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Slash's POV;Even tho I have the money , I spent the last 2 nights in a Central Park, looking for Blair

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Slash's POV;
Even tho I have the money , I spent the last 2 nights in a Central Park, looking for Blair. I lost hope until I finally saw her walking around the park with Joel what seemed like, he had the gay vibe to him and reminded me of Axl.I hid behind some big tree and just observed her, she's lost a lot of weight, back to the old ways.
She held an ice cream cone in her hand and Joel was smoking a black cigarette. Probably the caramel flavoured ones, I observed them carefully as they walked around the fountain what seemed like a million times .

Blairs POV:
" do you miss him?" Joel passed me the cigarette but I declined by shaking my head and carried on chewing away on the cone " Jesus you could at least get an ice cream with that " he complained.
" I don't want an ice cream, and yes ofcourse I do, I stay up all the time, just by the phone , wanting to call him and tell him I love him." I let out a sigh"but my old life is over, I've started again Joel it's not that simple ."
He studied my saddened face "why did you really leave Blair?" I liked the fact that Joel couldn't care less about the fact I lived with famous people, he genuinely cared about how I felt.
" I left because.." I began wondering what the best answer could be.
The drugs, axls temper, Stevens love unfortunately wasn't enough anymore and I put up with the shit all the time.
" the drugs , mainly . Our daughter too, everyone hated me and Steven for giving her up." I chewed on the last bit of my cone. " fuck them though."
" okay Blair. I understand ."
" you do?" He caught me off guard.
" ofcourse , my parents were drug addicts, I couldn't take care of the house on my own and my whole family hated me as if it was my responsibility. This is why I left las year." He looked down at the ground.
" I'm sorry I had no idea." I was shit at comforting people.
" who do you miss the most?" He changed the subject.
" Stevens warmth and love but as a whole definitely Slash's humour and Izzy as a whole, izzy is my real best friend."
" thanks bitch." Joel pretended to be offended but then let out a giggle "I'm Fucking with you."
" yeah." I rolled my eyes and laughed then stuck my hands in to the pockets of my thin jacket " what the fucks this?" I felt something in the right pocket.
I pulled out the note and read it .
" 34 golden Ed, #301, Los Angeles the phone number is 14252589 . Ring and visit whenever you can, I'm leaving the band, love Izzy." I read the letter out to Joel. " Omg! I need to know what's happening, I need to call him right now." I gasped .
" Omg I can't even ." Joel gasped too "let's go!" He yelled out.

Slash's POV :
She read some dumb note and by her face expression I could tell she was dying to know something. I grabbed my suitcase and my bags and tried following them as sly as possible.
After 5/10 minutes of torture because they walked so fast we got to their apartment, I followed them up the stairs and they were too busy to notice me.
I stopped on the steps and waited for them to get in.
Blairs POV:
5 minutes later
" he's not answering ." I slammed the phone down and sighed in stress.
" try again later ."  Joel picked at his eyelash " all you can do is wait."
Knock on the door .
" who could that be?" I looked at Joel confused then went over to the door .
When I opened the door my heart dropped, Slash pushed past me with his suitcase and his bag, he put them down to the side and his face wasn't happy.
" what the fuck are you doing here?"'I gasped but only in anger " how did you find me ?!"
" don't fuck with me Blair . Quick life lesson , you leave the house, Me and Izzy leave the band and move out and your stupid husband doesn't bother to look for you with me because he cares about Axl and the stupid little band they are going to have now, there" he smiled sarcastically for 0.0 second and then rolled his eyes .
" what !" I yelled out.
" erm I'll leave you to it." Joel rushed out of my apartment and went to his own.
" slash what the fuck?" I pulled on my hair .
" I'm serious Blair, it's just Steven , Axl , duff and Erin now. You left, then izzy and now me. I came to look for you, you're a fucking bitch Blair." He plopped on my sofa " I've known you the longest and you think I'm just going to let you fucking run away and not look for you?" He gave me a dead serious look." Exactly, then you are fucking wrong ."
" out of all the people I did not expect you to look for me." I finally managed to speak up, I went over to my sofa and sat down with him .
" oh why? Izzy knows you're okay, Steven cried the first 4 nights, had an over dose on the 4th day, then went to his old cocky self ." Slash moved his hair away from his face "Duff cried once under the influence of his best friend vodka, Axl got pissed off and ruined our door by punching it through and Erin's pissed off too, that leaves me." He looked at me again.
" what now?" I looked at him" I wanted a new life."
" oh baby you have a new life and I'm your worst fucking nightmare " he rolled his eyes.
" stop it slash I'm serious."
" Blair I'm staying with you until we figure out what to do. You're clearly not happy. And by the way Steven got rid of his dog , Bella because it reminded him of you and he burnt your clothes that were left. He still wears his wedding ring thought if that makes you any better" he spoke with no remorse.
My stomach did a flip and my heart dropped again." So he doesn't care then?"
" he does. A lot , hence why he's so angry ." Slash picked a book up from the arm of my sofa then threw it on the table , clearly not a book he'd enjoy .
" so I'm stuck with you?" I scrunched up my face " this sofa is tiny, it's suck for you so just have my bed and I'll sleep here." I thought I would be nice.
" shut up. This place is a shit hole." He slightly cringed " ill sleep on the sofa."
" I have a double bed but ..-"
" I understand " he cut me off.
" I have an extra room but no bed, we could buy one." I suggested .
" Blair I'm fine for now, now come and fucking hug me." He embraced me in to a hug and squeezed me tight.
" I love you man ." I managed to say while my face was buried in his shirt .
" I love you too dude ." He pulled away and grinned at me.

" He pulled away and grinned at me

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