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Merry Christmas Xxxx !

Christmas Eve 1989.
Blairs POV:
The rest of the year went pretty much the same: Duff drinking, Axl beating Erin up, Erin being a bitch with Axl, finding Steven under the toilet or sink pretty much every day, izzy was always doing his own thing, slash was just.. well being Slash.

" don't I look like a lesbian ?" Axl blurred out while looking in the compact mirror on the side

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" don't I look like a lesbian ?" Axl blurred out while looking in the compact mirror on the side.
" ofcourse you do." I laughed and recorded the whole thing. The guys have been signing autographs all night and what else was there to do other than record their stupidity.
" I think that was the last one."slash put his hair behind his ear.
" are we ready to go then?" I shut the camera down and stood up a bit too fast.
" hold up Blair. Aren't we gonna go for a beer or something?" Axl looked at me and slash .
" yeah we may as well." Slash stood up and didn't even ask me for approval.
.. well seen as Steven, duff and izzy were long gone and doing their own thing at home I figured I may as well go and have a proper catch up with these two.
" okay sure." I smiled and picked my bag up off the floor.
" where we gonna go?" Slash turned to Axl again.
" the pub down the road from our house maybe ." Axl got up and patted his pockets to see if his cigarettes were in there." Yup , let's go." He picked he keys up off the table and we walked out.

