears away.
" yeah dude, nice to meet you. I'm Stevens girlfriend ." I reached out to shake his hand. He studied my face then seemed to recognise me.
"Oh, Steven Adler . No offence but your boyfriends music sucks."he shook my hand and crooked a cheeky smile.
" yeah, Axls the boss." I rolled my eyes.
" mhm" he let out a giggle" I guess you know who I am." He smiled again.
" your the reason I'm crying" I started tapping off the dirt off my arse. The rock was dirty.
" what?" He was confused .
" oh Sorry" I stopped what I was doing when I realised how stupid I sounded.
" I was listening to your song with izzy and we kind of fucked behind Stevens back." I didn't have any expression on my face.
"Well,is that why your crying?" Worry took over his face.
" no, I'm pregnant, well I was. I just got back from the clinic."
"Oh.. I'm sorry. Do they know?"
" they know about the kid. I still have to tell them about the abortion." I told him and looked at my watch to see what time it was.
"What are you even doing in Hollywood?" I asked him.
" I took a vacation with my girlfriend Tracy ." A big smile appeared on his face.
" oh" I smiled." Well it's shit around here but have fun. I need to go and good luck with future songs." I went in for a hug and he hugged me back.
" it was nice meeting you and thanks." I let go off him.
" you too" I began walking away.
Ok so as if I just met Kurt .
I finally got home. I was greeted by everyone on the sofa.
" where were you ?" Izzy immediately wanted to know.
I jumped on the sofa and sighed"got rid of the problem." I looked at the tv pretending this wasn't a big deal.
" by that what exactly do you mean?"
Slash asked but I ignored him. He sighed, took the remote off Axl and switched off the tv.
" I said what do you mean?" He turned to look at me.
" I got an abortion" I looked him in the eyes . I was scared of him ,he was like my brother and I did give a fuck about his opinion at that moment.
" that's just fucked up" he rolled back on to the sofa to lay down .
I heard Steven swallow his spit loudly, a lump must have formed in his throat. We all staid silent for a moment.
" no man . That could have been my baby" Steven shook his head, stood
Up from the sofa and walked upstairs.


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