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Christmas Day 1988.
Blairs POV :
The next morning I woke up feeling so Fucking guilty.
I let izzy inside me and then i lead Steven on to do the same.
I can't complain because I enjoyed both fucks but that's not the point!
I love Steven not izzy.
I rolled over to my side and woke up next to Steven for once.
He flickered his eyes at me and smiled.
" good morning babe" I gave him a guilty smile." You ok?" He asked.
" erm yeah, come on though we need to take a shower and go downstairs" I tried to make my smile a little more genuine this time.
" right" he smirked " merry Christmas."
" merry Christmas babe." I tried to get out of bed and my knees shook.
"Uh oh" I laughed through the pain.
" what is it ?" He wondered.
" let's just say my legs are shaking and my knees are weak" I laughed again. He knew why straight away and just grinned .

I managed to find my Polaroid camera and we ran down excited as hellFor Christmas presents

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I managed to find my Polaroid camera and we ran down excited as hell
For Christmas presents.
"Good morning guys." I yelled out.
Steven jumped on the sofa in between Axl and Duff.
"Merry Christmas bitches!"I yelled out again before taking a picture .
" ouch, that flash is a bitch" Axl complained. I went over to him and kissed his cheek." We are ok after last night right?" I whispered.
" better than ever " he pinched my nose.
"Cunt" I joked.
" shut up hoe" he flicked my arm.
"That's it rose"
I jumped on him and we tackled eachother, unfortunately Axl won.
" like we didn't see that one coming."Duff rolled his eyes.
" hey shut up" I pulled a face at him and we all laughed.
" ok .. gift time!" Erin entered the room with a big bag full of wrapped up presents.
" yay!" We all cheered.
After 20 minutes of 'omg!' , 'thankyous' and taking turns it was now mine and Stevens turn to exchange gifts.
" alright, alright, Steven ! Your turn." I turned to him.
"Actualy can you give me mine first?" He asked.
Ok so his up to something!
"Ok sure. Here." I passed him the present, he shook it to see if he could guess what it was. We all exchanged the ' for fucks sake open it already' look.
" what the fuck is it?"pure joy spreading on his face.
"Open it!" We all shouted at the same time.
"Ok ok calm down." He opened my present. I got him 4  perfumes, tops, stuff he'd need for his drums and I stashed heroin inside of one of the tops. He realised and didn't reveal it to the others. " thankyou" he smirked and gave me a kiss. " now we both know , there's nothing much I can give you after what I gave you last night." He wiggled his eyebrows and my face turned pale. My thoughts turned to Izzy straight away. I crooked a smile and sent izzy an apologetic look. Erin pulled an 'urgh' face when she realised what Steven meant.
"But, Blair .." he pulled something out of his pocket and got on his knees.
Oh no.
I didn't know it was possible to turn even paler than I already was, but I did.
Erin gasped, izzy adjusted himself in his seat, Duff clapped and slash and Axl high fived eachother.
" baby ,will you marry me?" He gave me one of his rare smiles that I really loved. A lump formed in my throat and I began to feel nauseous.
How do I say no to him. It would be unfair if I agreed without him knowing about me and Izzy.
I looked from Erin to izzy to Steven and so on.
" go on B!" Axl jumped up from his seat.
" say yes!" Erin shouted out and pulled Axl to sit back down.
My eyes started welling up and I put my hand over my mouth.
" I ..." I couldn't say yes. I didn't know how to say no either.
Stevens face changed from a happy one to a concerned one.
" what is it?" He whispered .
" Blair what the fuck?" Slash's mood
Clearly changed to an aggravated one.
" Blair just say fucking yes." Erin was Fucking annoyed with me now.
" hey! Have you even spoke about it before ? Gave her a chance to think?" Izzy butted in, got off the sofa and walked over to me and Steven.
" no.." Steven got up from his knees and put the box with the ring in it back in his pocket. " but I thought she loved me." He sighed.
" I do babe. I just..." I started crying .
"Just fucking tell us!" Duff mumbled.
" yeah what is it B?" Erin was now more concerned than annoyed.
" come on." Izzy grabbed my arm and shook his head at everybody .
He lead me to the kitchen and sat me down on a chair .
