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New Year's Eve part 1: 1990
Blairs POV:
" fucking Christ Erin !"
We've been hearing Axls voice screaming at Erin for the past 5 minutes, coming from upstairs
" what the fuck did she do?" I whispered to Steven.
" shh." He wanted to continue being nosey.
I bit my tongue and carried on listening to their conversation.
" you're fucking pregnant when we're recording stuff this year? You ruin everything!" He screamed at her again and then we heard a loud slap and somebody storming off.
" did he hit her knowing she's pregnant ?" Steven widened his eyes at me.
Just as he said that Erin came running down the stairs pissed off and AXL followed behind her with a red mark on his face.
" oh.." Steven chuckled to himself , I think I was the only one to hear it.
I squeezed his hand to stop him from saying anything stupid and we looked at Axl.
" you're gonna fucking get it you slut!" He walked over to her.
" come on then! Fucking hit me! Like you always do!" She pointed at her face as if to say do it!
He glared at her for a second before going over to the dinner table and picking up a very expensive ornament from her dad and grandad.
Uh oh....
" don't you dare ..." she didn't shout anymore and fear took over her face.
He gave her an evil smirk then threw it at a wall. " how'd you like me now?"
Her eyes started watering, within seconds she made a sharp turn for her coat and before we knew it the door was shut behind her.
Slash walked out of the music room with duff.
" what was that?" Duff looked confused and walked over to Axl .
" that bang and the running." Slash added.
Axl faced them then looked at me and Steven for help. He clearly didn't want them to know ...Steven realised straight away so he sat up a bit to face the guys.
" erm Erin and Axl were messing about running down the stairs and stuff." Steven began.
" then Axl smashed that ornament by accident and Erin got very upset." I added and grinned.
I'm crap at lying alately.
Axl looked us up and down then gave me and Steven a smile." Yeah dude .. I feel bad." He faked sighed .
That bastard -.-
" I'm sure she'll be back soon. "
Slash patted Axls shoulder and duff smiled at him .
" what's the plans for tonight?" Izzy walked in the room out of the toilet with his notebook, not making eye contact with any of us.
We looked at him without saying a word.
He's lost in his own world of music.
"I was thinking maybe .." he began .
" izzy." I wanted to tell him what just happened.
" maybe like I don't know , Stevens off drugs so maybe just drinks ." He continued reading stuff in his notebook.
" izzy...?" He was ignoring me.
" or go out to a party.."
" IZZY!!!" I got mad and screamed at him.
He slowly took his eyes off the notebook and looked at all our morbid faces.
" yea?" He shut the notebook and looked at me.
" Erin's pregnant !" Axl couldn't hold it in anymore. Fuck here we go.
" what!" Duff , slash and Izzy all yelled out at the same time. Yup .
" that's what I said ." Axl sighed.
" come on stop being selfish." I got up and went over to stand with them.
" I mean I'll take care of her while you guys record stuff. We all have eachother." I reassured Axl.
" a baby though..?" Axl pulled a face.."I don't want a baby.." his thoughts wondered off.
"Axl dude." Slash didn't like what he just heard " you love her right so you know ... a baby could be a great idea." He faked a smile , I knew him so well and he didn't mean a word that he just said.
" you think so?" Axl wondered for a minute. Slash didn't answer so I gave Duff the look and he nudged slash.
" ouch." Slash yelled out.
I covered my face with my hands and sighed. Fuck my life. I went back to sit with Steven on the sofa but we both faced all of the group.
" right so you don't think so." Axl pulled a chair out and sat on it.
" I think it's a really bad timing but the baby could really change things for the better." Duff tried to comfort Axl while izzy completely ignored us all and went back to reading his notebook.
I looked at Steven because I saw him looking at izzy , we both smirked at eachother and shook our heads.
Izzy is an idiot but we love him.
" I guess so." Axl got up from the chair" I'll go and find her . Thanks guys." He slowly made his way over to the door and pulled his coat on." Bye guys." He sighed once more and left.
" wow this sucks." Izzy slammed the notebook on the table . I widened my eyes and pulled a face.
" what?" I chuckled a little.
" I was dying to scream but I bit my tongue. He better concentrate on the music. We've had the whole year off! What happens when we go on tour.. she can't come with the baby..." he ran out of breath so he stopped for less than 5 seconds." So like now she's going to be all alone and shit and that sucks." He ran his hand through his hair.
" well.. she has me we will stay here." I told him.
" erm I don't think so." Steven looked at me" you won't be. This isn't any of our problem." He took my hand.
" well you know...she might have to , we can't just leave erin here on her own man." Duff butted in.
" I agree." Izzy was fast as fuck at talking today.
" same." Slash nodded .
" wow I don't believe it." Steven got up and pulled me up with him. " you're all selfish." He started pulling me towards the stairs.
"No we're not! The music ....it's all for the band." Slash argued.
" hah sure ." Steven faked a laugh then stormed off upstairs still pulling me up. He let go off my hand as soon as we got to the door.
" Steven ."
" I'm fucking fuming." He opened the door and threw him self on to the bed.
I shut the door behind us.
" you know I wouldn't want to stay here but it's something I would have to do." I climbed on to the bed and sat on top of him.
" no." He shook his head.
" Steven.." I tickled him.
" stop it." He grabbed my hand.
I slowly leaned down and kissed him.
" I love you." I gave him a cheeky smile.
" i love you too but no Blair." He sighed again And rested his arms under his head.
" fine." I rolled my self off of him and laid down by his side. 
" I don't want you to not go." He put on a sad voice and rolled on to his side to face me.
" and I don't want to stay here but i cannot leave her." I rolled on To my side too to face him.
He staid quiet for a minute and then there was a knock on the door.
" come in." I mumbled out.
" it's me.. I'm back.. I've heard what's been said and look, you go ahead I'll be here on my own when tour time comes around." Erin peeked through the door.
Well they got back fast -.-
" Erin can we talk later?" Frankly I wanted her to leave.
" sure I'm sorry." She shut the door quietly and left.
" anyway Steven.. " I looked back at him.
" yes?" He stroked my hair.
" you went to rehab for 2 days and you claim you're ok.. is that true?" I doubted him and his 'drug free' promises.
" dont doubt me." He pulled his hand away and sat up on the bed.
" urgh. I'm trying not to." I got off the bed and got in it properly covering my self with the covers and facing the other way." I need a nap before tonight." I shut my eyes and before I knew it Steven was laid under the covers with me , he placed his head on my shoulder and spooned me from behind.
" I love you B." He kissed my neck and put his arm around me.
" I love you too." I kissed his hand and we went to sleep.


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