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Blairs POV :
3 months later- child prep.
I looked over at Bella, she was licking her behind which made me cringe slightly .
" what's the matter with you?" Slash pushed his hair out of his eyes to study my face expression carefully. I pointed at Bella and he pulled the exact same face as me " oh .. eww"
" it's only natural but it's gross ain't it?" I took another bite of my cracker and looked away from Bella.
" disgusting . " slash adjusted his hair back and picked up a sweet from the table ." We're fat cunts aren't we?" He joked.
"Speak for yourself, I'm not even plum" I wiggled my eyebrows "but you.. that's a different story ."
He stopped eating the sweet and looked down at his belly .
" slash I'm Fucking kidding ." I couldn't believe he actually believed me. 
Slash is skinny as fuck.
" you sure?" He started chewing again and tucked the wrapper in between the pillow and the arm of the chair, I rolled my eyes at him for always doing so.
" you have a good body slash." I reassured him.
" what was that?" Steven walked down the stairs , then to me.
" hey babe ." I lifted my head up for a kiss. He leaned down kissed me and walked around the sofa to sit next to me " hello, so again , what was that?"
" I called him fat and he believed me." I shook my head.
Steven looked at slash and laughed "maybe a little" he gave slash a wink.
" dude fuck you." Slash picked up another sweet "I look good."
" of course you do." I pouted at him.
" be careful I might get jealous."Steven joked ." So what are we doing today?"
" we don't even know where everyone is, even Renees gone." I finished eating and dusted off the crust from my lap.
" so what can we do ?" He asked again.
"Why are you so eager to do something, it's like January there's not much to do." Slash stuck the wrapper in 'its place' again.
" I'm bored, it's like the old days, just the 3 of us." Steven picked up a sweet himself.
Slash moved his hair again and stretched up to look through the window " not anymore, they are back." He sat back down on the chair properly.
" nothing new." Steven rolled his eyes.
Erin swung the door open and ran in excited as hell " heyyyy! Are you ready?" She gestured her arms towards the door.
I sat up and looked over at the door to see what she was doing "for what exactly?"
" you'll see." She winked at me .
Then Renee entered the house first with a big shopping bag that was clearly too big for her. Axl and Duff carried in 2 big boxes and Izzy had about 5 big ass bags with him too.
" what the fuck is all of this?" Steven scrunched up his eyebrows.
I looked at Erin and realised she wasn't holding anything "Erin why are you not helping?"
" i am, Im the door person" I giggled a bit at her response as Axl gave her a fed up look. She went and shut the door behind everybody.
" here we have .." Renee came and sat next to me " a bag full of baby wipes, nappies, baby powder, just baby shit that you'll need in general. " she put the bag down.
" are you crazy ?" I looked at them all.
Slash snorted under his breath and then I realised he probably knew all along " you bastard." I threw a pillow at him.
" sorry." He laughed and threw the pillow on the floor.
Erin clapped her hands in excitement "This isn't everything."
Axl and Duff put the boxes down"Here's a pram and a cot, you'll need that, there's more in the limo. We got a lot of furniture for the baby's bedroom." Axl smiled sweetly.
I felt heart warmth at that point exactly, I looked over at Steven who was already looking at me and we exchanged a little smile.
" and here is a lot of bollox." Izzy put the bags down and stretched immediately.
I couldn't help but smirk " like what?"
Erin gave izzy a mean look for what he said and decided to explain it herself "well, baby clothes in two bags and a lot of things for the bedroom like bedding for the cot and decorations and stuff in the third bag."
" another thing." Duff lifted his finger up " I'm taking your room , you can go in to Stevens old bedroom because it's next to mine, that's where the babies room can be." He twitched slightly because he wasn't sure whether me and Steven would accept the offer of raising a baby in this house.
I looked Steven and Steven looked back at me in the same way " what do you think hey?" I pinched his cheek playfully.
" I'm in if you're in." He winked at me.
Erin widened her eyes and the room went silent in anticipation.
I took a big breath in and out trying to make the tension worse but I cracked out in laughter "definitely " .
Erin screamed and then ran in for a hug from both me and Steven " I love you guys, auntie Erin will be the best."
" we will see about that."  Renee stuck her tongue out at Erin and flagged her.
" it's already a fact." Erin nodded her head , she's delusional I swear. But we love her, she's probably the sweetest girl ever.
"If you say so." Renee just played it cool.
Steven was chuffed with everybody and you could see it in his face and in the way that he spoke "guys why spend your money on all of this ? We said we would get these things"
Duff gave him the sarcastic you are full of shit look "you've been saying that for the past 4 months dude ."
" if not longer." Axl added.
Izzy jumped on the other sofa and brought his legs and knees up to his face"plus the kid needs stuff from his uncles and aunties ."he rested his chin on his knee.
I gave him a smile which said enough , it was one of them Appreciative smiles that I give people occasionally but not too often.Then I looked at everybody else as I said " I love you guys."
" we love you too Blair." Erin gave me a quick side hug.
She's the cause of me even still being here and I love her for that.
Steven just gave me a cute smirk when
No body was looking.
We both knew we couldn't have fallen on better people for friends .


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