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1 week later .
Blairs POV :
" you can see her whenever you want to see her." The social services lady faked a smiled.
We decided to give Angeline to a better family even though it wasn't easy.
Our decision was: away from the house and to a better family, away from rockstars and drugs .
Stevens leg twitched the whole time under the desk and I sat there with my legs crossed and no expression on my face " that's not a good idea. We love her. She may ask us questions and not understand the answers ." This was true, who in their right mind does this.
I eyed Steven from the corner of my eyes, his legs were shaking and he prepped himself up with his arm while chewing on his finger nails. " mr Adler?" The old woman turned to him.
He shot up and shook his head.
" no? You want no rights at all? Are you sure because we already have somebody who is willing to take her home. " She asked and he shook his head again without answers ."in that case sign here" she pushed the papers towards us.
We walked out of the building in peace and quiet, no words left our mouths even once, simple Sighs and short breaths were the only thing which caused us to lock eyes for no more than a few seconds.
When we got to the front door we heard laughter, pushing the fact that everyone was unhappy with us or our decision we walked in.
The laughter stopped and all eyes were on us.
Around a dinner table , without us, already feel like I'm not part of the family .
" oh " Erin pulled a face " hey." They went back to eating , I threw our keys in the bowl on the side and hung my thin jacket up.
" you wanna eat with us?" Izzy called out but I ignored him and plopped on the sofa. Steven only snorted "pfft" he shook his head in bad owe and laid him self out on the other sofa.
This is fucked up, I gave my child away. What are Stevens thoughts? Why can't we talk about this and most importantly why do I not care?

Stevens POV:
Blair is looking through the tv as much as I am. None of us are really watching this crap. The dinner table wasn't surrounded with laughter anymore but morbidness .
" Blair ?" I finally spoke but I didn't look at her.
I could feel everyone's eyes trying to avoid looking and ears trying to listen sharply .
" hmm?..." She didn't move or look at me either .
I sighed slightly " I love you."
I do love her , this year just isn't the greatest for us.

Blairs POV :
" I love you too." He didn't say anything after I answered him, I shot up and stormed off upstairs.
This is not what I want and it isn't what I'm going to put up with , I don't feel at home.
I rushed and packed my bags, I collected everything I could find and then pushed the suitcase under the bed. Our bedroom still looked untouched so that was a plus.
I'm leaving tonight.
2 am
Minutes felt like hours, seconds felt like minutes . We went to bed without speaking to eachother, as a matter of fact no body in the house dared say a word. I waited for Steven to fall asleep before I would leave . He eventually did and that's when the nerves kicked in.
I can't Fucking do this, but I have to.
I looked at him , he looked so quiet and peaceful , all I wanted was to stay by his side, but this house and Steven himself are toxic. Toxic to me.
I pulled out my bags quietly from under the bed as my heart pounded fast as fuck. I finally managed to take my suitcase and my bag out of the bedroom. This is reality, it's happening. I shot steven one last look, I had the urge to go and kiss him but I couldn't, it would make things harder.
A few tears fell down my face but I quickly wiped them away and shut the door behind me.
No bitching.
I dragged the suitcase and my bag  downstairs without making a noise. I put them down by the door then began unlocking it.
The lamp turns on and izzy is standing in front of me " where are you going ?" He didn't seem too shocked.
I stuttered " I'm, I.. "
Izzy shot me a smile " leaving Blair, you're leaving."
How did he even know.
" I saw it coming. I don't blame you. This house is toxic ." He leaned on the door to block my way .
I looked at him slightly confused "then why do you live here?"
"You're so clueless Blair ." He gazed at me with his glowing big hazel eyes.
I scrunched up my face " what are you talking about, you're talking in riddles."
He stood up properly and straightened up his posture " oh god, we all signed the band name over to Axl, he's a dick, we put up with him for the band, Erin wants us here, Erin gets us here because Axl says so, if not ,the band is over." He stopped smiling .
What is he talking about.
" he wouldn't." I shook my head trying not to believe any of it.
Izzy laughed sarcastically " yes he would, and he did, Steven probably didn't want to worry you; Erin , well we all know what she's like."
This is all starting to make less sense.
I picked up my bag and pointed at my suitcase " help me please."
He stared at me for a second then when he saw me walk out he picked the suitcase up and followed me.
" you're crazy" he whispered " wish I had the balls to do this." He put my suitcase in the car boot then shut it.
"Some big ass suitcase for a little person" he smirked .
" tell me about it" I threw my bag on the passenger seat ."izzy ?" It was time to say goodbye, something I didn't want to do, now my feelings were going crazy and I was ready to cry.
" I got you boo, don't cry" he winked and clicked his fingers, as usual he knows me best.
I giggled through my tears "I'll miss you." My voice shook now.
He stopped goofing around and put on a serious face " I'll miss you too." This time his eyes were tearing up " where are you going?" He rubbed them hard to get rid of the tears.
" Seattle, in Washington. Not the same state but you can always come see me, I might see Kurt somewhere." I faked a short laugh.
He shrugged his shoulders " oh wow.. that's a long way away and he's with Courtney now ."
I cringed slightly " yes.. I know. I have a husband anyway ."
What was I even saying.
" you're leaving your husband." He reminded me " don't expect him to find you and be ok with this."
I knew he was right but didn't want to show it "I know. Just don't tell anyone where I am, you are the only person I want to see, do you fucking understand?" I Shot a weird face expression .
" I'll come see you , yeah." He nodded his head then looked around trying to avoid eye contact.
" look at me izzy ." I couldn't stop the tears anymore.
He looked at me , he was crying too and now this was harder than I thought.
I got closer to him and hugged him, it was a long and tight hug, my face was buried in his chest and his was in my face. I haven't felt anything for a while but this time at least I felt something,sadness is still an emotion.
I pulled away from him gently "you Fucking asshole ." I laughed through my tears again and smiled even though my heart was in half.
" I hate you too." He tried to the same.
I smiled once again then got in my car.
When I drove off , all I saw was izzy in standing on the drive way of our house and his sad face.
Dear lord why am I like this? There's no going back now...
My tears could have filled a jar or more that night.


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