" izzy I'm sorry for ruining Christmas." I cried out.
"Shh, it's my fault too" he whispered while rubbing my arm.
Everyone followed us.
" you two are hiding something and i want to know what the fuck it is" Steven pointed to izzy" you've been acting strange since last night!"
I began crying even harder.
" just tell them Blair" izzy half whispered and looked down.
I tried to calm my self down by breathing in and out  to calm my breathing.
" okay."  I looked down on the floor and let out a big sigh.
" Blair don't say anything you don't want to say" Erin walked over to me and tried to comfort me but I pushed her hand away.
" me and izzy..." I began .
" you and izzy what?!" Steven walked over to me this time and looked me in the eyes . I couldn't look away.
I tried to get the words out but struggled.
" we fucking fucked alright?!" Izzy spat out.
Steven started backing away.
" babe" I went to get him but he pushed me away.
" slut!" He fucking said it in such a cold hearted manner that my own heart sunk.
He ran over to izzy and started choking him, izzy threw a few punches and Steven did the same.
" stop it!" Axl seperated them.
" what is it with you all?! Are you all going to fuck every girl I'm with!" His eyes watered and his voice started shaking. " I hate you all!"
He kicked over a chair and left the house slamming the door.
"I'm sorry guys" I couldn't stop crying.
Axl walked over to me and hugged me really tight " I'm not mad b" .
I looked at them all and they nodded.
I was some what relieved but hurt beyond repair.
Stevens POV :
What the fuck!
I decided to get out of the house, my Christmas was Fucking ruined Anyway.
Was my first thought.
I dug in my pockets and went to a local pub , I trembled like fuck , I was disappointed because I want to spend every fucking minute of the day with her and she just goes and fucks one of my friends. I'm done.
I finally got to the pub full of addicts and looked around.
" Steven!" I heard some random chick shout my name and looked her up and down.
Hot enough.
" that's me" I wiggled my eyebrows.
She walked over to me and smirked.
" can I have your autograph?" Before I could answer she stuck a pen and paper in my face.
" sure" I took the pen off her and wrote my name on the piece of paper"here" I gave them back to her.
She threw the pen on the floor and stuffed the paper in her bra.
"Hey." She got closer and grabbed me by my shirt " wanna do something fun?" She whispered in my ear, causing shivers down my spine.
I smirked at her and she lead me to a private room.
" so " she fell back on the sofa and spread her legs."come here."
I went over to her and bent down on the floor.
" no up here" she demanded.
I got up and leaned in closer to her .
"You got anything?"
She caught me off guard. Here I was thinking she wanted a fuck but she was after drugs.
" erm, yeah" I dug through my pockets and pulled out heroin.
" great." Her face lit up and she shut her legs." Sit next to me" . I did as she pleased and she started digging in the cracks of the chair.
She pulled out a syringe and the rubber shit you put around you arm and passed them to me.
" thanks." I took them off her and within seconds I was ready to shoot up.
She did the same and we leaned our heads back on the sofa, ready to dream happy dreams.
I came around about 3 hours later and she was gone.
I mumbled under my breath and searched my pockets.
She took my fucking money and my heroin.
"Bitch!" I screamed .
I got up and left the place more than angry. I wasn't ready to go home but I wasn't staying on the streets with no money either.
I slowly walked home thinking about Blair and how I nearly cheated on her my self. I wasn't any better than she was.

When I finally got home, I realised that no body was in but her.
Blair was sat on the sofa wrapped up in a blanket , her eyes were red from crying and she looked tired.
I hung my coat up and took my shoes off then made my way over to the sofa.
She did not dare to look in my direction so she continued starting at the big tv screen, I did the same for a couple of minutes before turning my head to look at her.
" I love you" I told her in a tired voice ,
It was obvious I've been on heroin and before I knew it she was back in my arms hugging me tighter than ever.
" I'm so sorry." She whispered but I could hardly hear it.
" me too" I kissed the top of her head and hugged her back.


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