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Steven In joggers tho, omg.
1 week later
Blairs POV:
" alright it's been a week, he just called." I sulked as I sat down with everybody.
" so what's the problem?" Erin looked confused.
" well... that stupid fucker gets a day to see us all. What does he decided to do? Not to see us ." I explained everything that Steven told me over the phone.
" maybe it's for best..." slash sighed as he took a sip of his drink.
" I'm not done ." I spat out.
" alright go on then tell us everything..." axl acted intrigued.
"He' went to a party or something to do with some rock shit backstage, he had this day off yesterday ."I was beyond angry and upset,2 weeks may seem like not a long time but it was to me.
" what the fuck? He' definitely got  fucked up. He is basicaly still an adict." Slash slammed his glass on the coffee table.
" yeah tell me about it." I rolled my eyes and rested my head on Duffs shoulder.
" he's an idiot." Duff tried to comfort me while playing his game.
" when will you two get bored of this game ?" Axl looked at izzy and duff.
" not anytime soon." Izzy managed to answer him while being really in to the game.
The phone rang and guess who had to get up? Yup ,me.
" urgh." I sighed one more time and left the room.
" hello?" I was angry at everyone and everything so my voice wasn't too kind.
" it's me river, how you doing Hun?" Rivers voice wasn't raspy anymore, it was very soothing again which made me smile.
" I'm okay, how are you?"
" that's good to hear, I'm good. I'm starting a band, well I already started a band but we just need to write a few more songs." He sounded happy with himself.
" that's good I told you ! You can do anything !" I cheered him a little and I felt proud of myself for giving him good advice.
" tell me about it, thankyou so much Blair . You're the best."
" it's okay " I giggled a bit .
" how's you and Steven?" And the question I was fearing the most has arrived.
" we're good his in rehab." I tried to put on a happy voice.
" that's good ! Everything's going to be okay." He was the one trying to comfort me this time.
" yea it will, anyway I'm going to go I'm a bit tired." I faked a yawn.
" okay " he chuckled" bye Blair."
" bye." I put down the phone and went back in to the room.
" guys... do you want to do something today?" I asked them as I sat back down.
" like what ?Erin's knocked up." Slash flipped through a magazine.
"Actualy guys.." she sat up uncomfortably." Erm .." she started twirling her hair and I knew something wasn't right.
" what is it? " slash threw the magazine to one side.
" axl ..?" Duff looked axl in the eyes and tried to get him to answer for Erin.
" we lost the baby 2 days ago guys." Axl sighed and wrapped his arm around Erin.
" and you're telling us just now?" I was pissed again, does everyone keep things from eachother now. " sick of the secrets in this house ."
" you can't talk, Steven still doesn't know you fucked izzy" duff faced me.
" alright. You win." I was not in the mood to argue that day." I'm sorry"
" it's okay. It's probably for best." Erin faked a smile and axl rubbed her arm.
" we need to get drunk." Slash picked up another magazine from the table, a new one that izzy bought from a shop this morning.
" tell me if you see anything good in that." Izzy put his game down and stretched.
" yeah man." Slash was the only one to read this bullshit that no one cared about.
" anyway about getting drunk.. you're right slash ." Axl agreed .
" yeah and to be honest I thi---" Erin was about to say something but slash cut her off by choking on his own spit and waving the magazine in the air.
" what the FUCK is it?" Axl stood up and took the magazine out of slash's hand.
" oh fuck..." Axls eyes widened.
" what?" Me , izzy, Erin and duff all said at the same time.
"Oh my god." Axl slowly passed me the magazine .

Marriage over between Steven and Blair Adler

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Marriage over between Steven and Blair Adler. The young rock star decided to change his life and go in to rehab, is this the end of his old life?
Bobbie seems to be the new girl in his life.
I screamed out a weird girly scream.
" what ?!" Izzy was getting agitated and wanted to see.
I threw the magazine at him, Erin and duff got up to look over his shoulder, their eyes widened immediately.
" wow." Erin shook her head and sat back down.
" it's that fucking bimbo." Izzy got really pissed Off. He hated seeing me upset.
" that's it he is out of the band." Axl spat out.
" what?! You can't." Slash disagreed.
" I said he is out of the Fucking band." Great, what the fuck happens now.
" go and pack his bags, get rid of everything." Izzy pointed at me.
I started laughing, it was a nervous psycho laugh.
" things can't really get any worse can they?" I shook my head in disbelief.
" Blair ..." izzy walked over to me and touched my arm.
" don't touch me." I gave everybody a psycho smile and started walking away.
If I got to my bedroom, they will follow.
It was only a matter of time, they will find me up here anyway.
" Blair?" I heard them shouting me but I wasn't in the mood for anybody to talk to me.  They eventually gave up after a few minutes so I sat down on the floor ready to relax or completely break down . I wasn't sure yet.
I laid down and began thinking.
Alright , Steven has cheated, he's out of the band meaning he has to move out and I'll not see him again. He'll probably get married to Barbie now, I'll have to go through the divorce, Erin lost her baby which means that.. she's going through her own Shit. AXL is a bastard. I want Steven. I just need to cry this out.
I was ready to cry but no tears were flowing out which made me feel nothing but empty.
Suddenly I heard somebody moving the ladder.
For fucks sake, somebody is trying to climb up.
After a few seconds, izzy climbed up and shut the cap thing.
"What do you want?" I questioned him.

 "What do you want?" I questioned him

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He flashed the torch at me.
" izzy!" I complained and covered my face.
" sorry!" He switched it off and crawled over to me." Why are you here?"
" I don't want to see any of you, duh."
" well , you need me to be here , you probably can't even cry right now." He put his arm around me.
" how do you always know everything?" I was surprised, he knew me like the
Back of his hand .
" come on let's lay down on the bed or something ." He suggested.
" no. It's probably full of rats and bed bugs." I cringed and laughed a bit.
" you're so right." He rolled his eyes and put his head down.
" izzy why do things like that only happen to me?"
" I don't know Blair." He rubbed my back." But eventually everything will get better . I promise." Izzy trying to comfort me always worked. I don't know how or why but it just did.
" alright." I cuddled up to him and started to feel better.
" good." He hugged me tighter.
There were many things we could have said to eachother, but we didn't it was pointless. None of us were in the right state of mind to have a deep conversation so we left things at that.


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