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Christmas Day part 2

Blairs POV:
" shit" I shivered as we left the building. It's around 6pm and most of this day has been good so far.
" it's fucking cold." Slash shivered too, even his big hair wasn't keeping his warm anymore.
" stop complaining bitches." Steven wrapped his hand around my waist and we started walking.
" why didn't we get the limo?" I complained and stuck my hands in the pockets of my coat.
" ooo, you always complain when we get the limo and now you're complaining because we didn't get the limo?" Ok so slash had a point but still.
" women. Besides the point our house is like ten minutes away."Steven smirked at slash.
"Whatever." I rolled my eyes and took my cigarettes out of my pocket.
" I was thinking maybe we could go for something to eat?" Steven asked.
" you guys go ahead. I'll take your shit and go home." He reached his hands out to grab our bags.
" jee slash are you sure man?" Steven wanted to make sure.
" yes, duh.. you let me come with you to do something we've always wanted to do, I want to do something for you and this is the least I can do." He took the bags off us and waved us goodbye.
" thanks slash." I waved back and turned to Steven." Where we going?"
" the closest place is that mini cafê place but they do good Christmas food it's festive as fuck." He wiggled his eyebrows .
" where is it?" I asked.
" turn around.." he spun me around.

" wow, come on

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" wow, come on." I gasped, grabbed his hand and almost ran to get inside, it was colder than cold.

" I gasped, grabbed his hand and almost ran to get inside, it was colder than cold

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" Jesus it's so quiet in here." I gasped again and gazed at this beautiful place. Sudden warmth rushed to my body and I felt relief.
" hang on, didn't we used to come here all the time Steven?" I asked him.
" yeah well done." He raised an eyebrow" this is the shitty old place but all modified ." He took off his coat and walked over to the counter with me following him.
" hello." Some blonde bimbo was ready to serve us. I looked her up and down and dirty looked her , thank god she didn't realise.
Stevens smile turned in to a grin as he stared at her tits which caught her attention .
" sir, my eyes are here." She chuckled.
But I kept my cool and bit my tongue.
" sorry ." He blushed a bit and gave her a smile." Can we order?" He kept on smiling at her which made my stomach turn in disgust.
" of course, go and sit down I'll be with you in a minute." She gave Steven the menu and completely ignored my existence. I pictured KO' ing the fake twat in my head but I'm too little to start Shit, plus the press would jump at mine and Stevens throats within seconds.
He took the menus off her and grinned again then turned around and walked over to a table without saying a word to me. Once again I followed him.
I didn't even take off my jacket so I just sat down and crossed my arms. He hung his on the arm of a chair and sat down.
His eyes were glued to the menu as mine were glued to him.
Fuck his so good looking.
After around a minute of Steven ignoring my existence the bimbo returned. Just imagine Bobbi brown as the cherry pie girl because it's her -.-
" can I take your order.." she came over, now her whole body was revealed because she wasn't behind a counter.
Steven looked at her legs then his eyes slowly made their way up her body and to her face. He smirked at her and began talking in a weird voice.
" I just want.." he bit his lip lost in his thoughts and looked at her tits again.
This is disgusting.
" yes..?" She got the pen and paper ready.
" erm." He shook his head and looked back up at her face" just traditional Christmas dinner and wine. That will do." He shut the menu and looked down at the table. He had this look on his face and I could see right through him. He was thinking about fucking her.
" and you ?" She flipped her hair and looked at me with a bitchy face.
That's it!
" how the fuck should I know? You didn't give me a menu." I still had my arms crossed , I pulled a sarcastic fuck you smile.
" Blair!" Steven looked at me in disgrace." Don't talk like that."
"Haha" I laughed sarcastically " hey look at this" I turned my head to look at the bimbo and pointed my thumb at Steven" a rock star , drug addict, person who's fucked up his life many times is telling me how to behave and how to talk." I shook my head " can you believe that?" I crossed my arms again.
Ok so my sarcasm is a bit stupid at times but I couldn't care less. Steven is acting like a cunt just because drugs are what he needs and they're taking over his life. He became a selfish bastard not long ago.
Steven looked at the bimbo" I'm sorry about that, just get her some wine she doesn't eat anyway." He gave her the menu and she quickly walked away.
Is he being serious ? He has just disrespected me in front of a stranger.
" I don't fucking eat?" I looked at him in disbelief.
" well you don't do you, I wasn't lying." He looked me in the eyes.
"Fuck you." I got up, dead eyed him and stormed out.
" Blair!" He wanted my attention but was I fuck turning around. That cunt has just fucked a girl with his eyes and spoke about me like Shit right infront of me.
When I got outside my breathing was heavy so I ran to the other side of the street , rested my hand on a lamp post , leaned forward and threw up everywhere.
" fuck fuck fuck." I started crying , I hated being sick. He puts me through so much shit it's unbelievable.
" you okay ?" I wiped my mouth and turned around , only to face Steven.
" what do you want?" I glared at him.
" for you to come back in with me." He slowly walked over to me.
" what...? For you to fuck her with your eyes and speak to me like Shit?"
" I'm sorry she's just hot." Steven wasn't even the Steven I knew anymore, drugs took over him and I'm done with this.
" I don't know you anymore" I shook my head and backed away.
" what..?" His voice started to shake a little as he was walking towards me.
" don't come near me Steven , you're not caring like you used to be, you're an asshole." I turned around and started walking away but he followed me.
" Blair stop." He didn't touch me this time so I stopped and looked at him.
I sighed and looked in to his eyes.
" what do you want Steven?"
" I'm sorry . You're right.. I need to go to a rehab or something ."he put his head down and tears fell down his face which made me cry even harder than I already was. I walked over to him and hugged him.
" Steven , "
" shh" he hugged me tight .
At that moment we both knew that our lives had to change and that they will change . We've come so far together but we're not done yet . This isn't how we're going to live, it stops now.
" come on. Let's go home."
He gave me a kiss and we began walking back.

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