"Steven wake up!" I was surprised to find him sober and in bed

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"Steven wake up!" I was surprised to find him sober and in bed. He would normally be dying for the millionth time in the bathroom.
"Mmm!" He mumbled and rolled from
One side to the other.
I came back drunk as fuck. Me, Axl and slash spent 2 hours in the pub but that was enough for us to get fucked up.
"Steven you better sit yo ass up now!" I half yelled .
" argh." He sat up really fast and frustrated. " what is it Blair?" He rubbed his eyes.
" hello adler" I wiggled my eyebrows and jumped up on him. We ended up laying down with me on top of him.
" oh god, I'm tired B." He sighed and shut his eyes. I rested my head on his chest." Like really tired."
" why didn't you stay to sign the autographs ?" I shut my eyes too and began talking to him about everything and nothing.
" because people are out there for slash and Axl not me." He didn't have any type of tone in his voice so I couldn't tell whether he was sad about it or not bothered.
" that's not true Steven. A fair few people asked for you. I love you." I was half asleep now.
" Merry Christmas babe." He kissed my head and hugged me tight before falling asleep . He clearly didn't want to drag on this subject but I live for moments like this.
" Merry Christmas" I managed to whisper/mumble out.
Christmas Day.
" can you hear that Steven ?" I shook him awake because I heard the sound of guitar playing and somebody singing 'silent night.' It was only 6 in the morning so I was surprised.
" no seriously wake up!" I shook him again but he mumbled something and rolled on to the other side.
Nothing like Christmas hey -.-
" okay then." I sighed and got out of bed, creeped down the stairs quietly and followed the sound.
It was coming from the music room so I pushed the door open slightly to see who it was.
Slash, my eyes widened. I opened the door fully and walked over to him, he stopped singing and playing immediately.
" what are you doing here?" He sounded nervous .
" I heard you." I smiled and sat down on the sofa beside him.
" yeah, it's nothing, it's just like.. yeah."he put his guitar down and put his hair behind his ear .
" sounds good. You should sing." I was genuine. He did sound good.
" don't be stupid." He chuckled.
" I mean it. Merry Christmas by the way." I rubbed my head for it was hurting. Headaches were a pain in the arse for me alately .
" merry Christmas ." He sighed and laid his head down on the arm of the sofa.
" what's wrong?" I did the same as slash but rested my head on him.
" I don't know." He shrugged his shoulders.
" same."
Something felt different about this Christmas . It wasn't fun, all the guys were practically always fucked so today wouldn't be an exception.
" come on." I tapped his thigh. " let's see if the others are awake" I got up and walked over to the door.
" erm, in a minute." He mumbled. I know what's wrong now. Heroin. It's wearing off but his still under the influence.
" god damnit no! Now." I raised my voice and he looked at me confused but slowly got up anyway and followed me in to the living room .
Erin and Axl were cuddled up on the big chair. Steven was sat on the sofa half asleep and izzy was in the other chair waiting for everyone excitedly.
" where's Duff guys?" Slash looked at everyone.
" he hasn't even come back with us last night." Steven answered him.
I went over to him and sat down , he wrapped his arm around me so I cuddled up to him.
" what ?" Slash came and sat with us.
" honestly we don't know where he is." Izzy told him.
" this is going to be another one of them Christmas days" Erin chuckled.
" I would laugh, but I want to open my presents and we can't do that if his not here." I sighed.
All of a sudden we heard a loud bang and something in the chimney.
" FUCK!!" Slash jumped up and ran over to our titanic looking fire place.
" what?" we all jumped up and followed him.
Duff was laid down on the chimney place covered in ash and wearing a Santa Claus outfit with a bottle of now smashed bottle of whiskey.
He fucking jumped on the roof and "came in "through the chimney .
" you daft fucking bastard." Izzy chuckled and helped him up.
" what the fuck dude " Axl was nearly pissing him self.
" merry Christmas ." Duff seemed pretty fucked but not in a bad way, he was kind of happy and cheery.
" merry Christmas." I chuckled as well and shook my head .
" so then santa where have you been all night?" Steven wiggled his eyebrows.
" in all honesty I've been sat on our roof for most of the night ,thinking whether I should do this or not but the door was locked so I finally decided to do it. If I knew you were all awake I would have just fucking jumped off the roof and walked in through the door."He looked down at his hand and what was left of his smashed bottle." Oh." He put on a sad voice and we all laughed really loud.
" this isn't funny." He sighed .
" it's ok I got you a fair few bottles of alcohol so let's get these presents opened." Steven jumped up in joy and ran over to the Christmas tree.
" wooop!" Duff jumped up too and then skipped to the Christmas tree.
" I can't cope, I just can't do this." I said sarcastically and let out a laugh causing everyone else to chuckle.
After opening all of the presents we decided to plan on what to do next.
" should we go to dinner?" Erin came up with the usual.
" meh " Steven didn't like the idea and if I'm being honest , I didn't either.
Erin frowned a little.
" erm." I sat up and began thinking of an excuse "what Steven means is that .. Duff is in a state." I gave her a smile.
" no what I mean is that" he curled up in to a ball on the sofa and rubbed his stomach "I've gone a few hours without a hit and I'm not going out to eat when I'm just going to be in pain anyway." He stretched out his legs and I slapped his arm.
" Steven !" He fucked me off with that, his addiction is his problem not mine.
" it's okay Blair, really " Erin gave me a nervous smile.
"Right anyway .. so..." duffs giddy mood has kind of left the atmosphere"drinks, drinks and more drinks?"
Izzy sighed and rested his head on the arm of a chair"no. I'm not in mood."
"Axl?" I looked at him but he stuck his bottom lip out and shook his head cluelessly.
" fine. Slash?" I turned to him this time.
" we could go to a museum, a library." He was serious about this, I knew slash liked art and reading so I didn't even think to laugh but the others burst out in laughter.
" yeah sure slash." Izzy rolled his eyes and laughed.
"Fucking hell slash no." Axl shook his head and chuckled .
