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April 7th, 1990: Guns N' Roses Implode at Farm Aid

Blairs POV;
1 and a half week after the house party.
" Blair I'm done fucking arguing with you were about to go on the fucking stage!" Axl shouted at me as I tried telling him to help Steven.
Steven is back on drugs , his cocaine and heroin addiction is back and it's bad. The guys must be plotting something because they haven't passed any information on to me or Steven about the songs which will be played tonight.
" you selfish fucking prick !" I punched him in the arm.
" I'm not selfish! " he argued back and pushed me on to the wall.
" leave him to it." Steven sighed and got up of the sofa ignoring the fact that I've just been pushed." I'll wing it." He stretched his arms up in the air.
I looked at him then at the guys.
" is this what you want?!" I shouted to them as I pointed at the half dead Steven .
" Blair it's his own fucking fault he knew this was coming up, it's hardly even been two weeks and he couldn't stay off the fucking drugs ..." Erin butted in and gave me the mouth.
" shut the fuck up." I spat out and gave her a horrible dirty luck." Duff?" I looked in his direction.
"Nothing to say." He waved his arm up in the air in defence.
" slash ?" I gave him a hopeful luck.
" Steven is a dick." He blew a bubble with his gum and popped it.
Everybody is so apathetic and careless. All they give a fuck is this show and not Steven.
"Take your places." One of the people shouted the guys over.
They got their shit together, axl kissed Erin and they walked out on the stage .
Steven was last so I pulled his arm to pull him back.
"Steven look at me." I cupped his face and he looked down at me.
" huh?" He was conscious , knew what was happening but I still knew this got to him more than it should. In fact no! It got to him as much as it got to me and I was beyond angry.
" you can do it, you can do anything I believe in you ." I lifted my self up on my toes and gave him a quick kiss.
" I love you ." He hugged me and went out on the stage .
Shit shit Shit ,
I'm beyond nervous at this point .
The crowd starts cheering.
I looked at Erin who was looking me up and down ." What !"
" nothing." She crossed her arms and rolled her eyes .
" don't give me that attitude Erin ! You're not better than me, at least my husband doesn't hit me." I was proud of my self for this comeback but I didn't show it.
" excuse me?" She seemed offended and so she should be.
" all this fame got to your brain and is coming out of your arse, you only give a fuck about the band instead of Steven." I was so pissed with her for changing herself , she used To be a sweet person but now she' acts like a brat.
" you don't get it." She faked a sarcastic laugh " Steven ruins everything ."
" then be glad that axl doesn't." I was sick of her attitude so I decided to grab a bottle of water and to leave the room for a cigarette.
I walked out and lit up my cigarette, I could still hear the music and the crowd cheering which was a good sign.
I looked around a bit and saw a pay phone.
I put a few cents in the thing and dialled brads number.
" hello?" His voice came from the other line.
" hey, how is it to be back at home ?"
I inhaled and exhaled smoke as I spoke .
" it's good actualy , it's quiet. " he chuckled a bit before asking me how I was doing.
" dude , Stevens back on drugs , they're doing this show right now , I think they want to kick Steven out for good you know. They didnt tell him what they would be playing tonight. None of them did!" I complained .
" you're kidding me..." he seemed to feel me.
" no! Erin has changed a lot too... and Stevens basically winging it right now." I inhaled some more smoke I got madder and madder as I spoke.
" calm down. If they're like that .. just leave them to it. Steven will make it. I'm sure he will." Brad tried comforting me.
Beep beep.
" this thing says I have 30 seconds left, look, I'm glad you're okay I'll call you another time ." I threw my cigarette on the ground.
" okay , stay safe. Bye."
" you too. Bye." I slammed the phone down and proceeded to walk back in to the building.
She better not get on my last nerves.
I walked back in and walked over to a spot where I could see them play. Me and Erin continued ignoring eachothers existence until she decided to make a comment.
" that bands falling apart b."
At first I looked at her with a glare but then she gave me a sad smile so my face softened up.
" I know." I ran my hand through my hair.

" what's happening Blair?" She gave me the sad look she always pulls

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" what's happening Blair?" She gave me the sad look she always pulls.
" I don't know." I decided not to get in to a conversation with her and she realised that so she left it and said no more.
She may try to be nice but I know that she knows something... something is being plotted behind mine and Stevens back .
Some hours later.
They get off the stage and Steven looked beyond tired .
" you stupid fuck !!" Slash pushed Steven in to a wall and gripped him by his neck " you played like shit!!"
" are you fucking kidding me?! Get off him!" I screamed at slash .
He ignored me and started choking Steven " you're out of the fucking band ! We have a new drummer !" He stopped choking him but he still had him by the neck.
" get off him!" I screamed again "Izzy do something or you're never hearing from me again !!!" I hopefully yelled at izzy.
He looked at everybody in confusion but he went over and pulled slash away from Steven." Come on dude." He pulled slash back.
Steven took a big breath in and out then widened his eyes at everybody.
" sorry but we have a new drummer Steven." Axl nodded his head in agreement with slash .
" you can't kick me out ! I'm a part of this band." Stevens voice shook in anger.
" you fucking knew about this!" I pointed my finger at Erin " betraying bitch !!!" I went over to her and slapped her around the face." Don't talk to me again!" I took a step back from her.
She stumbled back and then looked at me in shock. I didn't feel sorry for her.
" right that's it! Get out!" Duff and slash pushed Steven out. I looked at axl then at izzy in big disbelief.
" I'm disappointed in all of you. No one spoke to me about this, I'm not the one to blame. I thought we were a team." I shook my head and some tears fell down my face " I'm disappointed in you the most, thought we told eachother everything? I guess not hey ?" I looked izzy in the eyes. I was still crying.
" Blair .." he made an attempt to speak to me but slash and Duff came in.
" I think you should go now." Slash grabbed my arm put I pulled away.
" you're forgetting we were a team.. I'm not Steven so there is no need to treat me like this."
" just go, you're making it harder for me." Slash sighed loudly.
" for you ?! " I couldn't believe they only cared about themselves .
" fuck you all. Especially you and you!" I pointed at izzy and Erin before I stormed out to Steven .
He was sat down on the ground with his knees up in his face and his head hiding, I could tell he was shaking and crying just as badly as I was.
I sat down next to him. I finished crying after a good 2/3 minutes and decided to let Steven have as much time as he needed. This turned in to 20 minutes until he eventually went quiet and stopped shaking.
" what now?" He brought his head up and wiped his face.
I felt sorry for him , there was nothing that I could say. All the good years of friendship were now thrown away in our faces.
" I don't know." I rested my head on my knees and wrapped my arms around my legs.
" I love you." He wrapped his arm around me and rested his head on my shoulder ." A lot. "
I didn't know how to answer that, I Shut my eyes and started thinking away .
He got us in to this Shit. How many times can you promise to change ..
" Blair ?"
" yeah sorry . I love you too babe." I opened my eyes .
Steven lifted his head up and looked in my direction " at least I have you."
" and I have you." I half smiled .
" you do." He also half smiled before getting up off the ground and pulling me up with him." Let's just go home.."
We interlocked our fingers and walked home in silence.
It was by far the saddest and worst night of my life, it got to us both so bad that we didn't even feel like talking to one another


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