" hah, you're probably right." Slash crooked a smile and looked down at the floor.
" argh!" Steven let out a groan " fuck this." He threw the pillow and stormed off upstairs.
A lump formed in my throat, his gone to do drugs. My eyes were tearing up as I stared in to space. But I refused to cry on Christmas.
Fucking selfish cunt.
" Blair ?" Duff broke the silence.
The truth is, we all knew where Steven went to.
" yes?" I turned my head and gave everyone a fake smile.
" It's okay if y--" Erin tried to comfort me.
" anyway, who supports slash's idea?" I cut her off.
They all exchanged looks.
" not me." Axl answered and chuckled again.
" nah" Erin spat out.
" no chance." Duff stretched his legs and yawned.
"Izzy?" I looked at him and hoped for the best, he realised I was being serious and he bit his lip.
" I'm sorry B but no." He looked down at the floor." Let me check on Steven" he got up.
" I'll come with you." Erin got up and followed izzy.
" yeah me too." Axl followed them both and all 3 of them dissapeard.
" forget it , it was a stupid idea anyway." Slash sighed.
" Duff are you gonna leave as well, cos if you are then off you fucking go." I raised my voice .
" chill B, no I'm just going to take a nap right here." He spread his body across the sofa and turned his back to us.
We heard him snoring within seconds.
I looked at slash with my mouth slightly open and in disbelief.
" what?" He asked me.
" nothing ." I walked over to the door and put my coat on and slipped my shoes on.
" where are you going?" Slash gave me a look.
" well" I took his coat off the hook and threw it at him." The question should be where are we going?" I smirked at him.
" okay.. where are we going?"He got up and put his jacket on.
" didn't you say you wanted to go to an art museum?" I smirked again . He walked over to the door and slipped his shoes on.
" maybe I did, maybe I didn't" he smirked back and we both chuckled.
" Blair! " I heard Axl and izzy running downstairs.
"Stevens laid on bed but he looks like his over dosing." Izzy looked worried.
" so? He will be fine, I find him like that everyday." I rolled my eyes .
" this is serious Blair." Axl glared at me.
" if it's so serious call a fucking ambulance I'm sick of this shit." I grabbed slash's hand, pulled him outside and slammed the door behind us.
" Blair ." Slash looked at me.
" no I don't want to hear it."I took a cigarette out of my coat pocket and sparked it up. Slash took his out and did the same.
" okay.." he sat down on the porch and crossed his legs ." Sit down."
I sat down next to him and crossed my legs. We were facing the door .
" you know we could just go back in there. Just because it's Christmas doesn't mean we have to do something."
I slowly turned my head to look at him.
" shut up." I quickly looked away.
" or we could just go." He soundedm funny when he said that so I finally cracked a little laugh.
" sorry." I shook my head and smiled.
The door slowly opened and Steven peeked through .
"Hah" he let out a sarcastic laugh.
"Is there a problem?" I asked sarcastically.
"Going anywhere?" He asked me.
" what's it to you?" I didn't even look him in the eyes. Slash nudged me a bit as if to say stop it.
" erm I'm your husband?" Damn Steven and his rhetorical questions.
" I thought you was dying anyway?" I put my cigarette out and threw it somewhere.
" no but nice to know you'd care if I did" he opened the door fully now.
" I'll wait inside." Slash stood up and before I could react he was gone and the door was shut.
" great." I rolled my eyes.
Steven came right up to me , his crotch was infront of my face so I looked up at him." Are you trying to intimidate me?" I didn't know whether to be scared or not.
" well." He slowly kneeled down and put his hand on my face.
I stared in to his eyes for a moment and my heart melted.
I love him a lot. I don't want to argue but this is killing me.
" actually I just wanted to tell you something." He leaned in and slowly kissed me. When he pulled away he took his hand off my face " I'm not that selfish. I did enough to keep me out of pain. I want to spend today with you." He smiled and again, my heart melted.
" why did Axl and izzy run down in panick then? " I questioned him.
" because I dozzed off for a minute, literally ." He stood back up and then he helped me to my feet.
" I'm sorry ." I sighed and hugged him really tight.
" I love you Blair." He kissed my forehead so I pulled away and smiled.
" what do you want to do?" I asked him.
" well actually. We're going to the sea world. It's all booked. "
" to look at fish and stuff?" I was slightly confused.
"Nope, remember when we were young and you always wanted to swim with dolphins but it was way too expensive and they didn't do that around here? So we kind of just had to look at them swimming and dream about swimming with them one day?... Well I booked the whole fucking thing out. It should be shut today and not even allowed but it's amazing what 15,000 dollars can do." He rolled his eyes and chuckled.
He didn't ...
" you didn't!" I gasped .
" wanna bet ?" He kissed my forehead again and pulled away." Come on we need to get ready." He turned away.
" Steven !" I jumped on his back and hugged him really tight." I love you" I was beyond happy and I wasn't embarrassed to show it.
I jumped off his back and he turned to face me.
" I'm glad you're happy " he laughed and then gave me a kiss." Come on."
I followed him in, slash was waiting on the sofa.
" Steven you can go and pack us. I'll wait here I need to talk to slash."
" okay ." Steven gave me a smile and rushed off upstairs.
" right .." I sat down next to slash.
" are you moving out." He joked.
" no , Steven had something booked and planned..can we change our plans for another day?" I bit my lip because I felt bad.
" guys!" Steven shouted down from upstairs .
" yeah?" I shouted over to him.
He walked down and stopped half way.
" I heard you talking.... slash come with us, you were a part of the dream when we were young." Steven winked at him then went back upstairs to pack us.
"What is he talking about ?" Slash looked at me weirded out.
" he paid 15 thousand dollars just to swim with dolphins." I announced excitedly.
" are you Fucking with me? I would never think to spend my money on that. It's weird. We have money and we don't know what to spend it on and then it's things like this we remember about." He was lost in his own thoughts.
" just go and pack." I laughed at his thinking and patted his back.
" yes mum." He rolled his eyes and got up.
I was now alone in the living room lost in my thoughts.
Fuck this is exciting.


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